Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Linda asks…

When I was young, why did I fear the right wingers taking away my rights?

I am now 42. Back in the day I was taught to hate Reagan, corporations, Bush Sr and Jr and ALL Republicans were out to squelch my freedoms.
Now I look around me.
If I don’t recycle I am fined, if I use the garbage disposal I am fined, if I dislike a minority it’s a hate crime, my income isn’t really mine but the goct’s to spread around, I cannot question anything else I am labeled, my healthcare is decided without my input, votes are bought and private corporations are turned over to the very unions that destroyed them?!
And I worried about the religious right?
Why was I not warned that everyday I lose another freedom to “help society”.
I cannot smoke in my car or apt anymore, I am forced to recycle, I Have to wear seatbelts, drive a certain speed to save gas, pay to add crap to my gas for the atmosphere that may or may not work.
Why did I spend a decade worrying about the Bushes, Reagans and Limbaughs of the world when the Pelosi’s, FDR’s, Obama’s and al Gore’s were the ones taxing me more and limiting my actions more???
Is this a right of passage, growing up? Or what?
Is this why so many college kids gladly give up their freedoms for a failed cause?
Pathetic actually….

The Expert answers:

A wise man once said, “If you are young and not a liberal, you have no heart; If you are old and not a conservative , you have no brain”

Generally liberalism is “emotion” driven…..even if the action does not solve the problem…..even if the action creates a BIGGER problem ….. At least they did “something”…. Their need to ACT is satisfied

Do you ever see a conservative wear a ribbon for smaller government? Most conservatives are for REAL solutions….. Actions that result in solving a problem without creating a bigger problem

Liberals created “Welfare”…. The idea was good, “Help people when they have temporary problems until they get back on their feet again”….. It turned into a dependent subculture…..five and six generations of people living on the money EARNED by others”……. Wealth re-distribution…. We became a nation of “enablers”…… We enabled people to NOT succeed….. Reduced their motivation to support themselves….. Made poverty acceptable

Liberals also do not seem to learn from history….. They repeat “emotion pleasing” solutions even when they failed before ….. Everything President Obama has done to “solve” the financial crisis…. “solve” the unemployment problem…. Was tried for ten years by FDR….. AND IT FAILED

Freud said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”

President Obama spent an entire year to save 32 million Americans who were “at risk”…. That means most were not sick just would be in trouble if they got sick….. At the same time he ignored over 40 million Americans who were suffering NOW…. Unemployment is at record levels…. All President Obama did was to change the way unemployment is computed so that it looked like it went down when it actually went up !!
Do you realize the official estimate of the cost of the new health care plan….. Will cost the tax payers 314 million dollars for EACH of the 32 million “at risk” Americans….. It would have been cheaper for the government to just buy them a million dollar health insurance policy and SAVED 282 million tax dollars EACH…. Not to mention not risking 90% of America’s satisfied health care customers by tampering with their coverage

BTW What sense does it make….. You can not afford health care….. So if you do not buy health care…. We will take away MORE of your money????? What sort of a bizarre world does that solution make any sense in…. ?? The results is thousands of small businesses will be forced to close their operation….. Conceivably if this law were in effect when Bill Gates started Microsoft out of his garage…. He would not have survived

Please ,someone… us from liberals with good intentions

Thomas asks…

Can I have a Grammar check for this short article please?

-I’m trying to write an article for my college newspaper and it’s my first time doing so. I was wondering if I could depend on yahoo answers to check my grammar than just using Microsoft word alone.

-This has already gone through two drafts and I’m just seeking any little errors for my final draft before submitting.

-Please do not comment on what I wrote about, Just correct the grammar.

Here is the article:

Petty theft is a crime, and worst of all, it eventually adds up! De Anza is already facing the budget crisis. The least that could be done is to salvage what we can. We can begin by reducing the amount of recycle thefts and recycle disposals.

Truck driver Joe of Pepsi company says that Pepsi delivers about 80 cases of bottled sodas and cans a day to De Anza College campus. This averages approximately 9, 600 bottles and cans each week. Patrick Gannon, De Anza’s Dining Director, states that the recorded capture rate of bottles and cans is 35%. The remaining 65% are either thrown away or taken by bottle collectors. This means that De Anza is losing a potential school revenue of $312 a week, $3744 a quarter or $14, 976 for the school year!

