Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

How Many Cans Does a Garbage Bag Hold?

I’m going to start recycling aluminum cans for a little extra cash. Most places pay by the bound and I know that it takes between 28 and 32 aluminum cans to make a pound. What I want to know is about how many crushed aluminum cans does an average sized plastic garbage bag hold?

The Expert answers:

We have several plastic garbage bags, one is around 16 gallons, one 33 gallons, and one is 55 gallons for yard waste. I don’t know for sure but I think you’ll get about 15 crushed cans per gallon.

Centers here pay recycling value for small amounts of cans, and a lesser weight based value for larger quantities of cans.

James asks…

Where can you buy these garbage bags HELP!?

If read about this on every blog, but they don’t say where you can buy them, or give a site where you can buy them, and they dont even have a name:
I was going to use it for dry garbage

The Expert answers:

This is a seriously bad product…One person…one …putting a liquid in there inadvertently and you ruin the stack. Just take the plastic supermarket bags shove a handful in the bottom of the trash and line with the top have an extra always waiting that can accept anything you toss at it.

Chris asks…

How good is the recycling program in your city?

Mine is great: We have boxes to put by the road for compost, paper/plastic, and we also put garbage bags by the road.

The Expert answers:

Cleveland is pretty good. I recycle all my paper, and most of my plastic and metal. The trash cans on the sidewalk have recycling as well.

Cleveland is so awesome. 🙂

Sharon asks…

What is the approximate amount I can get for 30 gallon garbage bag filled with allumanim cans?

I filled a 30 gallon garbage bag with alluminum cans. Does anyone know approximately how much money I will get when I go to recycle them? They are not squished down, but the bag is filled to capacity

The Expert answers:

In Missouri the average range is 45-65 cents per pound. Depending on the weight per bag you can figure out how much you are suppose to get. I would get the phone book and call a few places to check the current rate for aluminum cans

Nancy asks…

kitchen garbage and cleaning?

do u change garbage bag everyday. where to put recycle in the kitchen?whats the best way to keep kitchen clean by throwing all the trash?

The Expert answers:

This isn’t entirely clear, but I’ll try to answer.
1) No, I don’t change my garbage bag every day. However, I also don’t put any “wet” garbage in it– bones, food items for instance. So my garbage is generally “dry” and “clean”.
2) I keep my recycle stuff clean– I wash and dry it and put it in a plastic bag since I don’t have a bin for recycle. Including aluminum foil. Keeps bugs away.
3) Keeping the kitchen clean is a matter of clearing all your mess, washing what needs washing and putting everything away- at the least, daily. There isn’t any other way– except I rinse my dishes and put them in the dishwasher– which I do not run daily.
Hope this helps you.
Good luck

Linda asks…

Do you recycle or do you throw it all in the garbage?

Do you recycle your garbage, or do you just throw it in the regular trash? We have curbside recycling service, but everything goes into the regular garbage anyway. It’s just easier to take the garbage out twice a day, then one bag a day and reycling once a week.

I know “everyone should do there part,” but honestly it’s just easier to throw it all away.

The Expert answers:

I recycle, because it helps the earth, and it makes me feel happy when I do something right. You just have to know what to recycle, and what not to.

Maria asks…

Taking garbage and putting it into the recycle…?

what will happen to someone if they get caught taking garbage out of the trash can and putting it into the recycling can?

the garbage man didnt come and the garbage got real full, and so my manager is taking all the garbage (bags) and trhwoing it in to the recycling, so it’s not recyclebles. and now the recycle bin is overflowing with trash. and there was even a sign that was in front of the recycle before that said no garbage.

isn’t that really bad??
I wish i could get thsi guy to stop because he always does it whenver the garbage gets full.
who do you call if you see someone doing this?

The Expert answers:

I don’t know what would happened to the guy who is doing all this crap but you should go talk to him first before taking any actions because this guy and you can get into a big feud….tell this guy that what he is doing is wrong and he should stop but if this continues than tell someone in your communinty who takes care of the garbage and recycling centers:D


Joseph asks…

Should recycling be the norm? Like if they just picked it up on the curb like regular garbage?

Instead of carting it down to the plant? If all you had to do was throw your compostables into a different bag and they came and removed both, would you be willing to do it?

The Expert answers:

Lots of communities do that. And I believe it should be the norm.

I think A LOT more people would recycle if they didn’t have to go out of their way to do it. If it were just as simple as putting it out on your curb once a week, I think if some sort of statistics would show the amount being recycled in towns that pick up recycle containers as opposed to what’s being recycled where they do not, I believe there would be a HUGE difference….you’d think someone would get a clue..

George asks…

how can i get a recycling can for my apartment building?

There’s only the normal non-recycable cans on the alley of my apprtment building.

Are there any bags or cans/bins u can buy in the store that are marked for recycling and that the garbage man can take it to recycle?

The Expert answers:


Or call your local recycling center.

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