Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

Recycling Club At School; Ideas?

Ok, so I’m a middle schooler, and I wanted to join a club at my school that does a little more than recycle (i.e. pick up materials that are in the recycling bin, pick up litter), and they give you this form to fill out in order to join. The top part is mostly just teacher/community recommendations, and the last part asks you to tell how you plan to improve the school’s environment. I have a few ideas, but I’m not sure if they’re too much (like if I don’t have authority to do what I have in mind, or it takes teacher supervision on the weekend and stuff), and I need a few more, well – ideas that are different and stand out. Since I’m put on the waiting list because there are already people for this semester, I’m not going to be in (that is if I get in..) until next year, but I really want to turn it in asap…

Thanks! 😀

The Expert answers:

Check out for a variety of ideas and see if there are any groups on the internet that might be engage in this area of interest. You might also have an aluminum car drive to help fund your projects.

Jenny asks…

How do I make my own windows in Windows XP?

What I mean is, like you get a window that pops up in windows telling you information, for example: Windows is searching for Some old file.exe. To locate the file yourself, click Browse. Or: Are you sure you want to send ‘Some old file.exe’ to the Recycle Bin? Something like that, but so you can customise it. I know it’s posible because my school does it when you go on Internet Explorer, it tells you the number of house points each house has.

Thanks, Jamie.

The Expert answers:

For simple scripts, do a search on vbscript…

Sandra asks…

What do I recycle and what do I throw out?

Today at school I saw my friends, that are in the environmental club, by the trash cans at lunch. I walked over and they were with a teacher looking through the bottle cap recycling bin and picking up half full bottles. First of all, I know for a fact they aren’t supposed to throw bottles in there. Then, my friends told me they weren’t even supposed to have any sort of liquid in them or anything for that matter. I helped them take out the bottles. Now at home, I want to do the same. I want to recycle my bottles, can and everything like that. I just don’t know what goes where. Can anyone make a list of household items that can be recycled and what I should throw out in the garbage?

The Expert answers:

Recycle paper, plastic, and anything metal. Never put clothing in the recycling bin, for some reason people think that clothing goes in the recycling bin, but it doesn’t. However you can give old clothes to the local thrift shops, women’s shelters, jails for prisoners who don’t have clothes when they come out, and homeless shelters. You can also take old electronics to different recycling sites, use the phone book or your local news station’s website to find one. Also most recycleable items will say “Please recycle” or have 3 arrows that make up a triangle. Thank you for taking time to ask this question so that my future children will have a nice place to live someday:)

David asks…


So this year we made a global warners club we have idea’s of making speeches on telling people do use the 3 r’s and we go to each class and see if they have a recycle bin if they dont the school orders it for them

so my questions is what other things should we do in our club?

The Expert answers:

The club sounds like a good idea, good luck with it.

I think there are many things you could do, some may be more practical than others. Here’s some suggestions…

• First, all the points that Love The Earth has made – they’re good.

• You could develop the lakescaping idea and extend it to include local watercourses. Part of the project could be to improve streams and small rivers by clearing trash and debris, improving access, planting schemes, creating awareness etc.

• Talk to a local wildlife expert and see what steps could be implemented to encourage birds and animals into your area. Perhaps something as simple as providing suitable bird-boxes, you could have some of these in the school grounds.

• If the school has the land available, then create a garden area and a vegetable area. It’s good, healthy fun for the kids.

• Look at carrying out some improvements to the surrounding areas, maybe plant flowers along the roadside, put up a few hanging baskets or freshen things up with a lick of paint here and there.

• In terms of wider environmental issues, you could incorporate problems such as the depletion of oil and other mineral resources, the environmental impacts of these industries, species extinction, deforestation, dead zones, habitat destruction, coral bleaching, ocean acidification, landfill sites, soil erosion, shortages of food and water, acid rain, over population, toxic waste, overfishing, pesticides etc.

• Wikipedia has a long List of Environmental Issues here I’m sure there’ll be plenty of things you can include in your club.

John asks…

can you put plastic ziploc bags in the same recycling bin as plastic water bottles?

I need to know this for a school project. It’ll also help if you can supply some websites that have some useful information about recycling bottles, plastics, and cans. (no wikipiedia)

The Expert answers:

Yes. You can. Whether they belong there or not….that’s another question.

Plastic zip-lock bags are made of polyethylene.

Plastic water bottles are made of PET or polyethylene teraphlate, know more widely as Dacron when in a fibrous form.

Most recyling bins accept both plastics.

Betty asks…

How can I recover a folder I deleted from a jumpdrive (memory stick)?

The folder is not in my recycle bin, because I deleted from an external device, how can I recover my files?!?!?!??? I need them in two days for school! No exceptions. Thank you very much for your help. Wish me luck, and if you know, please help! Thanks.

The Expert answers:

File recovery-
Recuva (pronounced “recover”) is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted by bugs, crashes and viruses!

Linda asks…

Dear Earth is in trouble! What can we do?

Do you like the world we live in?
Do you want your children or grandchildren to suffer?
Do you want Earth to die away?

Of coarse not!

But what can we do?

1. Pay attention to how much water you use. If you don’t allready…take a shower! It uses less water than a bath. And be quick, if you spend to long heres a tip- use cold water, not only will you feel rushed your hair will be shiny and grow longer!
Save water. As gross as it sounds its really not that bad. Only wash clothes and dishes when neccesary and be sure to wash a big load.
Turn water off! Its so simple! When your washing dishes you DO NOT NEED ALL THE WATER! And turn the water off when your brushing your teeth.

2. Leave the car at HOME! Its healthier to walk anyways! I don’t use a car. I either walk, ride a bike, or skate board. Its funner and safer (less accidents) and its good for the environment.

3. Recycle! Its easy! Get a few bins for recycling- one for paper and one for plastics. Encourage your friends and school to recycle too!

4. Make a compost pile! Heres how!

5. Buy some seeds and grow a garden! Plant a tree!

6. Its not as bad as you think to pick up the trash! Whenever I’m walking aroudn town I see trash EVERYWHERE! So what do I do…I pick it up!

Please help dear Mother Earth. She has cared for us and now that she’s in trouble its our turn to care for her. If we don’t do anything the world will be in huge trouble. I’m trying my hardest to reach out to teens and kids to help! Spread the word. Help make the world a better place.

The Expert answers:

Good self answers. Check out these two short articles.

Maria asks…

Where can I find an app. for a federal grant?

I’m part of my school’s Key Club. in Northeast Oklahoma. I’m looking for an application to receive a federal grant to help pay, mostly, for a wind turbine we want to purchase for the school. If you know of where to get an app. for solar panels, hot water heaters, wind turbines, or recycling bins, please let me know! Just in case, the grant needs to be for a school.

The Expert answers:

Good luck with that. Be sure you ask for enough to cover the EPA studies you will require. A lot of alternative energy projects have been sunk because they can’t afford to do the studies on the impact on fish, fowl or other wildlife, even when they are trying to work on existing sites. Here in SC we have hundreds of old Mill Dams. They already exist, nothing new is being built. But nothing can be done with them because the costs of the studies are so ridiculously high.

Chris asks…

How do i delete a program on Windows 7?

I had to download a file for school and with it it downloaded a weather channel program that is now a desktop icon. I want to completely delete it from my computer. How do I do that? Also, I don’t just want to use the recycling bin. I need it completely gone along with some other files.

The Expert answers:

Go to this: Control PanelProgramsPrograms and Features
Once in, wait for the list to load. Then right click on the program you want to remove and click uninstall.

Hope this helped!

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