Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Susan asks…
The Expert answers:
Darling, they don’t give you money for bottles in Phoenix. Horde them and bring them over the Cali border.
Charles asks…
I live in Phoenix, AZ and I have been looking every where for a place to recycle! I have a box full of plastic, glass and paper to recycle! But I don’t know where to take it! Does anyone know of a public recycling place? I know there are those can places, where you can turn in aluminum cans but I am looking for a place that takes all kinds of recyclables!
I live in an apt complex that doesn’t offer that service. So that’s out of the question…
The Expert answers:
It’s called the garbage can
William asks…
does anyone know where to recycle plastic for money?
i live in phoenix, so anywhere around that area would be nice. i recycle cans at arizona enviromental recycling, but they don’t accept plastic. i need some help.
and don’t just give me dum answers
The Expert answers:
Believe it or not in NJ some of our grocery stores have Machines outside that give you i think 2 cents per bottle, check in your local grocery store they will most likely know a place that either A. Is a grocery store that has those machines in your area or B. A Place that would except plastic bottles for money……I only say this because you dont have to go out of your way to find out all the information and the upper level of customer service has all information on local things in the town and stuff becuase they usually get a WHOLE LOAD of flyers and everything from everyone. Hopefully its the same there as it is in Jersey. AND IF THAT IS NO GOOD: You could always place one of those adds in the news paper thats like 35cents a line as like a help add in the classified section! Hope this was of some help to you and GL!
George asks…
where can I turn my pop can tabs for cash i live in phoenix az?
looking for a recycling center who will pay cash for a 1 gallon jug of saved pop tabs
The Expert answers:
There’s too many to list. Click here for the locations and a map to each one.
Daniel asks…
I need some help recycling carboard boxes?
I am trying to find a local recycling center that pays you for carboard boxes.I live in phoenix arizona an couldnt find any in the yellow pages.Can you please tell me the name of one? And I dont want links please.And dont get offended by that last sentence please.
I want the name of a place in phoenix metro area not someone syaing”nobody pays for carboard” because I know they do and I know that I can make alot because I have a huge load, and no that isnt a sexual pun.
I might try the gardening trick with some of the carboard but I seriously have alot.I have a whole storage unit full of it(i own the storage lot and dont have to pay for my own unit).I got all the carboard from people abondoning it in the units its mostly torn or damaged somewhat and cant be sold as moving or storgae boxes.I probably have 600 pounds of the stuff.I want to sell it off so I can help pay for a engagement ring.What a story to tell my children someday lol.
The Expert answers:
Cardboard has a pretty low recycling value — you’ll probably get around a penny or two a pound if you can find a place that will take it. Some places have a minimum load that they’ll accept (100 lbs – 1000 lbs), and some require it to be bailed.
If you have good quality moving boxes, you may be able to sell them at a higher price for re-use as boxes.
Even if you have 600 lbs, you’re going to get somewhere between $3 and $12 — I hope you’re not planning on an expensive ring!
Joseph asks…
Is it bad that I am very different to the rest of my family?
First of all, I’m deaf so pardon my grammar please 🙂 I know this is long but answers would be very helpful.
It seems like the rest of my family believes in the SAME things and I am the only one in the family that has very different beliefs and look at life completely the opposite. Here are some examples:
1) I am the only one that is an atheist. The rest are strong Christians and goes to church weekly.
2) I am the only one that doesn’t meat. I am a vegan because I believe it is healthy and animals should be left alone. The rest of the family are heavy meat eaters, pumping hormones into their body and clogging their arteries. They all say I’m stupid for choosing this diet and I am tired of hearing it.
3) I am the only liberal one. The rest are strong conservatives and I am far left. They blame our president on everything.
4) I am the only one that cares about the environment. I don’t ever throw anything on the ground and I recycle everything. My family throws plastic bottles, cans, etc. in the trashcan and I don’t say anything but it makes me very mad inside. Why make the animals suffer with all the plastics in the ocean?
5) I probably am the only healthy one. I eat my fruits and vegetables raw everyday and don’t get sick anymore. They get colds and flus every year. I run on the treadmill everyday and am the only one that is not overweight. They all think I’m nuts just because I try hard to be healthy. They all use over the counter drugs and prescription drugs. I never take a word from a physician without doing some outside research. Like, I only use natural things and always try to find herbs when I get an illness before I agree to take a prescription drug.
