Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

where can i get more recycling bins for my school?

i need to get more recycling bins in my school, where can i get them? i live in Oregon and all of the sites I’ve gone to are for other states. Does anyone know where i could get them?

The Expert answers:

You need to look for a local recycling center. Check out the link below.

Betty asks…

Where to get cheap recycling bins for school?

I want to put recycling bins in the classes, but with the stuff I’m looking at, I will have to spend $500.
I’m looking for about a 23 gallon.

The Expert answers:

If you keep looking, you’d realize the only thing you need is a recycling symbol to stick on any container – trash can, box or whatever.

The container should be liquid tight, that is, will keep any liquid in your recyclable from leaking out onto the floor. This reduces cleanup and also prevents vermin (bugs and rodents) from discovering this new food source easily.

Good luck!

Sandra asks…

What items are we allowed to put in plastic recycling bins?

Bins say, “bottles only” but does this include plastic milk bottles and household cleaner bottles, or just water bottles? Also should I take off the lids and throw them away or can they be recycled?

The Expert answers:


I am sure the recycling center can separate out the usable from unusable and deal with the refuse left.

I’d put it all in!

Helen asks…

They are no recycling bins in the county that i live in?

Who should I write to or talk to about putting bins around here. I hate not recycling.

The Expert answers:

Speak to your local council, recycling cost the government quiet abit so that maybe the reason…

Sharon asks…

How can I get two free recycling bins?

I’m getting tired of putting my plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, soda cans, etc. in the trash b/c i don’t have enough recycling bins to put them in. So please help me.

Racquel N.

The Expert answers:

There are no free recycling bin but you could make one.

You could clean the one of trash can in house. Then paint one box with blue paint which will be recycling cans for bottles without plastic cap/lids.

Also, you could put hole in lid to indicate bottles, cans only.

For paper, you could use unused cardbox which could be paper bin.

Lizzie asks…

what are the different bins of recycling used for?

I have 3 bins and am new to the area here in Dorset in England and I have been told I have to recycle otherwise I get a fine. I have one bin for garden waste and two for household waste and recyclable stuff.. What goes in the recycled stuff? what cant I put in the recycle bin? what goes in the normal bin??

So confused and have 2 kids so lots of rubbish to sort thru now!

The Expert answers:

Probably the best thing for you to do is to contact your local council.

Many councils have online information about refuse collections and what the different bins and boxes are for, including what not to put in the bins. Different councils have their own ways of dealing with things.

Dorset County Council or Dorset for You has links to local council websites, if in any doubt send them an email. I contacted my local council once about shredded paper as everyone seemed to have different ideas so I thought it best to get the information from the people responsible and very helpful they were to.

Mark asks…

Where do I go to get recycling bins?

I’ve recently become a huge environmental activist, and I will do anything to avoid wasting things like food or paper. Where do I need to go to get the green curbside recycling bin for paper, plastic, and glass?

The Expert answers:

Your local township or borough office will have these for free-just contact them. In many cases, you will have to go to the office to get one, and if one was already issued to your place of residence, you may (or may not) have to pay a nominal fee for it. (Like $5-8.) Also, you may have to purchase any amount of bins that you want over 1-you will usually get one for free.

Chris asks…

Who else has problems with recycling bins filling up?

I want to now why recycling is picked up every other week.Why not every week? Recycling bins in my neighborhood are usually filled before the end of the first week and I want to now if others are having the same problem

The Expert answers:

Ours don’t

does this look like your bin,r:12,s:0&tx=87&ty=26

mine look like these three,r:7,s:33&biw=922&bih=520

how about getting a bigger bin – we did – just sorta makes sense to me

George asks…

Does anyone know where i can find a technology, resistant materials past paper on recycling bins?

In school, we are having practice exams. I know that the exam will be based around recycling bins and recycling but i can’t find this exam paper. It is a gcse aqa paper.
Hope you can help

The Expert answers:

I’m afraid I dont think this paper has been distributed yet Jonathon as it is to be used for the mock exams in many schools. You’ll have to do this exam alone Jonathon.;)

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