It is understandable that the economy is going through hard times, but theft is not the answer. It is a bit heart wrenching to think that someone would undermine our effort to keep our school funding in tact. Whether or not they need the money more than we do, it is still theft, not to mention that it is unknown if these people are using these funds for their own good or not. On the other hand, it is 100% certain that the funds would have been used for our education.

Something must be done to stop this systematic cycle. It may be recycle slots built into walls, rewarding student volunteers for garbage sort outs, or adding recycle bin locks. It is time we take back what rightfully belongs to us!

The Expert answers:

The main problem is I am struggling to understand what the article is about. It’s hard to understand the point you are trying to get accross. You need to know how to make a statement, and then support it with facts that are relative to that statement.

It sounds like you are writing an article about how the recycle system of your campus is a target for petty theft. So you might start out with a statement like:

De Anza College recycle program is being victimized by theft! Even though these are petty crimes, they add up to significant losses that are draining the school budget.

Think more about what ideas you are trying to get accross, and come up with a clear and concise way to word them so that people will understand what you’re saying.

Robert asks…

Where can I recycle my CDs / DVDs ?

Have bunch of CDs / DVDs that I don’t want and was thinking of recycling them. Anyone know where I can take them to for disposal where they’ll be recycled? If not, I probably just toss them into my garbage can. And no, I do not want to reuse them or make a decoration out of them or elc. I want them gone.

The Expert answers:

Check out It’s a website that organizes trades with members for cds, dvds, books & video games. You make a list of items you have but don’t want, and a list of things you want. Then they figure out the trade, send you someone’s address, and all you have to pay for is the shipping (usually less than $3). It’s a pretty cool site.

George asks…

couple economics questions im having trouble with!?

Society’s marginal cost of pollution abatement curve slopes upward because of the law of diminishing marginal utility.

Additional recycling will reduce economic efficiency if:
A)all costs considered, including the externalities associated with alternative disposal, the marginal benefit of recycling exceeds the marginal cost.
B)all costs considered, including externalities associated with alternative disposal, the marginal cost of recycling exceeds the marginal benefit.
C)the spillover costs associated with garbage dumps and incinerators are sufficiently large.
D)the spillover costs associated with garbage dumps are sufficiently small.

Cost-benefit analysis is frequently difficult to apply because it is difficult to quantify the full benefits of a public good or service.

The Expert answers:

1: False. The curve will slope upward, but it should be due to diminishing marginal productivity not the law of diminishing marginal utility (even if the utility gained from additional cleaning is the same, we can have increasing marginal costs from cleaning)
2: B – efficiency is reduced from additional output (recycling) if MC<MB
3: True.

Susan asks…

dental is pennsylvania?

i am a student in michigan looking for someone that would be able to help me with research of laws governing disposal of radiograph or environmental waste in pennsylvania? like the lead is a film packet, garbage or recycle? develop solutions how you dispose them? any other info would be great.

The Expert answers:

Basically all states follow the standard guidelines.

However, the best thing is to get in touch with the State Dental Association for a definite answer.

Paul asks…

Does anyone not know the dangers of CFL’s ?

The twisty energy-saving lightbulbs also have a dark side. For those not aware, the following are excerpts from two articles about compact fluorescent light bulbs; the full articles may be found at:

The US EPA and some large businesses are aggressively promoting the sale of compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs as a way to save energy and fight global warming. But the bulbs contain small amounts of mercury, a neurotoxin, and the companies and federal government haven’t come up with effective ways to get Americans to recycle them. This poses problems for consumers when breakage occurs, as well as disposal issues.

When a CFL breaks, the EPA cautions consumers to open a window and leave the room immediately for at least 15 minutes because of the mercury threat. The agency suggests removing all materials by scooping fragments and powder using cardboard or stiff paper. Sticky tape is suggested as a way to get smaller particles. The EPA says vacuum cleaners and bare hands should never be used in such cleanups.

