Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asks…

What is a good recycling percentage?

It’s for an eco-dorm, and there will be 450 people participating. What is a good ratio of waste to recycling to strive for? We have the capacity to recycle paper, cans, plastic, glass, cardboard, etc, and the trash company will give me the stats each week or so. We need a goal! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

25% should be easy.
50% would be good

Chris asks…

Times Private Treaties providing small brands the ‘X’ Factor?

Times Private Treaties investments seem to have provided the small brands X Factor in terms of brand building, mainstream advertising and reputation management. One of the recent successes has been a small lesser known e-waste recycling company Eco Reco which claims that they have seen a substainatial growth in the number of new clients since April 2008, when their first ad on Planet Earth Day appeared. Currently, the company has more than 200 corporate clients across India, such as Siemens, Reliance, Infosys, HCL and HDFC and many more including several companies of Tata Group, Mahindra & Mahindra and Castrol. The company feels that this is due to the buzz and brand equity generated by their informational and brand campaign in partnership with Times Private Treaties.
Similarly a B2B compnay Unitek Power, which fundamentally provides industrial power solutions, belives that the brand reputation earned through advertising via a Times Private Treaties client has enabled them to win large orders. Last year this Kerala-based electronics company had signed an exclusive tie-up with the Italian pioneer, Borri Industrial Power Solutions The Unitek-Borri Power Solutions got Rs 32 crore order from L & T for Cairns Energy.
Another example is Royal Hygiene, a new entrant in the feminine hygiene products range which has attained a number three position in the market by registering a growth of 225% in sales last year. The company attributes this success largely to their brand building efforts undertaken since May 2008 post their alliance with Times Private Treaties. Says, Rakesh Kaul, CEO of Royal Hygiene, “Ever since the alliance with the Times Group, there has been a substantial increase in the top of the mind recall over the past one year.”

Times Private Treaties model is based on providing brand building and advertising opportunities to smaller less known companies to help them create their brand and unlock value. This model enables companies to advertise in BCCL vehicles in return for equity in those companies. This also helps the company to bring in many first time otherwise media shy advertisers and increase BCCL’s advertiser base.

The Expert answers:

Times Private Treaties seem to be playing a significant role with its core strategies for companies.

Mary asks…

How can major companies be allowed to use more water then they need to?

every kilo of leather made wastes 72litres of water and believe it or not they don’t recycle it…
every tonne of steel wastes 300,000litres of water but thankfully they recycle 93% of this water so at least they are trying to make an effort
every litre of beer wastes 7-10litres of water and it can’t be used again.
These are just some of the companies that use large amounts of water for small things
IMAGINE all the other companies that are wasting water!!!

The Expert answers:

Yes industry can use a lot of water and it generally doesn’t pay very much for it.

If you were to change this around the companies would become uncompetitive and fold. This means the loss of jobs that pay our bills. If the companies were charged more for the water then the prices you and I would pay would be substantially more.

It is a balancing act that we have been dealt due to what was done in the past. Industry is moving towards becoming more efficient but it is not something that will happen over night but a gradual change over a couple of decades.

Also the general population uses 70% of the water supply; of which only 10% is for potable (used for human comsumption) purposes; the rest goes into swimming pools, doing laundry, washing dishes, having showers etc.

So we have
30% used by industry
63 % used for non potable purposes in households
7% used for human consumption.
It is obvious that the biggest savings can come from household reducing their non potable water usage.

Jenny asks…

waste recyling program partners in the philippines?

looking for companies that will help us manage our solid waste recycling program, and or convert it into cash funds

The Expert answers:

Very interesting!!! But the initiative should come first from the government to strictly imposed the program to be followed by its constituent. People should be first educated on the importance of recycling and its impact to the community.

Susan asks…

How to start as an Environmental Engineer in the London area?

I am really disappointed – everybody talks about recycling yet here I am with a degree and I can’t get a job. I know as an Eastern EuropeanI can start on a senior level (and man, I am keen on an administrator position just let me start it!), but even for junior positions they expect 2years experience!
I have 1 year experience in waste management (project work, not UK based).

I phoned recycling companies and they wouldn’t recruit without an agency (but wouldn’t tell the name of the agency).
Councils go through the job centre, but I can’t apply for jobs in Ealing if I live in Wandsworth.

Do you know an agency I should contact?

Are you an Environmental Engineer in waste management and have some ideas or tips?
In London.
For someone who gained a degree in another European country.

Do you know an agency?

Are you an agent?

I am all ears to suggestions, pleaseeeee!

Many thanks

The Expert answers:

I am not in waste management, nor overseas. But to garner an entry level position in the US is as easy as looking up companies in the yellow pages “Environmental Consultants” or “Engineers Environmental”.

Using career (I do not think they list the UK), search Enviromental and go from there.

You will need to find the most popular job listing site for the UK and go there.

Linda asks…

Is plastic bottled water really such a waste?

My friend is very big on recycling. she think that it’s such an easy way to help out the environment. Plastic water bottles are probably her biggest irk. She think they are so pointless. No matter where she goes, she always carry water with her but use a REUSABLE bottle. Is plastic bottled water really such a waste? Have you ever heard that some states (or countries) when the law banning bottled water was passed? I don’t think so I am with my think. I keep bottled water handy, and i think that many way can solve the plastic bottles recycle problems, for example, a recycling company or factory, turning waste into treasure at the same time, also improve the employment rate. do you think so?

The Expert answers:

Similarly with u. The benefit of plastic bottles outweighs the harm. It is easy to carry and a ideal bottle to contain water, let alone the low weight compared with the metal containner.

