Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

how is a bathtub recycled??

You put out your cans in the garbage and they get sent to the dump and sorted out of other garbage, but what if you want to get rid of your bathtub? where do you take it and if the garbage trucks take it, where do they take it? what happens to it?
You put out your cans in the garbage and they get sent to the dump and sorted out of other garbage, but what if you want to get rid of your bathtub? where do you take it and if the garbage trucks take it, where do they take it? what happens to it? If you could answer it orr knoww a sourcee, it would help me alooott because I need it for an assignment for tomarow, thannxx alott.

The Expert answers:

The last bath tub I got rid of was an old cast iron tub. It got taken and sold to a scrap yard for the metal to be recycled.

Laura asks…

a question about prison.?

i started thinking about something the other night when i was watching spngebob. it was a new episode. spongebob got on the wrong ship, it was a ship that transports prisoners. and when the got there the dude in charge said: it is my duty to deal with the trash that society has thrown away.” and spngebob said “i always prefer to recycle.” and that got me thinking. are prisons meant to change people for the better whn they get out like when you recycle or is it supposed to be like a place that garbage trucks bring all the trash, land fills is what i think they are called. so is prison meant for recycling the criminals or throwing them away for good? if you know what i mean.

The Expert answers:

There are different theories of punishment:
Retribution: Punish people to satisfy the natural desire of victims for revenge.
Deterrence: So offenders (and potential offenders) will behave out of fear of punishment and the risk of punishment.
Security: Take dangerous people out of the environment to protect everyone.
Rehabilitation: To restrain offenders in order to compel them to submit to whatever form of education or therapy is likely to turn them from their ant-social ways.

The trouble is that in the US there is no one consistent theory — so the “purposes” of imprisonment are all jumbled together & conflict with each other & different people will answer your question differently.

Mandy asks…

I need help for my presentation 2morrow?

I’m a freshman in highschool :; heres what I have to do ::
Your city wishes to develop an effective recycling program similar to the one we have here in Seattle, and would like you to prepare a proposal for getting it done. I have been asked to explain to you what that proposal should include.

1) Landfill costs. Assume that the present cost for delivery of one truckload of garbage to your local landfill is $100.00.
About 80 trashcans can fill up one Waste Management garbage truck based on the approximate dimensions of garbage trucks you have seen and the dimensions of a typical household garbage can. This will give you an estimate of the cost to the city of delivery of one garbage can full of trash. In our experience, each person living in a city produces about ¼ of a garbage can’s worth of garbage each week. With this information and the current population of the city of Detroit, you should he able to estimate what your city’s current landfill costs are.

2)Amount of recyclable garbage generated by typical home. Log the number of non-recyclable garbage bags that are taken out each day. Then at the end of the week, place all recyclable products in the same size garbage bags. Count and record the total number of bags filled with recyclable products. If one third of the garbage is recyclable, then that means only two thirds will go to the landfill. From that, you can calculate the amount of money saved in landfill costs.

3) Value of recyclable materials.
Metal/aluminum cans have an average value of $.75 per pound. Glass or plastic has an average value of $.10 per pound. Paper has an average value of $20.00 per pound. Note: If the recyclable material is not separated in the home, it will cost the city approximately $.03 a pound to have it separated.

4) Based on this information, please calculate how much money would be saved by the city if glass, plastic, metal and paper were recycled instead of sent to a landfill, and whether or not the city should require that such materials be separated in the home prior to being picked up.

5) You will need the support of the people in your household for this program to work, for they must at least be willing to separate out recyclable material from non-recyclable material. You will need to survey all of the people living in household to determine their attitudes toward recycling, and determine what they would be willing to do and what incentives or fines the city could use to encourage compliance with its new recycling program.

The Expert answers:

Im sorry cant help, do the math, good luck~!

Sandy asks…

i have a question about prison.?

i started thinking about something the other night when i was watching spngebob. it was a new episode. spongebob got on the wrong ship, it was a ship that transports prisoners. and when the got there the dude in charge said: it is my duty to deal with the trash that society has thrown away.” and spngebob said “i always prefer to recycle.” and that got me thinking. are prisons meant to change people for the better whn they get out like when you recycle or is it supposed to be like a place that garbage trucks bring all the trash, land fills is what i think they are called. so is prison meant for recycling the criminals or throwing them away for good? if you know what i mean.

The Expert answers:

I’ve thought about this as well. Prisons are suppose to reform people but unfortunately it has become more about punishment and just having a place to keep people who are not fit to live amongst other people.

Helen asks…

A stranger is putting trash bags on my curb?

I live in a house by a street instead of a neighborhood. Surrounding my house are several apartment complexes. Around trash day someone is putting his recycling bags next to our trash cans on the curb. Sometimes he puts the bags there a day late and they aren’t picked up or sometimes the garbage trucks just don’t pick them up. This problem has now escalated to me receiving a city ordinance stating that if it continues I will no longer have my trash picked up. Since I do not know the person or know where he lives it is a difficult situation.
He also doesn’t put his trash there every week, sometimes every other week or every 4 weeks. I can’t go door to door because of the amount of apartments, and the bags are usually there before I come home.

