Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

How to i access the recycle bin on my computer?

This computer is not even a week old yet and doesnt have a recycle bin shortcut or whatever on the desktop yet. I dont know how to find it and i need help FAST!

The Expert answers:

This tutorial will show you how to add a Recycle Bin icon to your desktop.

If you have any more questions or need more help you can reach me at which is a Free Computer/Technology Help Community.

Helen asks…

How do I locate my recycle bin icon on my desktop if the icon’s been deleted?

I accidenteally deleted my recycle bin on my desktop. I tried searching for it everywhere. I can still delete things but I have no icon to click on if I want to retrieve the things I deleted.

The Expert answers:

Help from microsoft:

Mandy asks…

How can I get my recycle bin back on my desktop?

I accidentally deleted my recycle bin folder from my desktop but when i right click on personalize, then click on change desktop icons, it says: your system administrator has disabled launching of the Display Settings Control panel. In return, thank you!

The Expert answers:

Right click, go to New Shortcut, type in on the search bar Recycle Bin and click on the recycle bin, the recycle bin should be placed back on the desktop.

Richard asks…

How do I restore my recycle bin to desktop on Windows 98?

Recycle bin accidentally deleted from desktop. Actually, I didn’t do it. My friend did, and I don’t know what to tell her since I haven’t used Windows 98 in about 8 or so years. Anybody have any idea?

The Expert answers:

Click Start -> Run, type regedit then press Enter. The following is from Microsoft Support.

“It’s rare, but not unheard of for the Recycle Bin icon to disappear. In Regedit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoft WindowsCurrentVersionExplorerDesktopNameSpace. In the left-hand pane, right-click the NameSpace key and select New, Key. Type the following, exactly, (all on one line with no spaces): {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} and press [Return]. In the right-hand pane, right-click on (Default) and select Modify. In the Edit String dialog, in Value data type Recycle Bin, click OK then close Regedit. Click the desktop and press [F5] to refresh it.”

Sharon asks…

How do I make the recycle bin appear on the desktop in vista?

I can’t seem to be able to find the recycle bin.

The Expert answers:

Right click on the desktop and select personalize and then select desktop icons from the left side of the window. Here is where you can select which to show.

James asks…

How can i change my recycle bin icon and oth3r icons in xp?

I have Windows XP . I downloaded vista icons then i removed after i got them, i got vista inspirat theme.My recycle bin and a lot of other folders are just a white folder. I tried control panel>folder options.Help?

The Expert answers:

Install TuneUp Utilities 2009 or 2010, you can change the icons individually if you have the icons in .ico format, or download packs of icons from internet or from tuneup page.. And yyou can restore to the original icons, including recycle bin

Daniel asks…

How do i get a recycle bin in both hard rives on my laptop?

On my secondary hard rive each time i delete something it doesn’t go to the recycle bin.

The Expert answers:

Recycle Bin properties can be set for the whole system as a whole or for drives independently.

It sounds like you have the drives set to independent settings.

Right click on the recycle bin and select properties.

You can make changes to this setup in here.

If you have it set independently you can make changes on the individual drive tabs. It’s a good bet your secondary drive has the “Do not move files to the recycle bin” option selected.

If you want everything to go to the same recycle bin and have a setting that works for both the same, select “Use one setting for all drives”.

Carol asks…

How can I get another recycle bin for my computer?

I accidentally deleted my icon for the recycle bin and now I can’t find the recycle bin when I got to the start button or when I go to the control panel. I have Windows Vista.

The Expert answers:

All you do is go to …

Mark asks…

How do I retrieve files deleted from my recycle bin?

I’ve accidentally deleted my entire iTunes library’s music. I know most files end up in the recycle bin, but weirdly they’ve bypassed my recycle bin and ended up in oblivion.

So does anyone know any free software that I can use to retrieve my files?

The Expert answers:


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