Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

Picture recovery from recycle bin!!!!!!!?


Is there absolutely any way that I can restore a picture that has been deleted from my recycle bin? I had a picture that I really needed for school that my brother maliciously deleted on me.

Thanks for your help

The Expert answers:

Recuva ( ) is free. But the more you do with the computer, the better the chance that you’ll overwrite the file. Download the program to a flash drive, using another computer, put the flash drive into yours and run the program.

Betty asks…

What would you change in your school?

so now i have the opportunity to change my school positively but not everything of course just few important things.
I go to a private school – girls section only – .
Just write a lot and make it reasonable if you may.
for e.g ; fire math teachers , kill biology teacher -.- like really ? seriously ?.
Anyway!, what I got up are few and i need help like ASAP!;
1.Stick to a schedule of tests .
e.g ; we have this schedule and the teachers don’t follow it so we get all messed up with tests projects and homework. Following it makes everything better .
2. Improve the quality of school meals .
e.g ; i’ve been to this school since i was in 7th grade and believe me !! same food ever since :/ its .. not cool and not any food of course ;
u know we don’t have those trays and chicken sandwiches hamburger and all so we just eat cheese sandwich with milk or juice and we have corn u know basics and its not that tasty :/ at all!.
3. Increase physical activities to decrease obesity.
e.g ; we have only two periods aka classes of gym in a week – 40 minutes (times ) 40 = 1600 minutes a week. So , students in my school aren’t fat or skinny few skinny and few are fat and most are either on the curve of being fat or being anorexic .
* REcycle bins.
( paper – ALUMINIUM – glass).
*Change school water fountain for less using of water bottles. ( our school’s water fountain tastes like metal :/ ).
5. Library BOOKS! ( we have old history books and not much of educated new books as in for 2010 or 2009 mostly in the 90’s and older ).

It will mean so much to me!! i’ll give BEST ANSWER!
I really do appreciate . THANK YOU! <3

The Expert answers:

What would i change in my school? Well that’s easy, i’d want more money toward arts programs.

Susan asks…

Go Green?!?

A few friends and I have recently started a go green club at school. The response to this club was tremendous. Were trying to think of ideas on making our school and surrounding area eco-friendly. Our first few simple ideas were getting recycling bins for our school, decorating our courtyard with flowers, and replacing our regular sink faucets with motion censored ones. Were also planning on holding a volleyball tournament to raise money for a unicef/helping the enviroment type organization. Any ideas for organizations that we can become involved with or any ideas for our community or school would be greatly appreciated. thanks =)

The Expert answers:

Our school is participating in a kind of go green movement. Our school has a recycling bin from in every classroom and the healthy environment and recycling clubs come around and pick them up about once a week. There has been a huge turnout and many teachers are now telling students to always put all papers into the recycling bins. Good luck with your movement; it’s amazing.!!! :]

Helen asks…

Recycling for our school?

Ok, so i want to put recycling bins in all the classrooms (im president of the school) but my principal says only if i can think of a way for kids not to throw stuff like gum and tissues and “non paper” items in there. Any ideas?? we tried this 10 years in a row and it ddiiidnt work. shes giving me the LAST chance. please help thanks

The Expert answers:

If u have some money, buy some CCTV above the recycling bins to watch over the student….


u can pay the student every 2 kg when he/she recycle

Linda asks…

How do I make my friend more aware?

Here’s the thing, I’m a huge green freak. I’m very aware that helping the environment is very important right now, so I’ve been doing everything I can. But my friend ALWAYS makes fun of me for it. For example, at school, there are no recycling bins in the cafeteria, so when I’m finished with my vitamin water, I put it in my purse and recycle it at home. This is what she said when I did that: “you don’t need to do that, one bottle won’t hurt anything.” She’s my best friend, but sometimes I just want to smack her in the face and say, “wake up, you careless blonde!” Americans use 4 million plastic bottles every hour! Yet only 1 bottle out of 4 is recycled. An average time for a plastic bottle to biodegrade fully is approximately 450-1000 years. I know I sound like a freak, but how can I convice my friend to start acting green?

The Expert answers:

Well if shes really your friend,
she should understand.
I think that you should talk to the school about getting
recycle bins and stuff.
You should get like a group of people that understand
your care for the environment, and maybe she will get the messege 🙂
good luck green girl*
ps by saying that you sound like a freak, you sound like a freak even more..
Just saying 😀

Thomas asks…

How do I get my school to go green?

This summer my friend and I really got into the whole going green thing. We have recycled even more, planted a tree, hugged trees (lol), and started doing those small things around the house. I love helping out with the environment and since school is starting I want my school to go green. How can I make this idea expand and work? I have thought of putting recycling bins outside and have small bins in classes. Also maybe turining off lights to conserve energy. Is it expensive to get solar panels for the school. My middle school did it, but i honestly do not know how. If you have any ideas to help me out that would be great.

The Expert answers:

Go to the class President and President of the Student Body and get them envolved. Have an assembly and invite someone to speak on this matter (why not ask Al Gore to come speak?) Get the student body educated and then break up into groups (perhaps by class) and each group would have to submit say 10 ideas. Then have a Committee for Energy and they would compile and present the most popular ideas to the faculty. Then the students would carry it out and help by reminding each other. Once you have this part completed, contact the local newspaper and see if they want to do a story on your school and your green efforts. Good luck to you all.

Richard asks…

I deleted an important video how do I get it back?

I need it for a school project.
Please help.
I emptied my recycle bin and didn’t know it was in it.
do you have any names?

The Expert answers:

Use asoftech photo recovery pro, it helped me many time to recover photos, videos, documents.

David asks…

Any tips for an Earth Day battle of the bands?

I have an Environmental Club at school that is going to challenge the other high schools in the region (6+ total) to a battle of the bands. All proceeds will be divided amongst the groups to fund for recycling bins. But how can I make this an “Earth Friendly”, “Earth-Conscious” concert?

The Expert answers:

Have them play music about environment from different parts of the this one from the philippines:

Chris asks…

how can i start a recycling program in my town? (Clinton, UT)?

I have two children under 3 and worry about the impact my family has on the environment – disposable diapers, baby food jars, and just general garbage, aluminum cans, bottles, etc. We try to reduce & reuse whenever possible, but I really wish there was a recycling program where I live! There are bins for newspaper/phone book recycling at the local school but that is it. My neighborhood seems to be very behind in this regard. How can I get my city council to do something about it!

The Expert answers:

Next town meeting bring it up.

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