Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asks…

Does anyone have a very clear explanation on how to remove recycler/recycled virus?

I can’t remove it with those instructions on the internet? Please help me

The Expert answers:

Try running your anti virus in safe mode.
First you should search for th virus( run “search” and type the name of the virus)

then after deleting the viruses, run regedit and find “recyler.exe”

then modify the searched string and delete the value data, afterwards remove the string by deleting it. Find some strings again and do the process until nothing is found.

James asks…

Can microsoft security essentials or kaspersky remove recycler virus from a pen drive forever?

The Expert answers:


Richard asks…

Why is my computer asking me to download RECYCLER.BIN when I’m downloading HP printer drivers?

Should I?

I downloaded it from soft32.net
I googled it and it’s a virus that deletes stuff from your computer.

The Expert answers:

Im thinking that recycle bin may come with the software you are downloading.

Chris asks…

My lawnmower (1 year old Toro Recycler gas mower) won’t start….has never had this problem before?

We had left gas and oil in it over the winter…..have now drained and replaced gas and oil. Added fuel system cleaner also. We someone sprays starter fluid on it it runs while it is being sprayed, but stops pretty soon afterwards (so I don’t think its the spark plug). Somebody suggested to me that it is a fuel line problem and the engine is just not getting the gas. If that is so how can I fix it? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

If it runs on starting fluid the plug and everything is OK except it not getting fuel. Check to see if the fuel has a shutoff valve on it and it is on.(sometimes we forget) ……..The next thing that has probably happened is that a piece of dirt or bad fuel has clogged the main jet in the carb…The only way to check is to remove the carb bowl and pull the float and needle valve out and the check the main jet. Sum of the jets will unscrew not all you will have to look. Or you can just take a small piece of wire and clean. Put it back together and try it. This a common problem. I have had this problem before its not hard to fix. Hope this helps…

Lizzie asks…

there is a recycler virus in my mp3 player but invisible if i look from mypc.it is in folder type.please help ?

the virus is in folder.but cannot see if we make the mp3 to pc.there is no recycler folder but in my mp3 player there is recycler folder.

The Expert answers:

I think your computer is also infected. But if you want to delete it manually, try this: go to Control Panel then open the Folder Options, In view tab, check the Show Hidden Folder. Then go to your Mp3, right click the autorun.inf and click the properties, uncheck the read-only, then delete it. Repeat the process for the RECYCLER.

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Maria asks…

How to delete recycler virus with autorun.inf?

This virus create new folder.exe inside each file folder and take over the administrator, cannot open anymore task manager and regedit. Please share your ideas how to kill this virus, my PC running slow.

The Expert answers:

Recycler virus is known as a malware infeection. You will want to scan your comp. With both of these using the free version on both.


if it is still there then you will have to scan in safe mode.

This is how to use safe mode.

Jenny asks…

How to set a gift recycler straight?

My husband has a cousin that recycles her unwanted, and sometimes used gifts to us. How do I put her straight? I’d rather not be receiving gifts from this person at all. I have a few things that I’d like to return to her.
My husband has a cousin that recycles her unwanted, and sometimes used gifts to us. How do I put her straight? I’d rather not be receiving gifts from this person at all.

I do understand that regifting is not necessarily a bad thing by itself. But if I get something that doesn’t fit/I can’t user or is simply plain old, then its insulting. This person is NOT poor, she’s worth tens of millions…no really!

The Expert answers:

Who do you think you are? If she is acting in bad form then that’s her problem. You don’t want any regifts from her? Then don’t give her any. This is none of your business.

Daniel asks…

what safe software or programme i can use to get rid of autorun.inf and restore and recycler folders?


The Expert answers:

I don’t think you want to remove it, you want to tweak it, Read here,

Helen asks…

What are some good websites to buy cars like craiglist and recycler?

10 points

The Expert answers:

Ebay.com, Wheelsforyou.com, local newpaper, autotrader.com, just to name a few

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