Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

How our earth can be made neat, clean & beautiful. How we can join hands in this regards?.?

I invite the people throughout the world to make themselves more cooperative and helpful in making there environment neat & clean by doing more focus on solid waste management, waste recycling plant cnstruction, plantation of trees on large scale on emergency basis, building a habit of cultivation of flowers, vegetables and orchids in each & every house. involve our kids to help us too.

The Expert answers:

I have also enjoyed the benefits of freecycle! I do what I can to recycle and reuse many products. I have a garden in my backyard and I use seeds that I have saved from previous years, I also roll up my newspapers to use as logs in my fireplace in the winter months. My outdoor water is considered irrigation water, not fit to drink but without all the chemicals used for potable water. I learned all of this from my parents who grew up in a time where nothing was wasted! My now grown up son is asking me for advice on gardening and planting! He is also very earth friendly!

I will be glad to join hands with you to save our mother!

Carol asks…

Where can I recycle unused DVD and CD cases?

Over the years, I have collected a large amount of CD/DVD cases and want to get rid of them in a way that is friendly to the environment. Can I just recycle them through my county’s waste management recycling program or do I have to sent them to a specific location/company?

The Expert answers:

Please visity – it’s a wonderful organization to keep still usable items out of landfills and find new homes for them – as they say: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure 🙂
You can find a yahoo group in your area and join – it’s all local.

Thanx – hope this helps you a lot…

Richard asks…

Ways to improve ‘waste management’?


I have to write about ways in which we can improve waste management, (in Britain, but any ideas are welcome) for example, recycling, reducing and reusing.

I can’t really think of any sensible ideas and just wondered if anyone could help.
Thanks 🙂

The Expert answers:

Composting at home OR by town (you get a separate bin for composting and the bin man takes it away to a municipal compost tip)
where my sister lives they have a box for papers, one for tins and bottles and one for compostables. They pick that one up every week and every two weeks for the other two. The compostables go to a large scale compost tip and they are allowed to put a lot more into the compost bin than you would if you were composting at home.

Good luck on your paper

Betty asks…

Is there a group for teens who want to change the enviroment?

I live in North Idaho, and i’ve been trying to find ways to improve recycling, and waste management in my high school. I hope to be able to do some community clean up, We live in a 2000 person town so it wouldn’t be too hard. If I could find a group that could support me and my friends that would be great. If there is no group we should start one. If you have any info or opinions on this topic by all means answer.

The Expert answers:

CABY (Community Action By Youth) International; From Apathy to Empathy

Pay a visit!


Jenny asks…

in irvine ca, am i able to get a recycle bin for free from the waste management? i live in appt……………?

and if i need to pay for the bin, how much would it be?

The Expert answers:

Hi Daniel,

The City of Irvine has information on multi-unit recycling on this site:

It also provides maps of recycling bin locations for various complexes in Irvine here:

– Lisa
Library school student

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James asks…

your opinion on waste management ?

what do you think about Canada’s
(or another place you live -please tell)
waste management? what laws have been enforced, do you think the government could be doing more ? what do you think about recycling, land fills and illegal dumping ?

anything at all would be much appreciated.
thanks 🙂

The Expert answers:

Well first of all garbage collecting in the United States is a necessary public service. Secondly The land fills are built so well to keep garbage in that they can preserve organic material for decades. They have become a way to produce power from methane collection, and Waste Management Inc. Also does the recycling program. So from what i see everyone is doing a great job.

Mary asks…

is americas waste management system working?

recycling fad is slowly passing. is enough being done to preserve our land and forests and oceans? im sooooo worried

The Expert answers:

No, it’s not.
Only the 25% of water bottles are getting recycled,
and there are indescribable amounts of trashes being
dumped every year.
These last century has been a development of manufacturing, skills, and industrial revolution.
There may be some enviroment lovers preffuring organic foods only, and people so amazing like Al Gore, but with so much people on this nation; it’s not enough at all.
If we continue producing carbon footprints so much like this, in less than 100years some countries on the pacific oceans may SUBMERGE.(example : Island Tubaloo)
We may suffer from skin cancers and things such like so by the development of the Glober Warming, and with so much people and so much land, America would take a big part as the causer and the sufferer.
But although America would contribute a bigger part in the development of the Glober Warming, it would not be the first to suffer;;
don’t you think this is unfair?
It’s time we’ve got to notice the critical stage of this and got to stop the Global Warming by recycling, reducing trashes, using bicycles, etc.
Watch “An Inconvinient Truth” for more!!! 🙂

Susan asks…

My neighborhood civic club just voted to have a private waste management company pick up trash twice a week?

This company is more expensive than the city’s waste management service which would have only picked up trash 1x per week. Now the private company is increasing the cost of the recycling pick-up, so the civic association is voting on whether to drop the recycling program. I want to weigh in on this issue at the next meeting. Any ideas on what I can say to keep the recycling program going even though it will be more expensive?
Golden Sindy: They wanted trash pick up twice a week instead of what the city offered – once a week. If everyone recycled in the first place, they wouldn’t even need 2 times/week. It’s crazy.
Hello my Virgo friend, Kelly.
Hey Isabelle: I see this is not a happy subject for you – eh? Wow, once every two weeks there. Well, people here just whine, if you ask me.

The Expert answers:

I would talk to some of your neighbors before the meeting. See what interest there is in recycling. Also use it as a chance to eduate them a little bit.

One option might even be to do a petition for most of the neighborhood. Not every homeowner will attend this meeting, but if you can get maybe 60%+ of the homeowners to sign and say they want recycling, how could the HOA Board of Directors say no?

If they turn down the recycle option, can you find some other company (perhaps a nonprofit?) who can send a truck to a central pick up point in the neighborhood to remove all the recyclables? Call around and see what other trash haulers are doing, too.

Linda asks…

What have humans done in terms of waste management? ?

Be specific, please 🙂

I was thinking like recycling, biodegradable products ect..

The Expert answers:

They are making biodegradable plastics from corn.

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