Sunday, March 16, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

When recycling in California, why are you not reimbursed the full 5c CRV?

We are charged a CRV of 5c per can/bottle, reads 5c CRV on these bottles, yet when returned to a recycling center one would only receive 1-2c per container. Why is it that we are not reimbursed the full 5c, and where does that remaining 3-4c per can go to? I had assumed that “California return value” actually meant the value the item is actually worth when returned/recycled.

The Expert answers:

There are actually recycling stations that give you full value. They are machines into which you put the uncrushed cans, bottles or plastic. I take a stool and let the kids put the items into the machine one by one. The machine spits out a ticket which is then redeemed for cash. I let the kids have the proceeds, which has encouraged them to police the neighborhood.

I used to take my stuff in to a big recycling center, but like you, I did not receive full value. You just need to call around to find who does give full value and then make sure you have saved up enough of the recyclables to make the trip worthwhile. should get you a list of local recyclers.

Donald asks…

Where to find information on recycling in California, Just moved here.?

Hello, I just moved to California and I am trying to learn how to recycle. I am confused at to where to go and how to go about this. I have tried doing web searches but have hit a wall. I would like to know what the recycle codes mean and where i can take them. I have asked quite a few people and to my suprise, they really don’t know much. If you have any information on this please HELP!! I already know what I can do with bottles and cans.

The Expert answers:

Hi there,
Usually your local recycling center will accept all types of plastic. The phone book will provide a number and you can always call ahead before you go to find out what’s accepted. The number’s on the bottom represent the type of plastic- so what’s it’s made with basically- #1 and #2 are the most common plastics to recycle the other #”s are considered to be less common but are harder to recycle- # 4 & 6 are worth quite a bit! Check out my website, where I blog about recycling, environmental issues, natural mothering, going green…etc. Http://
Hope to eco-chat soon. Good luck. Http://

Mandy asks…

Where can I sign a petition to pass a law for mandatory recycling in california?

I am giving a persuasive speech and I need a call of action.
If you have a link to a website where there is a petition for this I would really appriciate it if you attached it.
Thank you

The Expert answers:

I think u need remove your head from your buttox first, california is already much greener than the rest of the country…stop acting like your better than everyone else your choking on your own cloud of smugness.

Linda asks…

Do any recycling centers in California pay for tin cans?


The Expert answers:

None that I know of, the difference between tin and aluminum cans is that the tin cans will break down very quickly.

Michael asks…

in california when recycling, are cans or bottles worth more?

The Expert answers:

They are both worth the same amount. In California they go by the size of the container. Containers under 24oz are worth 5 cents, 24oz and up 10 cents.

Lizzie asks…

Recycling cans in California

We are stationed at Ft. Irwin California, We have Collected about 800 pounds of cans, our recycling center in Barstow, CA pays about 1.65 a pound, considering how much we have does anyone know where we could get a better rate, it seems other areas get better rates.

The Expert answers:

Go to, they can help you locate local recycle centers, there should be contact info so you can call and see what the various rates are.

Robert asks…

what are my rights for recycling in California?

i recycle bottles and cans at my local recycling centers every so often to get my money back. each center has different methods of measurements, some digital others balance, and that is where my concern comes in. the last few times i measured my recyclables prior to going to the center to see how much weight i had. i used a bathroom scale and zeroed out the scaled before measurement. i had 26 lbs or plastic and 47 lbs of metal. but when i got to the center they asked me to put my bottles and cans in to trash cans they had there and then they measured how much i had. to my dismay, i the difference in weight was significant. according to their digital scale i had 14 lbs of plastic and 38 lbs of metal. i know that doesnt sound like much but that was almost 1/3 – 1/4 of my total weight and thus 1/3 -1/4 the return in cash. i felt i was robbed of my tax dollars i spent when i bought the bottles that was not returned upon recycling.
my question is, do i have the right to ask the recycler to zero out the scale prior to me loading up the cans or is it up to the recycler to decide how much of a profit margin they want to take? if they are getting away with this time after time, we are talking tens of thousands of dollars a year, per center. i just want to know what my rights are and if anyone knows of the authority to turn them in for bad practices other then the BBB, please let me know.
in california we pay CRV, at tax, every time we buy a bottle or can. that is supposed to be returned when we recycle. i am not a hippie but i do my part to keep this world clean. it is nice to get paid for doing something i do anyways. so dont focus on that, i am asking what my rights are. for those ignorant people, where is the crv law in CA

CRV stands for “California Refund Value,” which is the amount paid to consumers when they recycle beverage containers at certified recycling centers. The minimum refund value established for each type of eligible beverage container is 4¢ for each container under 24 ounces and 8¢ for each container 24 ounces or greater.

i feel like they are giving me a honest RATE but a dishonest WEIGHT

The Expert answers:

Actually, the CRV is 5¢ each container under 24 ounces and 10¢ for each container 24 ounces or greater.
You have the right to have your CRV bottles counted rather than weighed IF you bring in fewer than 50 bottles.
If you think you’ve been cheated you can file a complain with the California Dept. Of Conservation, Division of Recycling. Here is the website:. Http://

Steven asks…

How do i open a recycling center in California?

i would like to open a recycling center to collect cans glass plastic

The Expert answers:

Have a physical center open and ready to receive incoming items.
Use intenet as your media of publicity. Its cheap and effective.
Set up your own webpage, talking about recycling and your business in that webpage. You don’t need many page, 5 pages is more than enough. Remember to get a nice domain name that your clients and prospects can remember easily.
Preferbly, your webpage can also help you to make money at the same time like the system in domain registeration of this site:

Jenny asks…

Where can I find an Antifreeze ( coolant ) recycling center in california ?

Where can I find the Antifreeze ( coolant ) recycling centers in california ?
how to dispose of Antifreeze ( coolant ) in california ?

The Expert answers:

Most auto store will do this i know auto-zone and advance auto takes them not sure of to many places in ca but most part store will recycle them

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