Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

What are some recycling crafts similar to this one?

recycled, but still looks nice or is usefull

The Expert answers:

There are loads of ideas for recycling crafts online:

But you might also want to check out this message board at called “Reusing, Recycling, Recrafting”:
(…the “topics” listed with gray backgrounds are permanent “sticky” topics… They’re listed before the regular current messages)


Diane B.

William asks…

Can anyone give me an idea on how to recycle a plastic bottle or a tin can into a recycled craft?

Please help me!!This is my project and I really need your idea…Thanks…

The Expert answers:

For the bottle. Cut a few square or circle holes in the side of the bottle on either side and line bottom of two shapes with duck tape or clay that hardens so it wont cut the feet of birds. Cut high enough so you can fill with bird sead without falling out if bottle swings in the wind. Punch a couple of hole in the cap and hage with a wire, loop through and screw cap back on, and ta da… You have a bird feeder. Paint out side with suncatcher paint or other paint the will not ware off when wet.

The can can be made into a pencil holder or a can with a cardboard/thinboard lid covered with cloth. Decorate as you wish. You can store a collection inside or something small. Use ribbon or cord to make a latch so it wont open when knocked over. Use the same for a hinge for the lid. The sky is the limit or the limit of the store you buy from to decorate as you wish.

Have fun.

Charles asks…

Where can I find true junk to recycle in crafts?

I’m an avid crafter who also loves to be “green” whenever possible. I’ve worked with recycled crafts from things I have and thrift store stuff, as well as just plain “found” stuff to make some of these crafts, and I’m looking to branch out some more. I’ve seen some really cool pieces made out of scrap parts and things like license plates, etc. and would like to start working with more things like that that are truly saved from their “final” resting place.

Does anyone know good places to find things like license plates or other random things (traffic lights, old toy parts, etc), aside from thrift stores, for cheap? I’m thinking auto scrap yards, but where else?

The Expert answers:

Craig’s List. Freecycle. Look down (I get tons of stuff off the sidewalk. If I am actively looking for things, I take a walk in the shopping district or around the schools, especially the elementary school in my neighborhood.) Go to a flea market an hour before closing when ppl start piling the stuff they don’t want to lug home near the trashcans. Go to the Dumpster behind a Goodwill. They aren’t allowed to take in stuff that was left while they were closed and usually just throw it out.

Steven asks…

Can you come up with a name for my new recycled jewellery craft business?

Hi Everyone…..
Can you help me?

I am starting a little business up selling my jewellery designs. All my jewellery creations are made from recycled materials and are handmade.

Can you please come up with a catchy name for me?

Many thanks


The Expert answers:

You could take the phrase “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” and turn it around a bit to get a name…. “one woman’s trash” or something like that?

Richard asks…

what are good crafts to make at home?

im bored and i love making crafts. i like to make crafts like the ones from the big a*s book of crafts and things that are recycled. does anyone have links to places with ideas, book titles, or just ideas from things they made?

The Expert answers:


Ken asks…

what else can you make with recycled material?

i can make beads with plastic soda bottles and drink straws. and i can make beads and ashtrays with aluminum soda cans. what easy things can you craft out of recycled items? items you can actually sell online.

The Expert answers:

I’ve seen a great site where she sells various kinds of beads she makes from newspapers and magazine pages, and from envelopes with the printed security patterns. I’ve also seen some fun jewelry made from pieces from incomplete jigsaw puzzles. Bracelets and belts made from can pop-tabs can do well. I’m sure you’ve seen the bags made from drink pouches, and if you have the time, purses made from candy or gum wrappers, or from chip bags, have also sold well.
Good luck!

Paul asks…

Does anyone have any fun crafting ideas using recycled materials?

My girlfriend posted this blog today of some lingerie she crafted last night. I think they are totally fun and hot and was wondering if anyone else had any fun ideas to share.

The Expert answers:

Well, this isn’t lingerie or anything, but it is recycled! Use broken crayons and decorate jars with them. Here’s the link for how to do it.

Thomas asks…

home-made crafts for preteen girl—I’m watching my baby sister next week and I need to keep her busy!?

she’s 13, and she needs something to keep her busy this summer…we have a lot of craft supplies just sitting around the house (felt, pipe cleaners, beads, embroidery thread,pom-poms, wooden/cardboard boxes, paints/brushes/canvas, sewing stuffs, etc…) basically I’m an avid crafter and everytime hobby-lobby or michaels has a sale I stock up…now she is 13 but she hasn’t done any of the things I did by the time I was 13…she can’t sew, paint, or craft at all … and … here’s the kicker …. she wants to learn how to craft…so where do I start teaching her? what is a good beginners project? I started selling crafts I made with my mom when I was her age…but she never has done anything like that…my mom really got me going on recycled crafts (like crafts made from empty pickle jars and cardboard tp tubes) so I keep a stock of those types of things as well and that’s primarily what I want to teach her (because it’s the easier, more creative and more fun type of crafting)
any ideas

The Expert answers:

Ask her what is hot in school/with her friends at the moment, like hemp jewelry, lanyards or friendship bracelets, (all kinds of macrame, any kind of macrame might do, otherwise, any string will let you teach her the moves and she can get the right string next shopping expedition:
Or make some jewelry with the beads you have around, add little figures you cut out of felt if you want to do something a little more adventures, either a single layer of felt, or two layers with a bit of cotton-wool for a filling.

Make some container as next ‘project’ a nice and quick job so she can take her new jewels home in a nice package.

Whatever you do, keep the first few projects short, the kind you can finish in an afternoon, so she can see the results.
But after the first day you can lengthen the time per project and when she goes home again you can give her a bigger project that you together have just started.

Making a scrap-book can be done besides the other crafts, you can make a page for each craft project, using the left-over materials, print-out of instructions, photos you took during the day, if you have any and so on.
You may get her to make a ‘recipe’ book for all her crafts that way, which will help her to remember how she has done each project.

Maria asks…

I’m looking for crafts to make with tin cans.?

I sell recycled crafts at the local farmers market and would like to try some tin can crafts.
Can you put web sites or links to pictures. I have to see it to understand it.

The Expert answers:

I congratulate you for the excellent idea of using recycled materials to do your crafts. I do make recycled crafts but just for entertaining my nephews. Here are some of the websites I already had saved on my bookmarks related with tin crafts:

There is also a book called “The Fine Art of the Tin Can: Techniques and Inspirations” that you can buy through Amazon or Ebay. This book have lots of images that can give you inspiration for new designs. You can see the book here:

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