Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

How do I retrieve pictures and files that I deleted from the Recycle Bin?

Not too long ago, I decided to delete files. Not from their original folders, but from the recycle bin. I know there are ways to relocate and restore them. Does anyone know a program I can use that is relatively simple and user friendly that will allow me to do so?

Thanks in advanced.

The Expert answers:

You can often successfully recover deleted files from a PC, it all depends on what has happened since the files were deleted.
When you delete files the data itself isn’t deleted, just the index entry that tells the system where the data for those files is located. The area containing the deleted data is also now marked as free space so it is available for any new files to be written there instead.

If and when that happens, then it is too late to recover your deleted files so it is very, very important to not save any new files or data to the device concerned.

One of the easiest ways to see if you can recover deleted files is to try some good file recovery software. One I used to use is asoftech recovery which you can download from site below

Mandy asks…

how can i get the recycle bin onto my dedsktop ?

I want to bring the recycle bin back onto my desktop but can’t find it, it seems to have dissappeared !. I’ve got some annoying ubisoft registration icons i want to put in there. Can anyone tell me how to get my recycle bin back or how to get rid of these annoying and unsightly ubisoft registration icons ?

The Expert answers:

1.In Windows Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
2.On the View tab, under Advanced Settings, do one of the following:
– Select the Show Recycle Bin icon on the desktop check box to show the icon on your desktop.
– Clear the Show Recycle Bin icon on the desktop check box to remove the icon from your desktop.

Laura asks…

Is it possible to recover files emptied from your recycle bin without the use of a third-party software?

I desperately need to retrieve some files that I mistakenly emptied from my recycle bin, but every single page I Google is only for a third-party software. Is it at all possible for me to recover those files without such a program?

The Expert answers:

Yes, it is technically possible to recover any deleted file (Even those removed from the Recycle Bin), but you have to use a data recovery software. You may try this one that I used to use.

Good luck!

Daniel asks…

How to recover files off a FAT32 Memory card or from the recycle bin?

I accidentally deleted a file on my comp and then deleted it from the recycle bin… can i retrieve it off my memory card or from the recycle bin… program for free?

The Expert answers:

To get it back from the recycle bin is easy. JUst click on the recycle bin and on the top you will see restore all items and click on it. THis should return everything back. This is if you were using Vista but im not too sure if it would be the same for XP.If your using XP, Right click the items you want back from the recycle bin and click restore. Hope you find this helpful.Sorry I didn’t pay full attention to your question, If you deleted it from your recycle bin too then it gets more complicated because the only way that you can get it back that I know off is using special software used for this. A good place to look for this type of software would be at download.com. Search that website for data recovery software or something like that. Good Luck.
This one is free to try:

Linda asks…

How to restore items I already deleted from the recycle bin?

Is there any way i could get my important documents back. I deleted them from the recycle bin by accident and now i need them urgently. Are there any programs which can restore them? I already tried ”system restore” and it didnt help.

The Expert answers:

It is possible to recover files with file recovery software. I reccommend Recuva (pronounced “recover”), it is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted by bugs, crashes and viruses!

There are two kinds of people: those who have experienced data loss, and those who will. Remember the 3 rules of computing. 1) Back up 2) Back up 3) Back up.

Donna asks…

Is there a lock for the wheeeled streetside blue recycle bins?

The Expert answers:

No, but there is one for the green wheeled recycle bins. You can purchase one at walmart or 7-11

Mark asks…

Shouldn’t those blue plastic recycle bins be made out of something more eco-friendly?

The Expert answers:

Try to verify that here. There are list of things that can be recycled.

Ken asks…

How much better off would the environment be if there were only recycling bins?

Instead of garbage bins, what would happen if they were all replaced by recycling bins? I used to think about that a lot when I was a kid and became aware of how serious polution is. But is it realistic? And could be accomplished for the whole world?

The Expert answers:

It wouldn’t be any better, just because something is collected for recycling doesn’t mean it’ll get recycled. The recycling service are fee services, the homeowners pay per month for the pick up. If the sorted recyclables can be sold then great otherwise it’s sent to the landfill. With so many people recycling, the recyclable market is glutted so most recyclables wind up in the landfill.

Think of it this way, did you buy as products made from as much recycled material as you’re putting into the recycling bin? If not then how can it be recycling? It’s only recycling if you buy products made from recycled materials. Having recycling bins doesn’t mean you’re recycling.

Joseph asks…

Do files in recycle bins take up hard drive space?

The Expert answers:

Yes until you empty the recycle bin.


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