Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

what is more important, recycling or reducing waste?

i think the too much emphasis is put on recycling then on reducing the waste you use. what do you think?

The Expert answers:

I think they are both equally important I think it depends on the area 2 area country to country I can do you wear I think people would consider recycling more important but in a third world country like africa for example I think limiting waste would more important to them

hope this helps if you like my answer please choose it as best… Thank you…

Susan asks…

What do you think of recycling human waste product for drinking on the shuttle and space station?

It sounds so gross, I don’t think I would want to consume it, but if it works, Gross!

The Expert answers:

Recycling waste water into drinking water seems to be the craze with municipalities. It was implemented in CA, and now other states are bent on doing the same thing…eeew.

I’d rather land on the moon and Mars and build a Fischer Tropsch reactor to make fuel. Then it’s just a matter of cooking, baking, roasting, etc. To produce water vapor and CO2 by burning butane, propane, etc. Initially, all you have to do is use a dehumidifier to condense the water vapor. All combustion processes produce water vapor and CO2 as byproducts:

Propane C3H8 + 5 O2 –> 3 CO2 + 4 H2O

Once a global magnetic field is in place, Aerobic Respiration will produce water vapor and CO2 in the lunar and martian atmospheres. All mammals (humans included) produce water vapor and CO2 as byproducts of respiration. So we can use our furry friends (squirrels, gerbils, weasels, lorises, lemurs, etc) to bioform the atmosphere, 24/7. They also produce methane gas, so you now have 3 potent greenhouse gases with which to build a rich and thick atmosphere over time. Pretty soon it’ll be flooding on the moon also!

Aerobic Respiration:
C6H12O6 + 6 oxygen –> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy (ATP)

Superconducting Rings, between 3 to 14 Tesla, can be imbedded deep into the lunar crust to create a “global” magnetic field to block out cosmic rays; while an atmosphere blocks out uv, gamma and x-rays. Whereas permanent rare earth magnets like neodymium-boron-iron can create “local” magnetic fields for a small settlement. For example, it can be imbedded 20′ into the ground, under a dome, to protect 50 inhabitants.

Jenny asks…

what are the benefits of recycling waste?

can anyone think of any benefits of recycling?

The Expert answers:

There are only two items that I see great advantage in recycling. These items are steel and aluminum. The reason that I see an advantage in these two items alone is that it is a net savings in energy usage to recycle these. Aluminum is has a VERY large benefit in terms of energy usage to recycle.

The thing is though that people will naturally recycle aluminum and steel. The reason being is that companies will pay people to collect the aluminum and steel. I have seen several people that make a very good living from dumpster diving for these items.

Most other items that are “recycled” don’t really have much appeal in my eyes. If something has to be subsidized in order to make a profit, then it really isn’t all that worthwhile. The argument that it saves the planet I consider spurious at best. Yes, a lot of the trash we generate will be around for a long time, but it isn’t really all that much in terms of usage of land. I do, however, support any use people can find for trash that isn’t recycled that is sustainable and useful though. I just don’t have much time for people that believe that creating make work is going to save the planet.

Mandy asks…

How can we get partners in solid waste recycling in Nigeria?

In the whole of Nigeria, and west Africa

The Expert answers:

We can use solid wastes in making in use of them as fertilizers we can just add some organic things to it, which comes from the plants around you

Linda asks…

I want to start an e waste recycling unit.Can anyone help me with the same?

The Expert answers:

In the United States, Consumer Electronics are Universal Waste. To be a Universal Waste a material must first be a Hazardous Waste.

Although there are some precious metals contained within E-Waste there are also very hazardous materials as well. I would speak with a local metal recyclers and do some more research before you move forward with this plan.

Charles asks…

can you help me write a letter to neighbour explaining my waste paper recycling scheme?

My scheme involves collecting waste paper once a week, storing it in my lock-up garage and taking it to the waste paper plant once a month.

The Expert answers:

Jst go tl hm dirctly…dnt wast papr..

Richard asks…

Hi i would like to know about how to start waste paper recycling plant? Any guidance?

Recycling plant If anyone is in that line or having an experience. pls send me the details to nalininag95@yahoo.com

The Expert answers:

Unless you are doing it for pleasure or to ‘go green’, it seems like a hard business and costs significant resources even if the paper is ‘free’.

That being said, it depends is the standard answer.
Depends on what you want to do with the paper once it is made. Some in the USA are making papercrete, a paper and cement building block. Use it like adobe including putting stucco on the walls once done. It insulates well.

Making paper in sheets is doable but takes a lot of people time.

Making paper on rolls or in bulk will need basically the same set up as any paper mill, but instead of starting with virgin paper, you start with segregated waste paper. You can’t make high quality archival paper out of corrugated boxes as you input cellulose source. So you are going to have to learn both about your final market and resource availability.

Making paper is also a resource hog, in that it takes a lot of water. If done well, much can be recycled, but most don’t for some reason. It also uses a lot of power (typically electricity these days) for running machinery and sometimes for ‘dryer’ to dry the paper during processing.

Best of luck!

Steven asks…

what is the relationship between recycling and waste?

what is the relationship of the two?? are they somewhat related to each other?

The Expert answers:

What`s considered waste , once it`s recycled it turn into something useful

Joseph asks…

Crushers for construction waste processing and concrete recycling?

I want to invest a crushing plant for construction waste processing and concrete recycling.And I want to buy a good stone crushing plant production line from China,who can give me some info. about the crusher manufacturer?

The Expert answers:

Shanghai Jianye Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd. Is able to solve the problems by the stone crushing plants production line. With this crushing plants production line, we can reuse construction garbage and change it into other construction material.
Our website:http://www.mineral-grinder.com

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