After final cleanup with a damp paper towel, the agency warns consumers to place all materials in a plastic bag. “Seal and dispose of properly,” says the EPA. “Wash hands.”

Disposing of CFLs properly might be a tough thing to do; CFLs should never be thrown in the trash. They need to be turned into recycling centers, which are few and far between at this point.

With Wal-Mart alone projecting sales of 100 million in 2007, some scientists and environmentalists are worried far too many will wind up in garbage dumps.

Also, most people are in the dark about what will become mandatory, fine-imposed handling requirements for CFLs by homeowners and businesses.

EPA is actively engaged with trying to find a solution that works for these retailers around recycling the product. “The only retailer that I know of that is recycling is IKEA, [says an EPA spokesperson].”

The Expert answers:

It doesn’t say this, but mercury produces an invisible, unscented vapor; bad sh*t happens when you inhale this.

Donna asks…

science help please! last week of school and i need to pass! thanks a lot!?

Some landfills generate electricity by ________ produced from decomposing garbage.
A) collecting the hydrogen
B) using the chlorine
C) tapping the carbon dioxide
D) burning the methane gas
Which of the following is the most important function of a landfill?
A) To provide leachate for other industrial processes
B) To contain buried waste and prevent it from contaminating the environment
C) To be as inexpensive as possible to build
D) To convert waste to ash to free up more space
The ash produced when solid waste is incinerated is _______ than the original solid waste.
A) less toxic
B) more toxic
C) as toxic
D) more recyclable
An advantage of a solid waste ______________ is that it reduces the amount of trash destined for landfills.
A) incinerator
B) storage facility
C) compressor
D) defibrillator
Which items make up the largest percentage of waste produced by households and businesses?
A) Aluminum cans
B) Plastic bottles and packaging
C) Paper products
D) Yard waste, such as grass clippings and tree limbs
The total amount of solid waste generated in the United States in the last 40 years
A) has decreased.
B) has doubled.
C) has tripled.
D) has not changed.
Which of the following correctly describes the disposal of waste by composting?
A) Composting is a good way for individuals to reduce the amount of garbage they send to landfills, but large-scale composting is impractical.
B) Composting could reduce the amount of waste that restaurants, food-processing plants, and animal feedlots send to landfills.
C) Compost made from glass and plastics can be recycled and used as building materials.
D) Yard wastes, such as grass clippings, are not suitable for composting because they contain low levels of nutrients.
Which of the following is a problem associated with landfills?
A) Source reduction
B) Leachate
C) Surface impoundment
D) Composting
All of the following statements describe problems associated with modern landfills EXCEPT
A) Chemicals leaking out of the waste stored there may pollute wells or groundwater supplies.
B) Materials buried in landfills decompose in three years.
C) Explosive gases can be produced by landfills and may build up in the basements of nearby buildings.
D) We are running out of space to develop new landfills.
Reducing solid waste by using less material is called
A) source reduction.
B) deep-well injection.
C) surface impoundment.
D) composting.
An example of something that is biodegradable is
A) a leaf in a compost pile.
B) a plastic milk jug in a landfill.
C) a polystyrene burger container in a trash can.
D) a piece of polyester fabric.
The main problem with so-called biodegradable plastic is that
A) only its organic portion actually decomposes.
B) animals often choke on the plastic litter that forms.
C) it releases toxic compounds as it breaks apart.
D) it includes a chemical produced by a rare bacterium.
Creating steel from scrap instead of from ore uses about _________ less energy.
A) 25%
B) 50%
C) 75%
D) 95%
Making products from recycled materials
A) is limited to metals.
B) often saves energy and other resources during the manufacturing process.
C) uses so much energy that it is not economically workable.
D) is not cost effective in most cases.
You can use your consumer buying power to reduce solid waste by doing all of the following EXCEPT
A) Buying items that come in refillable bottles
B) Using rechargeable batteries
C) Buying products that have less packaging
D) Buying paper products like paper towels and napkins
Which of the following is a TRUE statement about recycling?
A) It takes more energy to make steel from scrap than from newly mined ore.
B) Cities have never had trouble finding buyers for their recycled materials.
C) After they are collected, recyclable materials are cleaned and processed.
D) The process of recycling most products uses more energy than producing new products.
Manufacturers could reduce waste and conserve resources by making products that
A) are cheaper.
B) are more durable.
C) require more packaging.
D) are more expensive.
An example of source reduction is
A) composting.
B) recycling.
C) using canvas shopping bags.
D) surface impoundment.
Wastes containing toxic, corrosive, or explosive materials are considered
A) biodegradable.
B) municipal.
C) hazardous.
D) solid.