6) I’m gay and I didn’t choose to be this way because I’ve been attracted to men my whole life. As far as I know, all the family members doesn’t support it (expect my sister) and refuse to try understand. My aunt (my dad’s sister) is actually very liberal but guess what? She moved to California about 20 years ago. She just didn’t feel home here because she is a psychic and liberal so she moved to San Francisco. My cousin happens to be gay but he moved to DC to find happiness. Also I noticed that I’m not close to any of my family members because I happen to have better and intelligent conversations with my friends than any of my family. I always get left out so I try to avoid every family gathering. Is that bad?
So my questions are:
1) Is it bad that I am the different one? Am I weird or a bad person for having these beliefs?
2) Do you think I will be a happier person if I move out of state, to a bigger city? Bigger cities seems to have better acceptance of people like me. I am actually considering Phoenix because it’s cheaper than CA and it is the nation’s 5th populous city so I’m assuming there will be people like me. I live in a conservative city in Virginia and I haven’t really found anyone that has the same beliefs. Also maybe it will make my family realize they shouldn’t have judged me? I love my family very much but I think it’s better to not see each other too often.
The Expert answers:
It is hard to be different, especially in smaller city or town. Some people just live their life how they always have and what they were born into. You, my friend, have the strength to really look at what others take for granted. And you decided it does not fit who you are. The Truth is a hard coat to wear but it keeps you warmer. Try to get to a bigger city where you can meet Deaf people, and their gay Deaf members. You didn’t say if you use ASL or not. My nephew was a vegan, rastapharian living, gay-ally in northern BC Canada in a farming community. Luckily he left. Even though his mum was supportive of her kids choices it was still hard on him.
Good luck! You can still love your family from far away…smile!
Betty asks…
Is it bad that I’m very different to my family?
First of all, I’m deaf so pardon my grammar please 🙂 I know this is long but answers would be very helpful.
It seems like the rest of my family believes in the SAME things and I am the only one in the family that has very different beliefs and look at life completely the opposite. Here are some examples:
1) I am the only one that is an atheist. The rest are strong Christians and goes to church weekly.
2) I am the only one that doesn’t meat. I am a vegan because I believe it is healthy and animals should be left alone. The rest of the family are heavy meat eaters, pumping hormones into their body and clogging their arteries. They all say I’m stupid for choosing this diet and I am tired of hearing it.
3) I am the only liberal one. The rest are strong conservatives and I am far left. They blame our president on everything.
4) I am the only one that cares about the environment. I don’t ever throw anything on the ground and I recycle everything. My family throws plastic bottles, cans, etc. in the trashcan and I don’t say anything but it makes me very mad inside. Why make the animals suffer with all the plastics in the ocean?
5) I probably am the only healthy one. I eat my fruits and vegetables raw everyday and don’t get sick anymore. They get colds and flus every year. I run on the treadmill everyday and am the only one that is not overweight. They all think I’m nuts just because I try hard to be healthy. They all use over the counter drugs and prescription drugs. I never take a word from a physician without doing some outside research. Like, I only use natural things and always try to find herbs when I get an illness before I agree to take a prescription drug.
6) I’m gay and I didn’t choose to be this way because I’ve been attracted to men my whole life. As far as I know, all the family members doesn’t support it (expect my sister) and refuse to try understand. My aunt (my dad’s sister) is actually very liberal but guess what? She moved to California about 20 years ago. She just didn’t feel home here because she is a psychic and liberal so she moved to San Francisco. My cousin happens to be gay but he moved to DC to find happiness. Also I noticed that I’m not close to any of my family members because I happen to have better and intelligent conversations with my friends than any of my family. I always get left out so I try to avoid every family gathering. Is that bad?
So my questions are:
1) Is it bad that I am the different one? Am I weird or a bad person for having these beliefs?
2) Do you think I will be a happier person if I move out of state, to a bigger city? Bigger cities seems to have better acceptance of people like me. I am actually considering Phoenix because it’s cheaper than CA and it is the nation’s 5th populous city so I’m assuming there will be people like me. I live in a conservative city in Virginia and I haven’t really found anyone that has the same beliefs. Also maybe it will make my family realize they shouldn’t have judged me? I love my family very much but I think it’s better to not see each other too often.
The Expert answers:
Well I have a very long and complex explanation from my studies as a lightworker but ill simplify it.
There is the new and there is the old. The new culture people like variety and think differently, and come out of the old energy because it just does not “work” anymore. The new culture allows free thinking and self expression. We are all artists and philosophers and need to express ourselves.
The old energy is more static and rigid, control based and fear based.
