Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

What is the website where people recycle electronics and give them away?

I saw a piece on CNN or Fox News or something about an electronic recycling website where people give old electronics away for free but I cant remember what site it is.

The Expert answers:



Michael asks…

Electronics recycling fees in Alberta?

I have recently moved to Alberta, and am just wondering if there is an electronics recycling fee, how much it is, and what all it applies to (are gaming consoles included?)

The Expert answers:

Alberta implemented an Electronics Recycling fee about 3 years ago. Most computer equipment (consoles included) are assessed a $12 recycling fee, the amount I believe categorizes on a number of things. Ie. Televisions are $45 i believe, but can change based on price range.

Joseph asks…

How do recycling businesses make money on old electronics?

How is this done?

The Expert answers:

I’m sure there are many profit plans for recycled electronics, but here is my favorite:

The company takes the old elecs off of a big business’s hands, lets say they’re upgrading to new models for all their employees, well they just let the recycles come in and take all the old machines for no cost. The recyclers then bring the old elecs back to their plant where they put them on a grinding machine that breaks the machines back into their most basic components. A sorter then sorts all the little pieces into different buckets based on density. The buckets are thus filled with gold, silicon, and other valuable materials used in circuitry. The recycler then simply melts the materials back into ingot form and they resell them as gold bars. (or silicon, or silver, etc.)

Mandy asks…

Who will pay me money to recycle my used electronics ?

I’m looking for a company that pays cash for recycling electronics, cell phones, computers, etc.

The Expert answers:

This company does:


They pay you money for recycling your old cell phones, laptops, pda’s, digital cameras, etc. They’ll give you an online quote and pay for shipping. It doesn’t cost you anything – totally free.

Linda asks…

Recycling old computers and electronics?

Anyone know of some companies that buy old computers and electronics? Our bank is going green and we have some old equipment to get rid of. We would like to recycle instead of throw it all out.

The Expert answers:

There are several companies that purchase your old electronic equipment, I happen to work for one, EPC, that provides computer recycling services in the United States and Canada. We have a zero landfill / zero export approach to recycling, and our processes have been certified by the Basel Action Network.

EPC will audit all gear, reporting full asset details, and will offer a settlement price based on the electronics current fair market value.

To learn more about our services, you can follow the links below.

Lizzie asks…

does best buy pay you for recycling electronics?

im trying to recycle my PSP, sansa mp3 player, movies,cd’s and books

The Expert answers:

They’ll give you a gift card to the store…check out their website for this:

oh and if you want I have an environmental blog where I post things to save you money and the environment in case you’re curious:

Mark asks…

Where can i send old electronics for recycling?

I’m in canada

The Expert answers:

There a a few choices you may have open to you. If you equipment is still working, why not donate it to a charity? If it is not working, have a look in your telephone books for electrical recyclers, there might be some in there or check the internet! You might get lucky.

Thomas asks…

how can i strip dead appliances and electronics of metal for recycling?

The Expert answers:

I wish I had the time for all that.

Just chuck it out.

James asks…

what parts of electronics are worth recycling from my home?

The Expert answers:

Basically nothing worth. Normally, those electronic parts will degrade with time and normal use.

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