Surface impoundment is a method for
A) packing a landfill down.
B) disposing of hazardous waste by bringing it to the surface.
C) disposing of hazardous waste by allowing it to settle out and evaporate in a pond.
D) recovering raw material from manufactured goods.

The Expert answers:

For the biodegradable plastic portion of your questions, see the different kinds compared and contrasted at .

Nancy asks…

Edit my Work?

The Life of a Product

It is used by millions of people every day. It is something that is used to power your remote control card, your televisions remote, and even your watch. This product is called Batteries. Batteries are used sometimes for just a few hours, and then disposed. But what REALLY happens to them when you throw them in the trash can?
If batteries were being disposed improperly, they could hurt Mother Earth. But did you know that after you throw your old battery away it still contains harmful, toxic material. After you throw your battery away it is collected by the Environmental Management Facility for disposal at a hazardous waste dump yard. The major thing that stops batteries from being recyclable is that, most batteries contain a harmful chemical called “Mercury”. It is nearly impossible to destroy the “Mercury” inside a battery, and it takes a lot of money, time, and effort if it were to be accomplished. Mercury is a contributing factor in why many products cannot be recycled.
Did you know that Canada has alone an estimated 3 billion batteries being sold and thrown away every year, and the only one to blame for this is us. If this continues this world may be facing a MAJOR crisis, since landfill sites are quickly starting to fill and eventually there would be no space left for garbage waste. The only solution for this would be to make products like batteries eco-friendly.

Batteries are something that cant be replaced, but there is good news. There is a new type of battery called the “E-CELL”, it is a rechargeable battery, and it contains no Mercury. E-cells are generally a bit more expensive, but yet again E-cell’s save over 5000 trees annually. Every little bit that helps the environment counts, and everybody can make a difference.

The Expert answers:

Your television’s remote (add ‘)
This product is called Batteries ~ this product is called the battery.
Used sometimes ~ sometimes used (?)
But did you know ~ dont start a sentence with but!
Harmful, toxic material. ~ this is a question so ? At end
is that, most batteries ~ no comma after that!
The “Mercury” inside ~ you dont need to put it in quotes
there would be no space ~ there will be no space
cant be replaced ~ can’t
but yet again E-cells ~ but E-cells
why are you suddenly talking about trees? I didnt hear anything about them in the rest of the essay. How do e-cells help trees?

Sandy asks…

What do you think about my cool idea on my garbage?

I was preparing to move, so I knew it was going to be tough to have to face the reality of all the trash I had generated. As much as I tried to donate larger items- I knew there would be a lot I would not be able to bring with me to my tiny studio apartment. My number one category of garbage in the first two weeks was cloth. Anyone who has moved recently probably knows that you end up finding random things in your closet that aren’t in good enough condition to donate. Clothing is pretty heavy, so the garbage bag filled with it was a total pain to drag to the trash chute. I felt so guilty and will be very careful in the future to only purchase clothing I will wear and not buy more than I really need.

After moving and following the guidelines from the LA county recycling flier, I found that organic materials comprised most of my waste’s volume. I don’t have a garbage disposal now, so anything that goes bad other than fruits &veggies (which I now know go in the green bin) gets thrown away. I drastically reduced my black bin garbage because of this assignment and am committed to taking the time and effort to continue to recycle! I have decided to purchase biodegradable recycling/composting bags for my garbage in the future. They are a bit more expensive, but I think it’s worth it!

The Expert answers:

Hmm ok, neat. But some may speculate that your garbage still exists on the 7th platonic plane upon which abounds each article of trash in perfect duplicate to your reality of throwing it away. So the question now remains, whether or not your garbage still exists in full form

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