Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

How can I recycle bottles in California?

I am new to california but I am aware there is a recycle center nearby where I can bring bottles and get a bit of refund like 10 cents. Exactly what type of bottles do they accept? Do they accept only the bottles which I paid 50 cent deposit for? Or do they also accept other types of bottles such as salad dressing bottles (glass) or olive oil bottle (glass)? Do I need to take off the outer label?

The Expert answers:

There should be designated recycling centers stationed outside of some of tour neighborhood. Those you payed a “deposit” on should have a CS CRV marking, values seem to be based on size, that 50 cent bottle sounds like a 3 gallon water bottle?

Hey should pay a token mount for other containers like an opaque water bottle, oddly a pure juice apple bottle may have no CRV while Apple-Cranberry will.

George asks…

Is recycling cans a good way to make money?

me and my friend are 14 and we are desperate for $
we both ride fixies which pretty much gets us around a lot
we were wondering about recycling cans,bottles and plastic.
how much would we get? and is it a good idea to do this?
also were gonna be digging through trash cans for them.

also where are the main recycling centers in santa ana, california (orange county)

The Expert answers:

Recycling is a very good idea. It makes money for you and friends, and helps the economy. A Pepsi or coke can of average size requires about 7 cans per pound if not mistaken. The tall cans a little less. Look for those plastic soda bottles. Many have a refund printed on them for 5 cents. Glass, other aluminum items, cardboard and newspapers also pay. Have a bike with a trailer, or 2 in tandem? Ask for the scrap wires at construction sights for the copper in them. Can’t help you with the location of a recycling center in Santa Ana however. I’m in Idaho. Good luck.

Mandy asks…

how come in some states we have recycling on trash day and in some states we don’t why is that?

In California we have recycling on trash day. One ben for trash and the other for plastics, cans and aluminum. I think that’s real cool. but in other states I’ve been to They don’t practice that method. Why is that?

The Expert answers:

Recycling programs have evolved to the need based on demographics. Normally more populated areas use recycling because of the increased amount of trash. Some states do not require it because of a sparse population and the fact that they still have lots of space in their designated landfills. California heads the movement to save the Earth. They enforce reuse, recycle processes. We pay an environmental charge which is added to our trash bill to recycle. It costs to take our reusable wastes and recycle them into resources and it is extending the life of our environment and the ecosystems around us. Hope this helps.

Linda asks…

Can I take in glass jars to a recycle center in California or only glass bottles?

The Expert answers:

If you need to find other centers in another city/state, you can try this portal:

Nancy asks…

Should I recycle by weight or containers?

I live in California.

My recycling center separates glass, aluminum, and plastic into different containers. They then weigh it out and pay me my CRV by weight. I read online at California‘s recycling website that you can also request to be paid CRV by container, instead of weight.

I normally take small trips down to the recycling center and was wondering if I would receive more money if I opted to get CRV by container instead of weight.

California Recycling website:

The Expert answers:

By weight sounds more properiate

Charles asks…

looking for recycling centers in North Carolina that pay you?

my friend (whose from California) use to recycle
his plastics/aluimum cans here in California and get
paid for doing so
now he moved to North Carolina (Charlotte area)
is looking do the same
does anyone know of of any recycling centers that
pay you for the plastics in North Carolina

The Expert answers:

The only recyclables that you can get money for at the present is aluminum and other metals. Plastic is not a profitable recycle stream and most communities either have to pay for plastic recycling or get pennies on the ton. The reference is a page for companies in Charlotte, NC. The reason your friend in CA was getting paid, was in CA you pay a deposit on all plastic and cans when you buy them. You aren’t getting paid. You are getting your money back. There is no deposit in NC.

Mark asks…

Where in California can I recycle heavy duty steel?

I have a 3 huge steel trailer dollys that were used to deliver a very big modular home. It was left here on our property & I was wondering if there was any recycle centers (for steel) that would accept them or pick them up. Any help would be appreciated!!! If you have phone numbers or web link, that would be great!

The Expert answers:

Since you didn’t specify your city, I can’t provide an exact place. Check out and specify that you want to recycle steel and put in your zipcode and it will give you the closest place to call.

Lizzie asks…

In California, when you recycle, how much money do you get per aluminum can?

In California, when you recycle, how much money do you get per aluminum can?

The Expert answers:

Check out local flyers. Presently, recycling centers are battling for your cans, Offers as high as $1.95 per pound for clean, dry, uncrushed cans would equal 9.75 cents per can if 100 cans per 5 pounds.

William asks…

Any good ideas for a high school recycling club?

At my high School in Southern California, we have a recycling club. We already have boxes in class rooms for teachers to recycle paper. We also have special trash cans for plastic and metal cans on campus.

The Expert answers:

Advertise that your club will be piking up recycling materials on a certain Sat. In a certain area of the city or two areas if you have enough students to help each sat. The next pick up should be scheduled a month later in another area(s) and then rotate your areas to cover the city well. One sat each mo. Should be enough to keep busy students from missing other activities or family .Find a good place to sort and store your materials until you have enough to take for recycling. Best wishes and thanks for the efforts!

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