Thomas asks…

Environmentally responsible companies?

I think more companies need to be environmentally responsible. Reducing waste, offering recycling opportunities, using less energy, creating less polution. I would like to support the companies that go the extra mile. What environmentally friendly companies do you like, and what do they do to help?

The Expert answers:

Boeing: Their new 787 is 40% more fuel efficient then simlilar sized aircraft

Dupont Chemical: is remaking itself as a sustainable chemical company. Has recognized the incredible savings that can be achieved when you cut down on waste and inefficiency.

Goldman Sachs: made a fortune off of Horizon Windpower, new World Headquarters in NYC will be built to LEED standards.

Wal Mart: recycles a staggering amount of plastic and cardboard in their daily operations. I have seen this with my own eyes. Changes as simple as making deoderant suppliers stop putting deoderant containers in little paperboard boxes have saved countless trees and untold quantities of diesel fuel.

HEB: recycles plastic grocery bags at their stores. They MAKE money on this program.

Interface Incorporated: A billion dollar company and the pioneer in 100% recyclable carpet tiles for home and office applications. Carpet is plastic, which is made from oil. Almost all of the carpet sold in America is eventually landfilled.

Florida Power and Light is putting up huge windfarms across the US

General Electric is pushing the green envelope with its Ecomagination program.

The US Air Force is building the nation’s largest utility scale solar plant in Nevada.

The list goes on and on. Exxon isn’t on it.

Joseph asks…

Why aren’t companies who send out piles of junk mail being held accountable for wasting natural resources?

Aren’t we a more enlightened society now? Aren’t we all supposed to be doing our part to conserve natural resources?
I carry canvas bags to the market for groceries, I reuse rags instead of using paper towels, I recycle, I don’t waste paper.
Sheryl Crow is going around telling people to use just one square of toilet paper in order to save trees.
It seems we’re all doing our part – then I come home to find a huge pile of JUNK mail on my doorstep.
Why isn’t anyone doing anything about these effing companies who pollute our environment and waste our natural resources?
Why are they allowed to get away with this?

The Expert answers:

They are doing all of the things you say they are and more. They are also causing the cost of postage stamps to go up constantly. They have bulk rates for the most part, which means they pass their savings on to you by way of the post office making up the difference on the general public.


It should be illegal for them to mail all of that crap out to begin with, but when they do it at public expense, it’s got to stop.

[A comment to the other answerer asking if we want the government determining what is purposeful mail…

Do you think the U.S. Mail system was put in place for huge corporations to send out advertising at public expense, in effect costing each individual who pays taxes large sums of money so they can receieve glossy batches of trash that they immediately toss in the trashcan? The U.S. Mail came into existence primarily for citizens to conduct personal and business correspondence. Your argument regarding individual freedoms does not apply to large corporations! A corporation is NOT “a someone.”]

William asks…

I want to get the answers of the following comprehension.?

One recent example of industrial hyper growth has taken place in the recycling industry, led by the rapid expansion of the recycled paper market. Though many laws were enacted in the late 1980s to encourage (and in some cases require) the collection of waste paper for recycling, there were not, at that time, companies with sufficient capacity to recycle it all. Consequently the collected paper accumulated in storage, usually at the expense of the recycling companies, thereby adding to their overhead and squeezing their already thin profit margins. Today a different situation exists. Fifty-seven new paper mills have been built since 1991, and of these, at least twenty-nine use recycled fiber. This surge in capacity has resulted in a concurrent rise in profits. The price per Ton of waste paper has quadrupled in the past year, as have the prices of corrugated cardboard and used newsprint. Trash haulers have benefited from these conditions by combining their trash hauling and recycling operations. Recycling centers are connected both to the clients to whom they sell end products and to those from whom they collect refuse; thus, the company gets paid twice for the same trash, once for hauling the waste and once for selling the usable material. Industry profits have increased more than tenfold during this period. As the industry has become more competitive, some haulers have chosen to rebate a portion of this money to their clients in the hopes of ensuring their loyalty.
27. According to the passage, which of the following is a reason for the increase in profits in the trash hauling business?
A Haulers’ ability to sell both services and products.
B Money offered by haulers to preferred customers.
C Foresight exhibited by the leaders of the industry.
D Haulers’ willingness to adapt technology to a changing industry.
E Passage of stricter environmental legislation.
28. It can be inferred from the passage that the price of waste paper
A will increase steadily over the next few years
B will increase as more companies get involved in the industry
C is closely related to the availability of trash haulers
D is not as important to trash haulers as the price they charge for hauling waste
E is sometimes set by the weight of the product
29. The author of the passage would most likely agree with which of the following?
A. Competition between trash haulers and recyclers will prevent the recycled paper industry from reaching its full
economic potential.
B. Pressure from anti-environmental groups has increased pressure on the government to oppose recycled paper
C. The recycled paper industry may continue to grow at its present rate as long as the industry remains profitable.
D. The profit-seeking of recyclers have overshadowed environmental concerns in the recycled paper industry.
E. Government negligence prevented the recycled paper industry from becoming successful until the early 1990’s.
30. According to the passage, all of the following are results of the increase in the number of new mills using recycled finer except
A. The price of waste paper has risen dramatically.
B. Trash haulers are earning increased revenues.
C. Profits at recycling centers have increased more than tenfold.
D. The price of corrugated cardboard has risen.
E. Trash haulers have been forced to compete with recyclers.

The Expert answers:

27. NONE
28. A
29. E
30. D

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