Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandy asks…

Is it OK to recycle white paper in the newspaper recycling bin?

If not, where should I recycle it?. I do not have access to an office recycling program any longer. I just do not want to throw it away.

The Expert answers:

It depends on the regulations of were the recyclables are going to from your community. Contact were you recyables go (check with town or city clerk if you do not know where else to check) and as what th requlations are in your community) In my Town junk mail and office papper can be put with the newspaer because it all goes to the same place for processing into Toilet tissue.

Donna asks…

How to recycle my old pair of binoculars?

I have an old pair of broken binoculars. There out of line and they werent expensive and I have had them for years. I would probably be cheaper to buy a new pair. I plan on getting a new pair anyay. I cant fix it my self. How can I recycle it? I would hate to just throw it out.

The Expert answers:

There is a website called freecycle where people put up there things for free and if anyone is intrested can take it of your hands. 🙂

Lizzie asks…

Do you recycle and if so what do you recycle?

I live in a fairly small town and I recycle my newspapers, plastic and aluminum.
I also have a compost pile – do you compost things?

The Expert answers:

We recycle just about everything including paper, glass, metal, aluminum, newspaper, plastic, etc. We also have a large compost pile where we put all of our scraps from meals, and any organic material from the yard, etc. We then add that to our vegetable garden at various intervals.
We try to live as “green” as possible to minimize our personal impact. We can’t change the world but we can change ourselves!

John asks…

What can you do to recycle old bedsheets?

This set of very good sheets is about 15 years old and is worn out. The fitted sheet has holes worn in it but the top sheet is still usable. There must be some way to recycle old cotton sheets, but I don’t know what it would be.

The Expert answers:

I have made pillow slips, duvet covers and dresser scarfs with old bedsheets.

Michael asks…

How can I get my classmates to recycle more?

We already know that if we take our cans to the recycling center you can get money… I cannot get them to recycle. They just throw everything away… Is there a better incentive rather than money? Should the university have there own recycling center on campus… Therefor the students will get instant rewards? I need help… Even the janitors don’t care about recycling. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:

You can start a recycling drive.
Be the president of the Recycling Club.
Which is basically Tell your classmates to recycle at a place in your school
May be you can open a room in your school after school for one hour to receive recycles and then give them stickers or points for the good deeds they do.
Then, You can start like a sweepstake stuff in school?
Or may be some other prize winning surprises in school that will benefit the recyclers.

It works really well for my school
Try it your self

Lisa asks…

Where can I go to recycle all sorts of bottles and cans of all different brands?

This is bullshit. I save up all my bottles and cans because we have to recycle now which is good but when I get to any grocery story they only take half the bottles and cans I have because they say they don’t sell the brands I have. Not to mention how the machines are always full and are the biggest pieces of shit to use. Is there a place that just takes everything and gives you the five cents?

The Expert answers:

Our trash collectors just pick ours up on trash day. They gave us a special bin for recycling and we put it on the curb with the trash.
Or you can locate, very easily, a local recycling center by looking in your yellow pages or online.

Linda asks…

How would I start a recycle program for work?

I work at Babies R Us and everyday the trash cans are filled with some many pieces of paper. The reason we use so much paper is because since we’re a baby store, we have a baby registry. It iritates me seeing so much paper being thrown away. How would I go about starting a recycle program for my job that people will follow?

The Expert answers:

If you company does not want the added cost of recycle pick up at your store have them ask your garbage collection company if they have a drop off site. I work at one in wisconsin and we have many route customer that bring their recycle matterial to our shop and drop it off here for free instead of paying us to have secondary containers at the business. Good luck

Helen asks…

How do I keep bees from swarming the trash can that I recycle aluminum cans in ?

Bees keep getting in the trash can in which I recycle aluminum cans. This makes it impossible for me to recycle the cans without getting stung. I usually just give up and throw the aluminum cans away. Is there any way to keep the bees out of the container that I recycle my cans in? I am open to all suggestions.

The Expert answers:

Rinse out the cans or put them in plastic bags or get a cover for the
can they come for the sweetness of the soda!!

Mandy asks…

What is the best way to recycle used batteries?

My office uses AA and AAA batteries in almost everything. It’s a great opportunity to recycle, but i don’t know who to contact. I live in Texas, sort of near Houston.

The Expert answers:

Why not suggest a battery re-charger, it’ll save having to throw away all the batteries at all & save money

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