Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ken asks…

Which way would be more ecologically sound?

1.Using plastic grocery bags for trash bags and not buying trash bags?
2. Using plastic grocery bags for recycling bags and not buying those?
3. Not using plastic grocery bags at all, going with those reusable bags that some say cost more energy to make than the plastic disposables?
4.making your own reusable bags out of material salvaged at Salvation Army but buying garbage bags?

I am trying to go more green than I am and wonder if I am over thinking this. LOL

The Expert answers:

Simplest way is to get the plastic grocery bags and put them all in one place when your done. Once you have enough for a trip, recycle them. Quite often you can recycle them at the same place you got them from. We actually donate ours to a local business that uses them to sell plants with.

The Sal Army bag solution sounds good too. The hard part with the reusable bags is actually remembering to bring them along. I talked to one guy who kept buying them every time he went to the store because he wanted to be “green” (it’s not easy I hear) but he had to buy new ones cause he kept forgetting to bring the ones he bought the time before.

I think you are right and you are over thinking this but I think that is because the world has trained you to feel bad when do not do all these little things. Plant some trees, walk/ride bike to the corner store instead of drive, donate to the local wilderness area, etc… That will do more then paper or plastic.

Lizzie asks…

Recycling Bin – Compostable Bag or No?

RECYCLING BIN (Note: not compost) – Is it more eco-friendly to use a compostable garbage bag in the bin or is it more eco-friendly to rinse out the bagless bin with a water hose? If you have any data to back up your answer please cite it along with your answer.

The Expert answers:

So as environmentally friendly as compostable bags are, there is still a footprint associated with making them however, how much water is needed to rinse the bin & what is environment cost of purifying it?

William asks…

Slobby renting neighbors?/Garbage piling up?

I live in part of a city where the homes are 90 plus years old. Most of the homeowners take care of their properties in my area with exemption of a few. The few who dont are mostly renters. Every Tuesday we have to put our garbage carts on the alley line, and every other Tuesday we have to put our recycling carts on the alley line next to the garbage cart for pick up. These so called renters usually dont put the garbage cart or the recycling cart out by the alley line every Tuesday. They usually just let the garbage pile up, and overflow. At times the alley looks like an absolute junkyard with garbage bags, and empty boxes laying in the alley. A few years ago, the city did property condition evaluations throughout the city. Some of the homeowners were disgruntled, but after awile i liked the idea. Since i keep our property maintained i would like to see others do the same. It makes abcentee landlords wake up. Should i call my alderman about the garbage problems?

The Expert answers:

There’s nothing I hate more than people just throwing their garbage around. It’s inconsiderate, rude and lazy! Yes, yes, yes – call your Alderman (being an American – I’m not sure what an alderman does but when we’re mad about something we say “I’m going to call my Congressman” so I’m guessing that they are sort of the same thing). The landlords need to be held responsible, that way maybe they’ll be more careful about renting to a bunch of pigs!

Charles asks…

My Newspapaper/paper recycling bag disappeared!! HELP!?!?

In the morning, I took out my (blue) newspaper recycling and (yellow)paper recycyling bag for the garbage man to pick it up. But then in the afternoon, everybody’s including mine and the neighbors lost their bag and me too! What do you think happend? I know there wasn’t any wind because it was sunny. But possibly. HELP!!
And I live in Bristish Columbia in Canada

The Expert answers:

I guess there is someone out there with a great collection of blue and yellow bags. The next time you put out the recycling place your video camera in the window, that way you will know for sure what happens to your bags.
Recycling is so much fun.

Susan asks…

I have a question about recycling shredded paper?

Can you put all the shredded paper you have in a paper bag, tape it up, and then put that in the recycle bin? Can you think of any other ways to recycle shrededded paper? I have about 5 big bags full of it. Someone said just throw it in the garbage because the bits and pieces of paper will make a mess in the recycle bin, but I want to recycle them.
Thanks in advance.

