Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Textile recycling for cash?

Right, so i have about 20 binbags of clothes, curtains, shoes etc. and I want to get rid of them for money. I’m fundraising for a Girlguiding trip that I’m going on.
Does anyone know a place where I can get that (for as much money as possible) in the UK? Preferably they would collect it from my house, some places DO do this, i have seen a few. However i could drop it off in somewhere in the Midlands, Derbyshire area.

The Expert answers:

Really do not know of any textile recycling places. Maybe you can try to Google them in your locality, or try the Yellow Pages.

Chris asks…

where to recycle old camcorder for cash?

I have a old panasonic camcorder , I want to recycle for cash .Do anyone know where i can recycle my camcorder in UK

The Expert answers:


They have lots of stores in the UK. See if there’s one near you. You might be able to see online the cash they will give you for your camcorder.

John asks…

List of Items I can recycle for cash?

What I really want is a link to a site that tells me all objects in california that can be recycled for money and how much money each is worth. I’ve already recycled scrap metal, and know of pallet recycling, and bottle recycling.

The Expert answers:

if this dosnt work highlight the link right click click copy then click on the address bar then right click while youve clicked on it and click paste

Lizzie asks…

Where can i take aluminum soda cans to be recycled but get cash for it?

i have many soda cans that can be recycled so im looking for a place where i can take then to get cash for them to make some more money..

The Expert answers:

Look in your yellow pages of your local phone book. Hopefully they have a place near you

Donald asks…

Whare in Stuart, Florida can I get cash back for recycling soda cans?

The Expert answers:

A lightbulb doesn’t consume any electricity when it’s off.
Electric power comes (mostly) from coal-burning power stations.
One less lightbulb for a power station to keep lit means less coal that it needs to burn.
Less coal burnt = Less Greenhouse Gases released into the atmosphere.

Nancy asks…

Torontonians,where are the recycling centres that pay cash for pop and soda cans and/ plastic bottles located?

The Expert answers:

Tomorrow morning just call your local government . After they have had their cup of coffee , someone should be able to tell you where. In my area , it is at the local landfill (fancy name for dump). Good Luck !

Ken asks…

Does anyone Save pop/ beer cans anymore to recycle to get cash for?

its been way over 9 years since i took cans back for cash
are they around yet?
do you take yours there?
how much a pound do you get now days?
any info will be helpfull
thanks for answering..

The Expert answers:

Where I live, we have curb side recycling. I put all my recycles into a big blue can. It never fails however, just before they truck comes by, there is a homeless man with a couple of kids that comes by on his bike and loads all the cans and bottles into his little cart.

I have no idea how much he gets per can or bottle, but I’m betting he needs what ever it is more than I do. I even wave to him when I see him come by.

I don’t have a lot, but there is always someone that needs more than I do. Maybe my little way of helping someone.

Just my thoughts

Betty asks…

We all try to recycle, right? We cash in our cans, right?

But when we recycle plastic ( you see the little triangle on the bottles , and paper. Take them to them to the recycling center. Who gets the cash?? Yeah, we don’t have to pay for the trash to be picked up, yet why do we have to pay for the high fuel dollar to take them down there. Don’t you think, we should get paid for the plastic and paper as well as we do cans?
I guess, if somebody is getting benefits from what I give them, with the high cost of gas, the government should step in and help anyway they can.

The Expert answers:

I just send them to recycle center.

Sandy asks…

How lucrative is recycling aluminum cans for cash? What’s the return for $1000 cans? Ballpark?

The Expert answers:

Typically there are 24, 12 oz. Cans in a pound. If aluminum is going for 35 cents a pound then $1000.00 divided by .35 = 2857.14 pounds of aluminum is needed to earn $1000.00 so 68,572 cans are needed.

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