Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Helen asks…

who pays the highest price for recycled aluminum cans in glendale/phoenix az?

The Expert answers:

Top Price Recycling pays the best

(602) 712-9100
2600 S 7th Ave., Phoenix

Good luck.

Maria asks…

Has anyone else felt cheated at the recycle center… for the price of aluminum cans?

I thought I had 12 pounds at 65 cents…and got $4.55.
12 X .65 + $7.80. Even if they kept 10% that would only minus out .78… for $7.02 for me…

Please tell me of your personal experiences. I feel cheated everytime.

The Expert answers:

I was going to a place where I used to live, and the guy was pocketing HALF of what he was weighing. We were getting gypped, and I knew it. He finally got fired. I would go to a different recycling center this time, or gradually put the cans in the machine at the grocery store entrances.

Ruth asks…

what is the price of recycled aluminium cans per-kg?

The Expert answers:

About US$0.16 to 0.18 per kg.


Donna asks…

Where can I find the price indexes for recycling goods?

Daily changing cost of Aluminum, PET, paper, etc…

The Expert answers:

You have to search for each one by commodity and by geographic region. Here’s some links. I have some other links but they’re hard to get. The best thing to do is to actually make the phone calls.

Sandra asks…

Why has the price for recycling newspaper gone down so dramatically?

The price here in California for newspaper has gone from $105.00 a ton to $15.00 a ton in a very short time. I know the economy is bad but wow!
We collect newspaper at our mobilehome park to make money to put on events for the residents. But all of a sudden they have dropped the price over 80%. We spend more money on gas than we get for the newspaper.
I can live without the money for the park, but I am more concerned with people not recycling anymore. Anybody know why it has gone down so much and if it will go up again in the future?

The Expert answers:

When an economy falters the demand for almost all products goes down. Newspaper is recycled into new paper, insulation, packaging materials. When demand for these things drops, so does the demand for the raw materials. When demand drops, so does the price.

Steven asks…

would anyone ship to a metal recycling center for a better price?

well i buy scrap metals .im in olean new york 14760. and i can beat any price. details:first call me for prices. if you ship your metals to me . i will weigh them and send your money same day.for more info :email me at

The Expert answers:

Who pays for shipping?

Mandy asks…

Where can I get the highest price for Recycled Aluminum in the Midwest?

I’m looking to recycle aluminum cans somewhere in the Midwest, including Chicago (Northwest suburbs), South eastern Wisconsin and North Western Indiana. If you have any insight on where would be the best place to bring our cans, please let me know!! I plan on donating all the money I make to a local Children’s Hospital…. THANKS!!

The Expert answers:

Without ever having sold metals in the markets in those areas, its hard for me to give you names. The only advice i can really give is to call places and ask for amounts. Pay attention to the places in the industrial parts of town, particularly near rail lines. The accessibility of these businesses to these methods of moving their materials en mass at lower costs allows them to offer you, the seller higher prices and yet meet their bottom line.

Mark asks…

What is generally the best time of year to recycle aluminum cans for the best return?

I was just wondering if price fluctuations for recycling aluminum cans follow time of year.

The Expert answers:

Around here, we get the same price all year round. No seasonal fluctuations.

Thomas asks…

Recycling Prices…?

How Much Would You Get For Recycling A Can…???

The Expert answers:

It varies from state to state county to county. My cousin takes my cans down to SC and I get .30 to .40 per pound. I pick up the cans from beside the road and I also buy sodas in the can that way I can get some of my money back.

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