Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

will the recycle price of my phone go down when the new iphone comes out?

I have an iPhone 3g (8gb) and i’m wanting to upgrade to the new iphone 4.
On the O2 website it says i can upgrade my phone if i pay an upgrade charge which is 220 pounds . They also said i can recycle my phone for 150 pounds which is great cos that means i only need £70 to actually upgrade.
However my concern is that the price of my iphone might go down when the new iPhone 4 comes out and they stop selling my iphone. therefore will the recycle price of my iPhone go down? O2 aren’t very helpful when it comes to informing their customers of the truth you see.

The Expert answers:

Yes it will drop,
recycle as soon as possible (:

Linda asks…

What is the rate of recycling things?

Hey! Does anyone know what the going price is for recycling things, such as cans, glass, phone books? Is there a website i could look at?

The Expert answers:

The problem is that with our bad economy, too many people are selling “old stuff”, recycling for money, and that makes a higher supply.
But, demand is down for such items in a bad economy.

Basic Econ 101, means prices are really low for most items, except silver and gold prices, they are up. (heck, even oil prices are 1/2 what they were a year ago).

Because demand is so low, prices so low, hardly anyone advertises their prices, you have to call them. (these prices change each day, by pennies)

Look up recycling centers in your own community, they often want you to drop stuff off FREE, that’s as low as it gets, right?

Different cities have different prices, so you cannot apply one price in one part of country to what they’d pay in another.
Last time I checked, aluminum cans were going for 30 cents a pound.

Paper was about $3.00 a ton.
Not worth the cost of collecting and transporting it to sell.

Richard asks…

what is the average price per pound of recycled aluminum cans?

The Expert answers:

World Spot Market Price fro Scrap Aluminum Recycling taken at Monday June 04, 2007 – 11:07 PM

Can Grade with Min and Max $/pound
Used Beverage Cans (UBC loose) = $0.30 to 0.61
Shredded UBC = $0.77 to 0.92
Baled UBC = $0.80 to 0.95
Briquetted UBC = $0.83 to 0.98
New Beverage Can Stock = $0.89 to 1.04

Chris asks…

instead of recycling cans and paper, could i sell them?

im all for recycling, i was just inquiring on what sort of price i could get from selling cans and paper?

The Expert answers:


Donald asks…

how can you find out the prices each recycling center pays for scrap metal in jax fl?

I am trying to supplement my small income by scrapping junk metal,after my first sale I was told that I got ripped off.I am wondering how do I learn how to make the most possible

The Expert answers:

Call them up and ask them.

Laura asks…

Recycling can prices?

I live in colorado and how much would i get for a trash can full of cans how do they figure the price of them??

The Expert answers:

Since aluminum cans are considered a commodity their price changes frequently. I live in Northwest Indiana and frequent a couple of local recyclers depending on the amount (weight) of cans I have.

Some recyclers pay more based on the quantity of cans you have for recycle and if you have already crushed/compacted the cans.

Some things to look for at a good recycler:
1) They let you look at the scale

a.Always check to make sure the scale reads “0” before they begin to process your cans.

2)Check to see how sensitive their scale is and how they pay.
A.Some round up/down to the nearest pound

3)All recyclers should ask for a form of ID based on local laws. I only patronize those that REQUIRE ID to support the lowering of metal theft.

4)They have their current scrap prices posted in public sight. Some less desirable scrap metal processors make up prices. Make sure the price you receive for your cans is visible.

Most scrap metal processors are reputable and will provide you with a good return on your cans or other scrap metal. The rules I use above are just some guidelines that I used to identify the better local processors.

Good luck

Sharon asks…

Can some one please tell me the going price of Aluminum and where I can take mine to Recycle? Cans Only?

I wish to Recycle my Aluminum Cans but I am looking for the Best price that I can get for them. I am Disabled and don’t get much to live on after paying all my bills every month and I have been saving cans for a while and now I am looking for the best price near Winnfield, Louisiana where I can take them. Can someone Please Help me and tell me the going price and where I can get it?

The Expert answers:

45 cent a pound

Thomas asks…

Price per pound in recycling in GA?

does anyone know how much you get per pound with soda cans in GA? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Unless the state has a deposit for cans, the price will vary by recycler and from day to day. If there is a deposit, it is per can, not per pound.

James asks…

QUICK! first person to find the lowest price wins! cheapest recycling center in az? plz help.?

For christmas, I wanta recycling can, the kind that get picked up and taken away, but my parents aren’t really into being “eco-friendly” so I would love to make it as cheap as possible for them to up my chances. So, what is the cheapest recycling pickup service in glendale arizona?

The Expert answers:

I’ve never heard of recycling for hire. Try www.earth911.org to find local recycle centers.

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