The Expert answers:

I contacted my local council and they said it could go in with paper if as you say it is in a paper bag – but I would just wrap it round so it can’t fall out – I wouldn’t tape it as that in itself cannot be recycled with paper

David asks…

Is it legal for an apartment complex to go through your garbage?

They went through the garbage that I threw in the dumpster, obviously read the mail inside the bag to identify the garbage as mine, and then left a note under my door complaining about its contents.

(if your wondering, they didn’t think I was doing a good enough job recycling).

Is this legal? I feel like my privacy has been invaded and I am not comfortable with this at all. Is this grounds to legally break my lease? I don’t feel comfortable living in a place that is invasive like this.


The Expert answers:

The moment you put anything in a dumpster you are relinquishing ownership of that property and anybody can do what they want to with it.

BTW – if the want to keep doing that find somebody with newborns and collect some dirty diapers to put in your trash.

George asks…

Recycle or garbage stupid question?

I have a (bag) of rip up papers, dirt, carboard, plastic Bags, some water bottles, that I want to get rid of.Now Do I put this bag in the garbage bin? or do I put it in the recycle bin? I”m not too sure What to recycle.

The Expert answers:

Recycle the cardboard, the paper, plastic bags and the water bottles. As for the dirt, that can be trashed. Haha(:

Steven asks…

Why don’t stores have biodegradable bags?

I heard some stores are going back to paper which is aweful for the trees. Grocery stores sell the reusable bags. But we’ve been using the store shopping bags for our garbage for years. Saves us money from buying garbage bags that aren’t biodegradable. We live in the boonies and have to bring our rubbish to the town dump. Town only recycles cardboard and metal. Any suggestions what we can do regarding garbage bags? Is there a way an individual can bring items somewhere to recycle when their town doesn’t?
I appreciate all responses but I still am left with the quandary about bring our rubbish to the dump. The suggestion about filling up garbage cans/containers and just emptying the trash at the dump without putting items in bags is something I’ll have to see if permissible. I truly have my doubts.
I’m not against using re-usable shopping bags. I could easily make my own. But then we’d be back to buying rubbish bags. An expense we don’t have using the store shopping bags. Does anyone know of a source of truly biodegradable garbage bags that are not real real expensive?
Using volunteers at a re-cycling plant is great. But the highest cost in recycling is the actual moving of items to be recycled and cost involved in leaving them at collection sites. Big cities can afford to have actual recycling plants and afford to have items collected shipped off to where they are collected for recycle. But out in the boonies, rural country areas, towns just don’t have those kind of resources; at least not where I’m from. Our taxes are already way beyond reasonable and that’s what would be increased to set up more recycling. The little that is collected for recycling is expensive enough. Please don’t think I’m against recycling. Not at all. We live to re-use to the fullest what we can. I stopped using for example any kind of plastic food storage bags, even for work lunches. Glass containers with covers that can be washed is our better choice. But the rubbish we do have is the problem. If we only could bring things to recycling areas ourselves. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:

Stores dont have biodegradable bags because they are really expensive compared to paper and petroleum based plastic bags at the moment. Even if there was biodegradable bags available i think it’s best to bring your own bags anyways and try to consume less stuff. That way there will be less trash generated, no recycling to worry about and less garbage bags to be used.

Sandy asks…

Whats the best thing to do with the plastic grocery store bags?

I got a ton of plastic grocery store bags and have no idea what to do with them. Somebody give me ideas. Do I recycle? use ’em for garbage bin liners? Just what do ya do with’em?

The Expert answers:

Some things to do with plastic grocery bags
1)trash can liners (perfect size for bathroom cans)
2)stuffing for outdoor pillows or cushions
3)disposable “gloves” for picking up doggy doo.
4)placing old newspapers and magazines in for recycling.
5)trash bags for you car.
6)throwing out messy, smelly items like shrimp hulls or baby’s diapers(tie securely and double or triple the bags)

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