Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Maria asks…

Can Sorting of Recycling material from garbage can be used for community service?

The Expert answers:

I think it could count as long as someone is there to supervise you so that there is proof that you actually did do it. Confirm first with your school, probation officer, or whoever it is you have to confirm with.

Thomas asks…

What do you do with your Garbage/Recycling?

What are the Programs in your Community?
Drop off
private hauler

The Expert answers:

Garbage to private hauler; recyclables to local recycling company that pays for everything except plastic and glass; compostables in backyard bin.

Sandy asks…

is recycling garbage make my garbage bill cheaper?

my bill is like around 41 will my bill be cheaper if i recycle or will it make it cost more

The Expert answers:

I don’t know where you live so I can’t say for sure. All I can tell you for sure is “if” you are charged a flat rate, recycling won’t change your bill one way or the other. If however, you are charged according to how much garbage has to be picked up, it will depend on the company’s policy.

Where I live, recycling is encouraged but there is no discount on our trash bill. It’s a flat rate regardless of how much garbage we have.

George asks…

what might be the findings or results in garbage recycling?

can you please give me idea about that??

The Expert answers:

That we can recycle over 60% of what the average household throws away. I live in an county that has a state of the art Materials Recovery Facility. They use both manual and mechanical means to sort and divert recyclables from the waste stream. They are able to divert over 60% of the household and business waste to be recycled.

Steven asks…

What do recycling centers do about a curbside garbage can with stuff that should’nt be in a recycling blue can?

The Expert answers:

They separate it and haul it to the dump..

Joseph asks…

STATS. Suppose each month, a household generates an average of 28 pounds of newspaper for garbage/recycling.?

Assume the standard deviation is 2 pounds. If a household is selected at random, find the probability of its generating more than 30.6 pounds per month. Assume the variable is approximately normally distributed. Answer in percentage to the nearest hundredth of a percent.

The Expert answers:

Z-value = (30.6 – 28)/2 = 1.3

looking up the right tail of a z-table,

reqd. Probability = 9.68 %

Mary asks…

i want to start the recycling industry of waste garbage,is this possible?

i want to start the recycling industry of waste garbage,i want to seperate the polithin automatically and recycle it, and from other waste i wnt to produce the good desi fertizer to the formers to use in the cultivated land is this possible

The Expert answers:

Yes…u can…

David asks…

Recycling or Garbage? Easy points!?

My birds (5) poop a lot. I usually use wood shavings and also paper to clean their cages. When the wood shavings are filled with poop I throw it out in the garbage. I think that’s where it goes. But the paper i don’t know because it has poop all over it so should it go in the Garbage or recycling?

The Expert answers:

It would all go in the garbage unless you have a compost bin or pile. It would be a wonderful addition to the compost.

Robert asks…

how does recycling help garbage men?


The Expert answers:

It really doesnt help garbage men. Well yes it does. It helps garbage men and our ecosystem.

Garbage men- less weight being picked up because recycling includes paper, glass, plastic, and some metals.

Ecosystem- less landfills. It is said that 1 plastic bottle usually will not decompose for 50,000 years

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