Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

How can I review which items were ‘restored’ from my recycle bin?

I had about 300 items in my recycle bin and I accidentally clicked on ‘restore all items’.
Now I’ve got loads of old and duplicate files all over my PC.
Is there any way to review which files were restored so i can delete them again?
Any help would be much appreciated.
I use Windows Vista Premium.

The Expert answers:

No. Once they have been restored they will return to their original folders. There is no way to see a restored files list. So you will have to track them down one by one and delete them. This would be a good feature for future versions of Windows though. I have also done this before and it is really annoying.

Ruth asks…

How do I get my recycle bin back?

I just got this laptop saturday, and today I’ve been trying to do my whole itunes thing. Randomly I was at the desktop, and I noticed that my recycle bin shortcut picture wasn’t there. SO how do I get that back?

The Expert answers:

Right click on the desktop, click on desktop, customize and tick off the box for the recycle bin.

Charles asks…

my kids accidentally deleted the recycle bin on the start up page how can i restore it?

i cannot find it when i restore the computer to an earlier time. i have tried several of ways when i asked this same question severals weeks ago and i tried all methods and nothing worked.. so i am asking this question again. do i really need the recycle bin i mean i use frequently because kids delete stuff when not suppose to.

The Expert answers:

If you have Windows vista i suggest this page.

Sharon asks…

how can i view a recycle bin in my digital cameras memory stick?

i deleted my pics by accident and some on told me i can try to view the “recycle bin” of my memory stick. help?

The Expert answers:

Go to yahoo search
type photo rescue

Carol asks…

How do you permanently delete things from the recycle bin?

And even if you permanently delete it, is it completely gone? I asking this because had some pictures to delete but they were on my parents computer,because I don’t have my own. I put them in the recycle bin, then right clicked on them, and chose “delete”, after I did that a message came up saying “are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?” and I clicked “yes”. Even though I can’t see the pictures anymore in the recycle bin, are they completely gone or can they somehow still be found on the computer?

The Expert answers:

Files deleted in the recycle bin is easily recoverable, try using http://recuva.com and they’ll come flooding back, even files from 2yrs ago!

Your best bet is to download an application called Ultra Shredder or CCleaner. When you delete the files, make sure you change their file extension, maybe even edit the picture to a blank picture, then run it through a secure deleting method like the two programs I listed above offers. To use CCleaner’s secure methods, you’ll need to go to the options section and enable it then go to “include files to delete” and drag those pictures in there, then press clean.

George asks…

How do I get my recycle bin icon back on the desk top?

I have Windows Vista and my recycle bin have dissappeared. Is there an easy way of getting it back onto my desk top. First one that replies will get the 10 points.
Thank you to all who replied
Hey Simon, I did what you told me to do and now I have nothing on my desk top at all. What can I do to get everything back?

The Expert answers:

Right-click on Deskop, select View then “Show Desktop Icons”

Helen asks…

How do I empty my recycle bin?

On my computer. I know you can just right click and go to empty, but my recycle bin is mysteriously no longer on my desktop. I know its still on my computer because I can still right click items and delete them and they will successfully be sent to my recycle bin; however, I can’t find my recycle bin to empty it. Where can I find it on my computer besides the desktop?

The Expert answers:

Ok you right clicl on desktop then to properties then go to desktop and customise desktop and click ur bin and that will put it back on ur desktop

David asks…

How can I retrieve files I have deleted in recycle bin?

I wanted to ask how I can retrieve the files I accidently erase in the recycle bin. I’m currently running window xp.
Ok thank you guys. I was worried because this isn’t my computer. Its my brother gf. I can’t restore it because I went into the bin and erase them accidently. I will try the system restore and the other programs you guys recommended.

The Expert answers:

The same happens with me all the time.
Always delete something by accident.
Then the search for the net found that optimal blog that helped me solve my problem.
look for more information on the blog.
I hope I have helped !!!!!

Linda asks…

Why did my computer dump undeleted files into the recycle bin?

I noticed that my computer dumped a bunch of files that I didn’t delete from numerous directories into my recycle bin. This is alarming as I’m a graphical artist and found some of my recent work in there along with many other important files. I wonder if it could be a virus. I have Norton’s but it hasn’t found any viruses.
I have Windows XP.

The Expert answers:

It can be something besides a virus also. Malware (malicious software) can also do things like that. What about a firewall. Is it enabled. Hackers can get into your system. You should have a firewall program and use a user account on your system that doesn’t have administration rights. If you’re logged in as administrator and someone gets past the firewall they can do anything they want to your system.

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