Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

Has recycling increased in the past year?

I’ve noticed that more and more people I know have gotten into a habit of recycling in the past year. Does anybody have the actual statistics on whether and how recycling has increased in the past year? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

5 interactive areas studied between nations:

Oceanographical pollutants. Up 11 percent to 40%
This is the study of sea wash that is unclaimed, in foods,
plants, fuels, and resourceful minerals. This is recycling of
natural area of sea wash is an unsorted mix of mineral.

Tree fallen pollutants. Up 17% by using more buildings for
storages, work sites, safety storing, protective garage store,
new test materials designing work, and stronger tourist
services. This is the use of pressed scrap wood, fibers,
wood block, and plywood material products. This includes
cheaper throw away science for fast food, and picnic paper.

Re using glass materials is up 10% 60% since 1950 on
a world Red Cross study ruling shared in over 100 nations.

Re using plastic materials is up 30% 60% since 1930 on
a world Red Cross study ruling shared in over 70 nations.

Refining fuels for more by products and lower pollutants
has led a 35% increase in recycled oil for steam fed engines
using new engine tests.
All together many industrial improvements, home maker
actions and team work upgrades.

Sharon asks…

what are the specific effects that recycling has on our environment? pros/cons- cost effective? statistics?

The Expert answers:

Less waste

Maria asks…

Homework help with recycling please?

What are some facts and statistics about recycling?

The Expert answers:

This website has everything you need to know about recycling !

Betty asks…

How much of what I put in the recycling bin is actually being recycled?

What are the statistics?

The Expert answers:

I know that in my area if it’s recyclable and it’s in the bin, it gets recycled.

That stuff about plastic rings around the bottles and things not being clean enough is mostly false. The people at the recycling plant that sort that stuff out are too busy picking out the garbage and hazardous waste (such as weed killer, bug spray, and cleaning agents that aren’t empty) to worry about nitpicky things like that. As for paper, the process is pretty much totally automated by weight, no one pays any attention to if there’s a window on your envelope or not!

If your recycling program is single-stream like mine (you can just put everything in one bin) then they probably have a similar operation. I would tour your local center to check it out- it’s most likely free, a quick email to the company is all that I needed to get in.

You can get statistics from your own company by sending them an email, but in Rochester 99.9% of what goes in that is recyclable goes out.

Lisa asks…

Is there a good website to get some statistics on the outcome of Going Green?

An example would be like if X amount of people would (recycle or begin using the reusable shopping bags) what would be the outcome or the results.. I just need a website with some statistics

The Expert answers:

Some municipalities of Europe have certain software, which permits participants of the program to evaluate polution produced by them. In fact every replacement of one product with another or choice of dealing with a problem involve many components, which are important for ecology. E.g. Similar products may be produced using different technologies, recycling can be related with different technologies too, different location of recycling factory, fuel used, way of transportation matter too.
Customers use products differently, some reuse such things, which are used only once by others.
Possibly all products will have their eco-codes in future and that will permit households to evauate their impact on ecology, to compare themselves with other people, to influence policy and education based on such information.

Laura asks…

what are the benifits of recycling?

is there any real results or statistics ?

The Expert answers:

1) Resource saving
2) Cost/price reduction
3) Environment protection
4) Job creation
5) Income generation/business creation
6) Tidiness

Ken asks…

What is a good website for statistics?

I am doing a project at school where we have to do 20 things to save the earth, then document them. We also have to include Statistics, ex. if everybody in the U.S. recycled one bottle per day then we would save 200,000 tons of plastic a day. That wasn’t actual, i just made it up.
But I think that you get the point.
Thanks for helping!!

The Expert answers:

You ask the question: What is a good website for statistics? And then you go on, ad nauseam, about what you need it for. Who cares? You really shouldn’t bore people with the particulars because it is the question, and only the question that counts! Especially when you bore people with made up statistics. It’s like McGrubber said once: “I’ve got time.” So true. He had 20 seconds. And don’t make up random statistics unless you really mean it.

But you do pose a good question. Statistics websites should directly address the statistics you are looking for. For example, if I were looking for plastic recycling statistics I wouldn’t look for a website titled “Just Plastics” unless it also said “Just Plastics Statistics”. “Recycled Plastics Statistics” would be even better. See, it’s all in how you word your website title. I would recommend because that would be the best remembered site for statistics that I can think of. Everybody knows that most websites start with the “www” and everybody knows about the dot com part too. So putting the word “statistics” in there would be the most logical thing to do for a website about statistics. Unless, like discussed before, you wanted the website to deal with specific statistics and not just every day statistics. Then you could call the website “” and the whatever would be whatever you are making the web page be specifically about. I can’t really help you on the specifics unless I know specifically what kind of statistics you will want this website for.

You’re welcome for helping.

Mandy asks…

website links for recycling…?

i need links for recycling specialists, statistics for recycling in california, is recycling sanitary, and how landfills affect the environment. this is for a school project if you know of and sources tht cud help plz tell me

The Expert answers:

George asks…

average person making a change by recycling?

I’m trying to figure out an experiment for data analysis and I was wondering if anyone knew any sources that could give me data or statistics on how much the average person recycles, how big of a difference it makes, etc.

The Expert answers:

Here is a link to some recycling information

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