This does not mean you should look down upon them, but hey they serve a model of what does not work for you, but it works for them and if it doesn’t then it will come to light like it has for you.
Being gay is completely normal and even natural, as well a not eating meat. It is how you chose to live so be it. That is the blessedness of life we get to make our choices to conform with ourselves or conform with society.
It is reasonable to want to move far away, but make sure you clean up past negative influences and resentment, do not carry the burdens with you otherwise it will just rob you of time and sanity and ability to enjoy your newfound freedom.
Make sure though you do keep up with family because bottom line is they do care for you, but you may talk to them or set limits, or see if you can come to an agreement to disagree peacefully.
Lisa asks…
How to vent a flat-roof storage space to expel excessive heat in Arizona?
Here’s the situation: I live in outside Phoenix, Arizona and own a small one-floor town home with a connecting rectangular storage space approximately 4″x 14″ or 56 sq. feet. The roofs on both the town home and storage space are flat. The storage space contains the water heater for the home and I basically use the remaining space for a workshop. There is no ventilation whatsoever in the “workshop” and, as you can imagine, it gets unbearably hot (reaching probably in the area of 130 degrees) and makes working in that space practically impossible. As a matter of fact, the heat gets so bad that the plastic on a VCR I had in there literally softened, buckled and warped. I want to ventilate it the best way possible, but am unsure of the best way to do it. What type of vent(s)/configuration would be the most effective and efficient at recycling the dead air out of the storage space? Would two vents placed at both ends work the best? What about intake vents on the walls at the top? Any suggestions would be appreciated…btw, I do have electric power in the space so I suppose a powered system is feasible although I would like to use a passive approach if it will do the job.
The Expert answers:
There are a number of ways to vent the area.
1. Gable roof/attic vents at each end of the space, installed up high but still below the roof framing. The come in different sizes and shapes as well as aluminum, wood, or plastic. Those require some knowledge of carpentry and the proper tools to do a proper job and be sure it’s weather tight. If you have enough ceiling height you can install some acoustical ceiling & insulation above that also to create a small attic space below the roof and allow you to heat/cool the work shop area below.
2. Install many small round soffit (louvered) vents in the walls on two or more sides (up high but below the roof framing also). They are usually aluminum and come in sizes of 2″- 6″ diameters and can be easily installed with just a drill with a hole saw and some good weatherproof adhesive all around so there’s no water leaks from rains. With this type of vents you’ll need to install many of them on two opposite walls to get good ventilation for what you want. I would suggest the 3″ or 4″ diameter and 2 feet apart at each end of the work shop. Below is a link with a pic, these are copper but they come in aluminum too. Be sure to get the louvered type and install with the louver facing down so rain water will drain out & away and not in.
Round Soffit Vent With Screen (1" – 6")
3. Roof vents (fans), they are both the passive type or the motorized type that works with a thermostat. Both need to be mounted on/in the roof and flashed properly also to prevent leaks. The passive types will spin from the outside winds and breezes only and draw out the hot air from the attic area. They also need to have another wall vent(s) installed somewhere to get the best ventilation. Those will be the most costly to install also.
Lizzie asks…
yugioh any advise for a deck?
i just got a ton of cards and im thinking if i can make a good deck so here is my cards
deck 1:
kunoichi x1
cannon soilder x1
armed ninja x1
toon summoned skull x2
sonic bird x2
dharc the dark charmer x1
turbo booster x1
lord of d x1
twin headed thunder dragon x2 or 3
mystic tomato x1buster blader x1
ogre of the black shadow x1
gravity orb x1
bateryman charger x2
a man with wdjat x1
wall of ivy x1
ufo turtle x2
renge,gatekeeper of dark world x1
small peice golem x1
jutte fighter x1
mind protector x2
miracle jurassic egg x1
psychic jumper x1
theban nightmare x1
cyber phoenix x1
zombie mammoth x1
cannonball spear shellfish x1
senju of the thousand jutsu x1
thousand dragon x1
assault beast x1
jester lord x1
gadjet driver x2
beast of pharraoh x1
energy bravery x1
dungeon worm x1
umiruka x1
lightwave tunning x1
posion chain x1
recycling batteries x1
black illusion ritual x1
black pendant x1
arcane barrier x1
javelin beetle pact x1
reversal of fate x1
summon limit x1
mind haxorz x1
synchro deflector x1
synchro strike x1
giant trap hole x1
shining silver force x1
answer soon 🙂
The Expert answers:
Some of those cards seem kind of random but you can sell some to make a Six Sam OTK style deck.
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