Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

what happens useful materials in garbage?

lets say i throw my recycling into my garbage then i put it in a bag and throw it in the garbage container. now when the truck comes and picks it up will the city waste collect it in their industry? if so.. do we really need to recycle? it is said that more than 85% of the recycling is not collected… if so then all these recycling goes to the waste plants and will some one pick them out? if so again the question about recycling does not count. so my Q are: what happens to the useful materials we “did not” recycle and were put in the garbage? and do we really need to recycle? and why?

thanks you =)

The Expert answers:

Anything thrown out in your garbage is disposed of en masse; no one goes through it to pick out useful materials. Depending on where you live, your garbage may go to a trash-to-energy plant, or it may simply be dumped into a landfill.
Depending on the type of trash-to-energy plant, some simply “mass burn”; there is no separation of materials, it all goes into the hopper. The remainder at the end of the process is dumped into the landfill, but takes up a lot less space than unburned garbage.
Others create “refuse derived fuel” from the trash, using a mechanical process to separate out certain materials, which are then sent to recyclers; the remainder is shredded and burned, and has a higher combustion rate than non-screened trash. The residue at the end of this process is also dumped into a landfill, but there’s a lot less of it than there is with the mass burn method.

Betty asks…

How do I recycle??

I heard the WM (waste managment) the garbage company with the green trucks recycles all the stuff that you throw away so you dont have to seperate??? So do I just keep throwin stuff away or do I start seperating myself and taking them to a drop off point??
Also I need tips on getting my family to remember to recycle….should I write recycle on all the stuff so they remember when they are done?? Should I make bins for them to put everything in???

The Expert answers:

Recycle really important nowadays. We have to save our world! About the recycle, I do have some info about that. Usually, we have to separate the aluminium tin, plastic bag, paper and others. So that , it’s easier for them to do the recycle work. In my flat, they have prepare the recycle space for us to throw the things. However, not many people go to do that. So, recycle campaign in Malaysia still not widely carry out by us. The other way, you can search the relevant website online such as http://recyclefree.com/ to find the answer you want.

John asks…

How is the water Bill Calculated?

how is the water bill calculated, moved out on our own(from inlaws) first time and just got the first water water bill, wanna how how its calculated, there’s the Water
Drainage on the bill
Live in Texas, the garbage truck comes 3 times a week,twice for Trash and once for recycling,

The Expert answers:

It should explain on the bill how it was calculated.
Where we live, the water meter measures water in HCF which is hundred cubit feet. Each HCF equals 748.05 gallons.

Water allotments are tiered, the more you use the more it costs. The first tier is 41 HCF at $3.0139. If you use more than 41 HCF you pay $5.76407 per HCF. This 2nd tier tops out somewhere, I don’t know where as we’ve never hit it, but that would cost about $9 or more per HCF.

The sewer charge is calculated as a percentage of billing days and charge $3.27 per HCF of water used.

David asks…

When we thow stuff away the garbage man comes and….?

takes it to the garbage plant and someone sorts through all the garbage and takes out the recycleables???

So why do we use separate bins to sort cans and bottles and stuff if someone goes through the garbage and picks it all out anyways?

Wouldn’t it save the city money not to send another truck out to pick up recycling?

Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to not send out a super pollutin stink truck to pick up the recycling since someone already sorts it at the garbage plant?

(didn’t read the story just looking at the pics and reading the captions:

The Expert answers:


They ask you to sort it, then throw it all in the same pile….

Sounds like the Gov.

They do it to provide jobs to autistic and other mentally handicapped people.

Sharon asks…

if you “sell” back your plastic bottles to the CA CRV, do you still have to remove the caps?

because i was reading that in states without CRV, if you recycle your bottles, meaning they get picked up by a different garbage truck and go to a landfill, you should uncap the bottles. but what if you sell your bottles back for a nickel each? do they still end up in some sort of landfill, and so you have to take the cap off anyway?

The Expert answers:

The recycling facility has the capability to remove the caps. Not everyone remembers or has time to remove the caps.

If a bottle with a cap on it is recycled, more effort will be required to crush it and break it down. In addition, the cap is often made from a plastic resin that is different from the resin of the bottle. Thus, the cap becomes a source of contamination for the plastic resin that is being recycled. The best thing to do with the cap is to remove it and throw it out with the garbage.

Bottle caps often become trash and are mistaken for food by birds and marine creatures, sometimes with tragic results.”

Find other locations where you can recycle plastic bottle caps with Earth 911’s recycling locator.

Steven asks…

Does anybody know about the garbage pickup service?

I just want to ask that there are free municipality trucks that pick-up garbage for free, then why do some people pay for it? And if you put a recyclable thing in the regular garbage, what happens then?

The garbage is inside a black bag so how would they know what’s inside? But my friends scared me that they give you a ticket. I still think that they really can’t point out what is inside the bag, obviously, and that’s why they say on recyclable products to PLEASE RECYCLE, so out of consideration we put them separately.

Am I Right?

The Expert answers:

The chances of getting caught are slim. Just take your junk to a large dumpster and get rid of it.
I think you should be looking at your trash can every day and finding better uses for your trash. I quit paying for garbage service years ago. I take a little bag to the gas station once a week with all of our trash. Look at your trash as a resource not something you have to get rid of.

Charles asks…

Do you think…?

Do you think recycling should be a requirement/mandatory?
We could just have the garbage trucks drop off our trash at a recycling center rather than a land fill.
Look at all the benefits!

It’s kind of ridiculous more people don’t do it…
yeah, I KNOW the benefits of recycling– I don’t need to view your link.
Sorry… =(

The Expert answers:

Yeah, I KNOW the benefits of recycling- I don’t need to view your link.

We have three garbage bins provided by the city- one for garbage, one for recyclables, and one for small trees and shrubs. I don’t believe that the garbage trucks jsut take them all to a land fill.

William asks…

do recycled objects really get recycled?

when i seperate my garbage from clean recycled items like cans, paper, plastics does the garbage man throw it all in one truck with the garbage garbage or does it stay seperate and sorted out at a company?

The Expert answers:

Some companies are better than others. There have been a few investigations into it and it is clear that a lot of stuff gets dumped in Asia. Most trucks will have a separate place to put that stuff, and it will get sorted at a recycling place if the company are doing things the right way. If they are not then I am afraid it just ends up in the ground – in some country or other! You cannot really know either way, but don’t stop cos it doesn’t take that much effort really, and there is a high chance that it will get recycled.

Ruth asks…

Question about Recycling?

I just recently noticed that the garbage men, when they come to pick up our recyclables, are putting them in the same truck and mixing them up. Now we’ve been separating them before, paper and cardboard into the green can and glass and bottles into the yellow can. But now they’re mixing the paper and bottles together.
Do they re-seperate the paper and glass again at the recycling center after having mixed it up in the truck? Or do they keep them together? What prompted this change?

The Expert answers:

They pour them all into the same truck, because the bring the recyclable material to the same plant where they then re-separate it to be used again.

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