Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

Recycling and containers that foods are bought in at stores,why do they do that?

Why do they put glue thats almost impossible to get off? when people would probably use them again,some are microwaveable some look pretty good like ones you buy,alot you could use for drinking glasses bowls etc.if they would just make them alittle different.WE WOULD HAVE ALOT LESS GARBAGE EH?

The Expert answers:

EH I hear you loud and clear . But most people jsut toss them without thinking. And Walmart and their green pitch , Im wondering why they package the meat the way they do if they are so green.

Laura asks…

Why do the recycling centres not allow us to recycle plastic containers that have had food in them?

We try to recycle most things & then get told we can’t recycle these.
We always wash them well so theres no food left in them.

The Expert answers:

This is most likely because they don’t want to wash or seperate it.

There is a huge demand for PEHD and PP in this country with the UK recycling industry having to import lorry loads from abroad because it can’t be sourced locally.

PET (as mentioned above) is the least valuable to them, and most of it gets exported to China.

I wish I could explain why UK councils are being so short sighted about this – it makes no sense to me either. I fear all they are doing is meeting the latest Central government target and nothing more.

William asks…

Can I put plastic containers in the recycling bin that laundry soap came in?

If a #2 is the plastics recycling code, can it still be recycled? Someone told me it can’t.

The Expert answers:

Yes u can. I am married to a trash man and he says they can be recycled!

Joseph asks…

Do I NEED to rinse out food containers before recycling them?

I always thought I HAD to, ever since the adverts a few years ago with the mommy dog who rinses off the foil she used to wrap the bone she was giving to her puppy. I recycle a lot and most of the time it isn’t necessary. However, when I do feel it’s necessary and take a moment to give them a cursory rinse, I feel like I’m wasting water.

The Expert answers:

Yeah, the actual recycling process doesn’t require it as the high heats will burn it off anyways. Washing things off is to keep pests away and for the health of the people who have to pick up your recycling.

Steven asks…

What happens to plastic containers at a recycling facility if they don’t have a number?

How do you know if your local recycling facility uses people or electronics to determine the type of plastic? If it’s people, how do they tell what type it is if it doesn’t have a number? Or if the number is really small and hard to read, how much time do they typically spend trying to determine the type of plastic before giving up and throwing it away?

The Expert answers:

If the system is using electronics to identify the type of plastic then they will go to the right place. If it’s using humans then it will end up in the trash.

Mark asks…

Is it okay to recycle the quart oil containers in the recycling bin? Doesnt the oil mess up the process?

Why does it have a number 2 engraved on the bottom like milk cartons?

The Expert answers:

They are the same material as milk cartons; just much stronger. Any recycled plastic has to be cleaned and ground before being reused. Materials like aluminum, glass, and steel/iron are remelted at such an intense heat level, that contaminants are just incinerated. Plastic is remelted at about 500F.

Paul asks…

how do I classify plastic bottles/containers for recycling?

The Expert answers:

Plastic. Then there is metal and glass.

Daniel asks…

Ideas on recycling those round powered baby formula containers?

They don’t have a recycling program where I live and I’m running out of uses.

The Expert answers:

If you’re so concerned about the planet you BF nazi, why don’t you off yourself? That would save on carbon emissions AND fertilize a tree!

I mostly throw them out (in the recycle), i gave one to my daughter to play with. You could use them to hold pens, flour, sugar, cereals (like tupperware).

Or you could put them all outside when it rains and collect rain water for storage.

I wonder if there is some way to turn them into bird houses? You could grow seedlings in them (punch holes in the bottom to let water run out).

John asks…

What empty containers does the MAC cosmetics recycling program accept?

I have a lot of empty fluidline jars, but some people have told me they only accept plastic empties so I need a clarification.

The Expert answers:

The only things that are not accepted are brushes, wooden products (most eye and lip pencils), and in most regions, eyeshadow pots without the silver pan. Fluidlines are accepted, but if you want to make sure, all the boxes of items that can be returned have a Back 2 MAC logo on one of the inner flaps.

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