Sunday, March 16, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asks…

do u think there should be more garbage cans and recycling bins at elementary schools?

The Expert answers:

I have seen garbage cans in schools , that are not used at all , kids just trow stuff outside it for the fun of it , and adults should not be blamed for kids irresponsibility , yes recycling bins are the hell of a good idea to teach our younger generation that stuff can be reused and that we all can help our environment .
Also i believe that environmentalists should come personally to schools and have a talk about what is going on with global warming and other issues so that they gain awareness of what is really going on and do something about it!

Joseph asks…

What fills up first: your garbage bin or your recycling bin?

The Expert answers:

My recycling bin…..

Donald asks…

About recycling? garden material doesnt get re-used, and half-sized garbage bins?

Did you know that they can’t certify that garden waste doesnt have toxins in, so they cant give it back to us as fertilizer when we recycle it.

and would halving the size of your bins make you recycle more, of fly tip and put your stuff in comunal rubbsh bins and those of your neighbours?

The Expert answers:

Unfortunately, much of the public recycling does not get recycled. It is too tough to keep impurities out (especially when many people still throw garbage into them).

I am not embarrassed by my strong belief in recycling. I will reach into a stranger’s garbage to sort out obvious plastic, glass, and cans. I have been known to empty a badly loaded bin completely and sort it from scratch.

Ken asks…

My city has giant recycle bins now like garbage bins, so no more sorting, but what happens to everything?

They come by seperate from the garbage trucks and dump the recycling bin into a garbage-truck look-alike and compact everything together. How can these items be recycled if all together? Do they take it somewhere to be seperated? What happens if they compact everything together but a few items were spoiled with food or other non-recyclables?
I’m very skeptical of this.
I spend extra time recycling everything I can of everything I use – including cleaning cans, jars, other items so they can be recycled. I hate to find out that I am wasting my time.

On the plus side, if this system is legit, I’ve cut our garbage by over 50%.

The Expert answers:

Go Redwings is pretty close

It is mostly hand sorted by laborers in a big smelly place called a recycling center. They also use centrifuges and electromagnets in the process. There is no need to clean cans or jars, just scrape what you can out. A food residue is not big deal at all.

William asks…

Throwing away broken shoes…garbage bin or recycling bin?

I know this question is pointless but i have a lot of worn-down, broken shoes that I can’t wear anymore, and since I’m throwing away these shoes in large quantities, is it better off to just throw them in the garbage bin or recycling bin?

The Expert answers:

Garbage bin. Shoes are a mix of different materials that makes them very hard to recycle. Your local recycling depot will just end up putting them in the trash. It takes more effort on their part, which in turn makes recycling more expensive and less financially sustainable.

Ruth asks…

where / company can i take my rubbermaid garbage bins to recycle them?!?

our new company(trash and recycle) said they would take them but they would be thrown out…. what is the point of being a recycling company then!!!!!!!!????? anyways i would really like to get the bins off my hands, well out of my garage. thanks!

The Expert answers:

You could try asking other recycling companies what they do with them.

Donna asks…

how do you say recycling bin and garbage bin in italian?

thanks so much!
translators are not comming up with recycling bin….*

The Expert answers:

What size?
Like a container?
Then it’s “cassonetto”

or smaller? Would be “pattumiera” (slang) or more “scientific” and general:

Recycling is “riciclaggio” or in general it’s “raccolta differenziata”

recycling bin:
cassonetto della raccolta differenziata
or contenitore della raccolta differenziata

garbage bin: cassonetto RSU (rifiuti solidi urbani)
or cassonetto/contenitore dei rifiuti

Chris asks…

How can I recycle if people keep stealing my recycling bins?

My recycling bins sit outside with my garbage bins. All three were stolen in the last couple months. They have been sitting our there for years. One was an old rubbermaid garbage can, with recyclables written on it.

We don’t really have room in the kitchen for them.

I want to support the environment by recycling, but people keep stealing my bins!

(Any ideas how I secure my bins, so that the recycling truck can still pick it up and toss it in the truck? Or a good recycling system in the kitchen that works?)

The Expert answers:

Yeah one person said chain and lock that would work lol,but take all of the air out of the bottlles and then put them in say a trash bag and keep it in say ur garage if you have one then take the bag out to the truck and get the bag back from them so you can REUSE it to save some money on bags to

Thomas asks…

Do we pay taxes so our garbage goes to the landfill?

As in the garbage, and recycling bins the garbage men take, i also would like to know if it’s free because of taxes.

The Expert answers:

I’ve never had my garbage hauled away using tax dollars. Currently I have to hire a private company to do it. In virtually every other place that I’ve lived, I either paid a private company or a public utility for trash and garbage disposal. There may be some places where it’s done with tax dollars, but I’ve never lived in one.

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