Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

I have been berated on a previous question for not recycling plastic?

Can someone please tell me where one can recycle the plastic that my council refuses to collect, we have nowhere else to take it.
I buy as little as possible without plastic wrap but inevitably there is some, usually with gadgets and stuff. We have no market where I can get beautifully fresh fruit n veg in brown paper bags, only a manky old barrow boy who sells stuff that doesnt last the night out, consequently I have to do my shopping in Tesco and, with a budget I have to pick the cheapest which is generally wrapped.
I really want to recycle as much as I can.
Rainyh…They do take plastic but only clear bottles
Insight…read my lips…The Council only take clear bottles..whether collected kerbside or at the local dump.
Its going to mean putting it with the general rubbish otherwise.

The Expert answers:

At home we put the plastic wrapping/bags from fruit and veg in the dustbin as the council will NOT accept it.

There are a few supermarkets (certain branches of Sainsburys, Asda and Tesco – I’m afraid I don’t know which ones, ask at the Customer Services Desk) that will take the extra packaging shoppers do NOT want, and include it in their own rubbish

Sandy asks…

I am doing a project on recycling plastic bags and I need a catchy, unique, title. Any ideas?

I am Turning plastic bags into reusable shopping bags so not only plastic bags are being recycled, but it prevents future bags from being used. I need a somewhat short, catchy, unique title that stands out and has something to do wi the project. Please help!

The Expert answers:

Bag Your Bags!!!

Michael asks…

Can you report a grocery store for falsely advertising that they are recycling plastic bag?

I used to work at a grocery store that had a disposal area for recycling plastic bags.
Accept, they dont actually recycle the bags, they just throw them out.
It’s really sad when you see an much older person making a real effort to get there to recyle her plastic bags, not knowing that they are really just going into the garbage, something they could do at home.

The Expert answers:

You should. Also, put up some posters where you say what’s happening. Describe it as you are doing here now. People shouldn’t be taken advantage of.

Joseph asks…

Can you still earn money from recycling cans and plastic bottles?

Before anything is said, I know it’s not a lot. I am going to collect over the next 9 months and then bring them in somewhere.

But my question is, can you still earn money from plastic bottles and cans? One of my teachers said that you really can’t recycle plastic bottles for money anymore, soo..?

(This is a person People to People fundrasier for a a trip, so if it is actually worth getting SOME money, I want to do it.)

The Expert answers:

Yes, go to www.earth911.org to find local recycle centers, many locations pay for all plastics, soda cans, bi metal (soup and veggie cans), glass, paper and most other metals. It varies depending on where you live.

James asks…

Recycling plastic bottles that are still half full?

At my work I collect the recycling from our break room. What really frustrates me is that many times the plastic bottles of soda, juice or water are not empty. Is it “e-friendly” to dump the remains down the sink or just leave the cap on the bottle? Should I pour the remaining liquids out into the grass instead?

I don’t mind taking these huge bags home in my car trunk and disposing them at our curbside pickup, but what happens if they are still full?



The Expert answers:

Really? Serious? Ahh, they get recycled just like the empty ones…..you don’t actually think that each bottle gets inspected do you?

Sandra asks…

Does the recycling plastic process produce more pollution?

Someone told me that the machinery that is used causes more pollution then making new plastic, is that true. Does the recycling plastic process cause more damage. I have yet to find out any solid information about that. Does anyone have and tips?

The Expert answers:

It does not create any more pollution than virgin plastic. The process is simple…the plastics are predominately sorted by hand as to the type of plastic and then it is fed into a very large grinder which shreds/chews it up into pieces about the size of a pinky fingernail then it is it is ran through a pelletizer which turns it into uniform size pellets and if a colorant is needed to gain a certain color it is done during this process and then it goes to whomever the customer who ordered it.

Steven asks…

What is the benefit of recycling plastic bottled cost wise?

I relize it’s better for the environment but I was wondering how much cheaper recycled materials cost verses raw material that they use for plastic

The Expert answers:

I thought we were recycling for the purpose, of keeping all we could out of the dump . And ruining our soil from the run off of toxins from the land fill.
Keeping our rivers and springs clean ,from getting all the toxins which our our water supplies.

Maria asks…

what are some tips on recycling plastic for money?

I understand that clear plastic with the number 1 on the bottom of the container is the most valuable. Understanding that plastic is not worth a lot and is bulky in size, what I really want to ask is how do I crush my plastic one container at a time so I can save it and recycle it down the road?

The Expert answers:

Gain tons of it so as you turn it in you get a big wad of cash at the time.
Crushing plastic is easy but if you want accurate and most proper technique then type “Crushing Plastic” in a search engine.

John asks…

I want to start an aluminum and plastic recycling business in my community.?

I would ask local business to save their aluminum and plastic bottles and cans. Then I would pick up their discarded items and take it to the local recycling center. Does anyone think this would be profitable and how should I get started?

The Expert answers:

Its not a profitable enterprise the way you describe it. Asking local buisnesses to keep materials for you probably won’t work unless you can sell yourself as a charity. Most buisnesses have recyclables as part of thier waste disposal. Now that being said, if you wanted to invest in a compressor and a good large scale. You could open a place for people to bring thier recyclables and you could act as a middleman. But you would have to have some large volume.

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