Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandy asks…

How do I get the garbage can (recycle bin) off my Desktop Background?

The Expert answers:

Assuming you want a blank desktop (and you are using Windows), 1) right click your desktop, 2) go to Arrange Icons By, 3) click Show Desktop Icons.

Susan asks…

Plastic Recycling, cans and metal from garbage bin?

Hi Everyone,

I am from Toronto Canada and currently facing a financial crisis and I have a family to feed. In Toronto, the blue bins (which has plastic bottles, cans, and papers) are put outside in the street every Wednesday for the government to pick it up. So my question is Can I pick up some of the plastic bottles and then resell them to a local buyer of plastics? If yes, I might be able to generate 30-40 dollars a day and that will rally help me in many ways financially.

Thank you

The Expert answers:

The best place to check on this is Toronto’s garbage-collection agency.
Logically they should be glad to have less to pick up, but if the city is selling recyclables themselves, they may not be pleased. You may need to save your own bottles and ask some neighbors to give theirs directly to you.

Ruth asks…

What is the general recycling process?

Say I throw a can in the recycling bin.

And then the garbage people take it to the recycling center.

Could you describe what my can will go through until it’s back in the market?

The Expert answers:

Well u can see aluminum as soon as 4 weeks back on the shelf u can melt it down as much as u want and it will always be the same……so ppl START RECYCLING!!!!!

Michael asks…

Chain store shopping bags recyclable?

I have accumulated alot of those thick shiny retailer plastic bags (not the clear ones supermarkets have) I reuse them but are they recyclable in that I can dump them in the recycling garbage bin we have outside (that accepts plastic bottles, glass, paper etc) or is the only way to recycle is to use them as much as possible?

The Expert answers:

In my area, you can’t put them in with other plastics, but the grocery stores send them somewhere. I work in a thrift store, and we rely on people bringing in bags for us to reuse. We love those heavy retail ones! Check thrift stores in your area…

Ken asks…

How do I start recycling?

I have a huge family, and in turn, we are churning out a huge amount of garbage. I’m really determined to start recycling, but I’m not sure about how to do it. We have recycling bins, and suppposedly, you can throw everything in it- plastic, paper, etc and they will sort it for you.
Right now, I’m snipping the plastic rings off of milk jugs and coke bottles and uncapping and rinsing them out and peeling off the labels…. is there anything else I should be doing to them?

Any tips about recycling would be helpful : )

The Expert answers:

Beyond the recycling of refuse there are many things a large family can do to cut down on waste, and I bet you’re already doing a lot of it. You want to reduce the amount of stuff coming into your house, so be active about buying things with minimal packaging. Take your own re-usable bags to the grocery store. Don’t buy water in bottles- use sturdy ones with their own filters if that’s a priority for you. With a big family you are probably already handing down usable clothing to one another, not wasting food, and being efficient amount your utilities. With many people in your house you could probably do more about turning off unused appliances and a big thing would be to convert your light bulbs to CFLs, they will help the environment and save your family big bucks. Try not to use throwaway plates, utensils, etc. And I encourage you to start a campaign to quit using plastic straws and cup lids. They are unnecessary, don’t biodegrade, and can hurt wildlife. Overall, take ” Reduce, Re-use, Recycle” as your mantra and just do what you can. Everything helps!!

Lisa asks…

Annoying neighbor moving my garbage cans!?

Our next door neighbor parks their car on our curbside everyday, it is not like they don’t have their own curbside! there do that even on garbage pickup days, which are wednesdays. there park their car very close to our driveway and we got barely enough rooms to put our garbage and recycling bins. what’s very frustrating is that their car was here again so there was no choice but to put it very close to their car which we do every week but this time they MOVEd our recycling and garbage cans and placed it on the sidewalk!!!!

The Expert answers:

You will have to have a polite conversation with them or leave note on their car asking them not to park there on trash day. Can you figure out why they are parking in front of your house instead of in front of their house?

Daniel asks…

How come the garbage at fast food restaurants is recyclable yet they have no bins at the restaurant to recycle

Seriously what is the point of having recyclables and no place to recycle them?

The Expert answers:

Because they don’t really care. 🙂 Same reason starbucks has recycle bins but not for customer access, and companies like the one I work for have them, but people still throw away things they shouldn’t, even soda cans….We are still as a whole a less then caring public and until public demand gets higher to have access to recycle bins, and are using them correclty, companies will not be in compliance. 🙂

Laura asks…

I got fined $250 for having a “garbage can” on the balcony, except it was a recycling bin. Do I have a case?

Hey guys.

I came home today to find a notice that the condo company is charging me $250 for having a garbage can on the balcony, but it was actually a recycling bin.

The bylaw states:

“An owner/tenant shall not deposit customary household refuse and garbage outside his redivision unit or the building on his Bare Land unit…”

So, with that said, recyclable cans are not garbage. Refuse means something that is worthless and has no value–basically a synonym for garbage. Recyclable pop cans and garbage aren’t the same thing, especially since they are worth 10 cents per can nowadays.

Anyways, how should I approach this? I’m sending an email of pictures of the recycling bin to the condo company and demanding they take it off. Their bylaw was not specific enough, and I feel like I have a case. Will I have to take this to small claims court?

Thanks for your answers!

The Expert answers:

Lui pretty much covered it.

Maria asks…

Recycling batteries in the US?

In Massachusetts, can you recycle batteries with an ordinary recycle bin (the blue bins or garbage cans with recycling sticker) ? Thanks

The Expert answers:

Should take them separated to recycle place

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