Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

In Ohio, Is it illegal to take aluminum cans from curbside recycle bins (on trash night)?

In Ohio, Is it illegal to take aluminum cans from curbside recycle bins (on trash night)?

I know you can take trash as long as it’s on the curb.

My bike broke and I need to make money anyway I can. I figured by taking the aluminum cans from peoples recycle bins I could make a few bucks.

I have two refrigerator motor compressors. They seems to be welded together because I can’t open them. I have a feeling that there is copper inside. How can I open them?

all freon and liquids have already leaked out of both compressors, so there is no danger. Please tell me how to open it.

The Expert answers:

It is very illegal! You can be charged with theft. In my town a handicapped man was charged with theft but was let off as he could not understand the charges (yes he was mentally handicapped). He did not know there was such a law and did not think it was steeling as it was in the trash. The jury let him go ( you feel lucky or stupid?) If you are going to go through that much effort why don’t you just go and mow some yards or clean something up for someone instead of being a thief? (sw ohio)

Nancy asks…

Where do restored items from the recycle bin go on vista home premium?

I restored all items in the recycle bin but don’t know where they’ve gone?

The Expert answers:

They SHOULD go back to the original folder. If you still can’t find them “search” for them.

Betty asks…

How do i recover a deleted file from my recycle bin?

I accidently clicked empty recycle bin when i actually wanted to take a file out of the recycle bin and put it back in it’s folder.

Please help

The Expert answers:


Try recuva. It is a free recovery tool from the makers of Ccleaner. It works well as long as the files have not been overwritten or corrupted. Good luck!!!

Susan asks…

How to uncover deleted items from Recycle Bin?

I accidentally permanently deleted items from my recycle bin and I need to recover them fast. Please help. I have a Toshiba laptop that’s running windows 7 if that explains anything.

The Expert answers:

Yes, it is technically possible to recover any deleted file (Even those removed from the Recycle Bin) by using recovery software.

Check out the software from link blow.

Good luck!

Laura asks…

How to completely delete data/files after emptying recycle bin?

So there are some files/pictures that I wanted to delete, which I did. They went to the recycle bin. I then emptied the recycle bin. I know that there is technically a way to “recover” these deleted files. I want this to not be possible. How can I completely delete these files that were emptied from the recycle bin so that they are not recoverable? Is disk clean-up an option?

The Expert answers:

Dere r utilities available which allow you to destructively erase a file, a disk, or a partition. This is usually accomplished by overwriting the existing data on the disk or file with either random numbers or a series of zeros and ones. If you want to make it difficult for people to recover deleted data from your disk. You could say that these tools are the computer equivalent of a file shredder, an electronic or digital file shredder for files, hard disks, etc.
Here are list of such tools

Maria asks…

How could I legally place public recycling bins?

Do I need to go to my local mayor and get approval? I want to propose a creative idea to get people to recycle instead of litter the local environment. If their is a way for it to work, what ways can I get sponsored?

The Expert answers:

1. You cannot place anything on private property without the permission of the owner. That’s trespassing or illegal conversion

2. You cannot place anything on public property without the permission of the government entity in charge of maintaining it. Also trespassing or illegal conversion.

3. You even may need to have permission to place it on your own property, depending on the zoning laws.

As to getting someone else to foot the bill, you have to do that yourself. After all, it’s your project and you need to do SOME of the work involved. The best place for this would be in a shopping district. Maybe the local chamber of commerce will sponsor you.

Talk to your town’s sanitation department for guidance as to where to place them and how much they cost. Remember, if you put them out you have to have a plan to empty them and dispose of the contents in an environmentally responsible way.

Daniel asks…

How to recover images deleted in the Recycle Bin?


I was wondering is there a way of recovering images lost by deleting them via the Recycle Bin, possibly with the use of CCleaner, as I was under the impressive technically they remain.

I used a software that someone suggested here, but it didn’t recover any of the one’s I lost, and the images were small in size compared to the original size.

All comments are appreciated!

The Expert answers:

Yes, it is technically possible to recover any deleted file (Even those removed from the Recycle Bin) by using recovery software. Check out the software from link blow.

Good luck!

Chris asks…

I accidentally erased the Recycle Bin Icon on my desktop in Windows Vista. How do I re-create one?

I’m talking about the icon that shows trash in it when full and then changes to empty appearance after the recycle bin is emptied. Thanks for the help!

The Expert answers:

If you have vista – you right click on your desktop .. Go to personalization … Then desktop icon settings (located on the left side!) …. Then click [x]Recycle Bin and it should appear back on your desktop.

John asks…

How do I get rid of the recycle bin icon on my desktop backround?

I got the RocketDock program so my recycle bin is on that so id like to get rid of the other icon on my backround and it wont let me!

The Expert answers:

Right Click on Desktop, view, uncheck show desktop

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