The Expert answers:

Man, that really sucks, especially since you’ve gotten notices from the city. I run a webcam at my house during the day for security reasons (and just so I can watch the dogs play in the yard, etc.). Perhaps you could try that. I use to host my cam. It’s accessible online so I can watch it while at work or at a friend’s house, etc. You have to sign up to use the service, but it’s free. It also records and saves the recording to your account online, but it only records two hours (I think) and then it reverts to just broadcast mode. If you leave the house in the morning that probably won’t work, but you might give it a try.

Heck, set a webcam up in your window and put a sign on the curb saying that you’ve received notices from the city that their dumping is against ordinance, so you’re recording them right now to find out who they are.

Good luck with it, man… That’s REALLY annoying. Hey…. Have you gone through their garbage to see if their name/address is on anything in it?

Robert asks…

Picking up litter – neighbours think I’m barmy?

After the council recycling lorry has passed by every Thursday they always leave loads of litter and garbage in the street.

I can’t leave for work until the street is reasonable tidy, I’m a tidy person, so I wander around picking up the plastic bags and cartons the recycling truck leaves behind.

My neighbours think this is funny.

Personally I think the council should be doing this, as we are forced to recycle or we get fined, but they don’t. So I take responsibility for my street.

Am I odd?

The Expert answers:

No your not odd, you are a responsible citizen (we don’t see many people like you). You need to do what I done a few weeks ago and take pictures of the rubbish they leave behind and tape them to your trash can with a note and also take copies of the pics to your city council. Part of my incident was the trash people was crushing trash in front of my house leaving crushed glass on the streets and the trash cans in the streets. My neighbors laughed at me for sweeping up the street, well I don’t won’t punctured tires.

Jenny asks…

What is 340 cubic yards?

If you had 340 cubic yards of trash how much would that look like in layman’s terms…. like could it be equal to 3 garbage truck loads? I’m writing a story on recycling and they told me that they collected 340 cubic yard, but I have no reference to how much that really is so i’m having trouble describing it.. thanks

The Expert answers:

OK, let’s picture this.
To make things a bit easier, convert the cubic yard to cubic feet.
1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet (3 x 3 x 3), 1 yard = 3 feet.

Now one room in your house is about say 15 feet long, 20 feet wide and say 15 feet in height so that is 15 x 15 x 20 = 4500 cubic feet.

But 340 cubic yard = 340 x 27 = 9180 cubic feet.

This means the trash is enough to fill slightly over 2 rooms in your house.

Don’t mean to describe your home, but picturing the volume as room size may make it clearer.

Betty asks…

Help me with my garbage in Taipei!?

Hello, I have just moved to Taiwan from the USA, and I’m totally frustrated with the garbage issue. I live just north of Zhongxiao FuXing, and apparently a truck comes at 7pm certain days of the week to get my trash. I was able to buy bags at the 7-11, but they are wicked small. I bought a pizza with some friends last night and I couldn’t throw it anywhere so now I have a bucket of ants in my apartment. And recycling, what exactly do they let me recycle? I can’t find that anywhere on the site. Please help!

The Expert answers:

7-11 only sells the small bags. Go to a proper supermarket to get larger sizes. Pizza boxes are made of cardboard – that is recyclable and thus doesn´t need to be put in the bag.

Recycle – anything with the recycle symbol – looks like a square made of arrows – look on any plactic or can to see what it looks like. If the packaging has this mark then recycle and save on garbage bags.
PLUS: recycle any paper, cardboard, glass, metal, computer parts.

Richard asks…

How do you feel about garbage pickers?

Our last week in a marginal part of Long Island, NY, garbage pickers had descended upon our property to sort through 10 years of our stuff. Hey, I have nothing against recycling in that way — we got the wicker porch furniture I’m sitting on now like that a few years ago — but these people are a greedy bunch. One lady wouldn’t take the Atari 2600 I had out there unless I could find the joystick for it. Another one was peeking in our moving truck, asking if he could have some of the stuff we’d loaded. As I was walking out to the truck with our huge tub of loose change, a lady asked me if I were going to throw that out. “Yeah,” I told her. “I love throwing out money.”

The Expert answers:

Every year my town does a spring cleanup where you toss whatever you want gone on the roadside and it gets hauled away. The folks around here are fairly friendly with garbage pickers/scavengers. If they toss out stuff that can be re-used they put it neatly or label appliances or whatever whether it works or not. Seriously you can’t get anywhere around here during springtime because folks are always driving slow passed the piles of junk to see what’s there lol!

Anyways, I have nothing against these folks.. Its that much less that ends up in the landfill. The folks you dealt with though.. Very aggressive.. I would have been irritated… That’s not saying much though.. I’m always irritated lately. Anyways it sounds like you handled them gracefully. It does make you wonder what people are thinking sometimes though.

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