Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Joseph asks…
How do I get my file back?
I accidentally deleted a file that I desperately need for school.
I tried looking in my recycle bin, but somehow it had been emptied.
I also tried doing a system restore, but it seemed like it affected everything but my word documents.I did a system restore twice!
Is there any other way to get my word document back??
The Expert answers:
You can use a free program called recuva to restore deleted files.
Sandy asks…
Looking for ideas on using recycling material to create costumes for a Recycling Fashion Show at a school?
Material could be anything that we normally throw away or put in the recycling bin.
The Expert answers:
I’ve seen clothes made from strips of woven paper (glossy magazine stuff is quite resilient). The same can be done with plastic carrier bags.
Carol asks…
How do I get deleted videos back?
I need it for a school project.
Please help.
I emptied my recycle bin and didn’t know it was in it.
The Expert answers:
You may try asoftech photo recovery which helped me before. You can download trial for free
The pro version enables recovering not only photos, but also other files including videos, document, etc. Just that scan may take long time depends on hard disk capacity.
Helen asks…
How can I make my school greener?
I am 15 yrs old and running for Head Girl at my north-London comprehensive girl’s school. As a student body, we do alot of work for the community, and the environment has been one of our main focuses in the past year. We currently recycle our plastic cups and have recycling bins in every classroom for paper. Any ideas for further ways to reduce our waste that I could use in my campaign?
The Expert answers:
It’s fantastic that you are doing what you do! Keep up your brilliant work!
Ask if your school has a responsible teacher who will look into joining your local Freecycle group on your behalf, you can put stuff on there that you no longer use and let someone else use it instead.
When your school is getting rid of books, paper, chairs, desks, etc you can pass them on to someone in your own community who can use them further, this stops them going into the landfill sites so helps the environment!
You can also ask for stuff you need too, ask for some compost bins then maybe you could get the kitchen staff to compost the left over food waste instead of lobbing it in the main rubbish.. You never know! ( Although that could be a long shot! 😀 )
Laura asks…
I need some help writing a letter.?
Ok guys so basically I go to a catholic high school in Canada. Last week there was an article in the newspaper about how the public school board highschool recycled and decomposed various items and are the one of the cleanest schools in canada. My school would love to achieve that, however we dont have recycle bins. We had ordered them and than the school board keeps calling the school and telling them that they cannot send them over because its not priority. meaning there are other schools that need to be taken care of before ours. I was asked to write a letter to the editor or to the person in charge of the recycling for the catholic school board. Can someone please help me or tell me what to include in the letter? Thanks!
The Expert answers:
Make recycle bins in shop class. Wooden boxes or 55 gal empty barrels and then have a ‘haul off day’ when those of you on the green committee can then cash the cans in. Perhaps you could write about that kind of an idea.
Lisa asks…
Can someone help me edit/give suggestions on this paragraph? Grade 9 english?
we had to chose a symbol that represents us and why. I have asked this question before, but this is a different paragraph now.
My next symbol I chose is a green bin. The green bin represents how environmentally friendly I am. Once of the biggest causes I believe in is the environment. I believe that nature always comes first and that we have to do whatever we can to protect our planet. I always encourage my family to recycle, turn off the lights and when in the grocery store to use the cloth bags instead of plastic ones. In middle school, I was also involved in the environmental club and did the recycling every Friday for the school. Green bins are used nationally to collect garbage that is able to decompose in order to save land and reduce the amount of waste that is deposited on the earth. Overall, I believe in helping the environment in every possible way just as a green bin does.
The Expert answers:
Ok…here’s the paragraph i revised….
The next symbol I chose was a green bin. The green bin represents how environmentally friendly I am. Once of the biggest and important causes I believe in is the environment. I believe that nature should always comes first and that we have to do whatever we can to protect our planet. I always encourage my family to recycle, turn off the lights when not in use and when in the grocery store, to use reusable bags instead of plastic ones. In middle school, I was also involved in the environmental club and did the school’s recycling every Friday. Green bins are used nationally to collect waste that is able to be decomposed in order to save land and reduce the amount of waste that is deposited on the earth. Overall, I believe in helping the environment in every possible way just as a green bin does.
The paragraph was okay in general, but you sort of swayed off topic of the green bin when you were talking about yourself. I would strongly recommend that you take out some off-topic sentences and replace them with facts/history of the green bin and more of what it does. Otherwise, it was very interesting. If you want to include the part about yourself, maybe you should have an extra paragraph dedicated to just the topic….spelling and grammar was mostly good….Good luck!
Michael asks…
My friend lies all the time, what should I do?
OK, so i have this friend who always lies. i was hoping she’d grow out of it, but I’m 14 now, and she’s 15. i usually just try to ignore her, but its hard when the lies affect me. for example, when we are doing a piece of work for class, she’ll tell me she’s done her part when she hasn’t, and i will then get a low mark. we also have to empty out school’s recycling bins on Friday afternoons. i am so sure she stole me and my friends bins from last year. she got out of class half an hour earlier than she’s supposed to, and then said she’d finished her bins (the ones she stole), and started on ours.
When we are around any guy at all, she lies about me to make herself look better, embarrassing for me. i am starting to get really pissed at her. she lies ALL the time. it is too hard not being her friend, plus i kinda like her a bit, though she’s not like my best friend or anything. if i ever mention her lies to her, we get in a big fight, and in the end i have to apologize to her. when we are in a fight, she makes up things about me. i know everyone thinks i should stop being friends with her, but i would like another solution if you have one. After all, i haven’t done anything wrong, so i shouldn’t have to lose a friend.
The Expert answers:
Don’t buy in to her drama. You’ve confronted her and it made it worse, so move on. And don’t make a big deal of that, either, or she’ll be sure to flip out. Just slowly back away… Call less often, and don’t go out of your way to hang out with her. If she notices and asks why, you can say you already told her and it caused a fight, and you don’t want friends who don’t have enough integrity to tell the truth.
Thomas asks…
Recycled water bottles made into a bin?
Alright, so I’m in my schools environmental club and we talked about recycling bins for waterbottles then someone said they’ve seen an actual trash can made out of recycled bottles. I decided this was an awesome idea, so I went home and looked it up online, but haven’t been able to find anything about it. does this sound as cool as I think it does, or am I just crazy? If it does sound cool, maybe someone could give me some links or something? Or advice? I’m really interested.
The Expert answers:
This doesn’t answer your exact question, but may provide you with guidelines and other ideas. Here is another resource with countless ideas and ways to become green by doing it yourself. There is a lot of information out there and new ideas are developing daily. The cost associated with going green has come down considerably.
Paul asks…
What are some ways to make my school eco friendly?
My friend and I are running for co-prez and we want to make our school eco friendly. We already have low-flush toilets and recycling bins. What else? 10 POINT TO BEST ANSWER! Thanks.
The Expert answers:
Recycle bins for sure.
How about some of the following:
Compost pile for ground clippings
Start an organic garden for the cafeteria
Use recycled paper in computer lab
Make sure light bulbs are energy star certified or CFL compatible.
Solar panels to supplement energy usage
One of the biggest issues you’ll face is fundraising to make these happen. School budgets are super tight and don’t have a ton of wiggle room for additional spending. But you could lobby the school board to at least allocate a portion of the next years budget to eco-friendly efforts. Good luck.
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