Thursday, March 13, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

What do you think about my cool idea on my garbage?

I was preparing to move, so I knew it was going to be tough to have to face the reality of all the trash I had generated. As much as I tried to donate larger items- I knew there would be a lot I would not be able to bring with me to my tiny studio apartment. My number one category of garbage in the first two weeks was cloth. Anyone who has moved recently probably knows that you end up finding random things in your closet that aren’t in good enough condition to donate. Clothing is pretty heavy, so the garbage bag filled with it was a total pain to drag to the trash chute. I felt so guilty and will be very careful in the future to only purchase clothing I will wear and not buy more than I really need.

After moving and following the guidelines from the LA county recycling flier, I found that organic materials comprised most of my waste’s volume. I don’t have a garbage disposal now, so anything that goes bad other than fruits &veggies (which I now know go in the green bin) gets thrown away. I drastically reduced my black bin garbage because of this assignment and am committed to taking the time and effort to continue to recycle! I have decided to purchase biodegradable recycling/composting bags for my garbage in the future. They are a bit more expensive, but I think it’s worth it!

The Expert answers:

How about getting everything in a big pile and burning it, cos thats what they are going to do with it anyway, better than land fill? I applaud your recycling, i do it myself, but our governments don’t respect it so much, especially yours. So why give a shit? Cos your government is destroying your country 4 fold worse than the citizens ever could.

Jenny asks…

Disposal of departed cat in a city?

My sister’s cat died in my care & after paying out well over $300 in vet costs, I’m dealing with what to do with the body. She’s offered to pay most of the costs, which is fine.

As I live in a city apartment, it’s been suggested that I put him in a plastic bag & down the garbage chute. I’m told the vets do practically the same thing using special recycling bags, then transfer the animals out as landfill.

The Expert answers:

It depends what she wants done. If she wants the ashes she can pay to have him individually cremated. Or if she doesn’t care, the cat can just be cremated in a group. You could call the vet that you’ve been going to and ask for info. And/or try calling animal control and ask them… They might tell you a cheaper possibility
There are also pet cemeteries. I would guess it is probably kind of expensive

It seems like it is probably not the best idea to just toss the body down the garbage chute at your apartment building. It might not be allowed, so you might get in trouble if the building superintendent finds it and finds out who had that cat.

I live in the city but we have land in the country so in this situation I have just triple bagged the body & put it in the freezer until there was a chance to drive out there and bury the pet. But obviously not everyone has that option.

Betty asks…

used condoms, recycle bin? regular garbage can? or down the toilet????

what’s the proper disposal procedure?

The Expert answers:

Garbage can, never down the toilet, bad thigns happen lol 🙂

hope this helps 🙂
also, if you get the chance, please leave Comments or sign my Guestmap, Thanx 🙂

David asks…

biggest landfill in the middle of an ocean?

we are trying to save whales from poachers yet we have the biggest garbage disposal site in the middle of pacific ocean.
plastics and other hard to recycle materials float around and get tangled around sea creatures. what can we do?

The Expert answers:

I disagree with the previous poster: over population is not the problem. The fact that people (especially in well developed countries) are PIGS is the real problem.

The Western and Eastern Pacific Garbage Patches have been around for years and the story you found is very out-of-date. The patches have grown over the last few years and are now about the size of the continental US.

We all use too much plastic and we are careless about it’s disposal. To dispose of plastic more safely try to create larger solid pieces that cannot be broken up easily. For example stuff all non recyclable plastics into a single tough bag to make a ball of at least 1 foot in diameter and tie it up securely. This large lump of trash is less likely to end up in the ocean or to become a threat to sea life because it is too big to eat.

Read my blog on Plastic:

James asks…

I Need Help on my English homework!!!!!!!!!!?

When using the MLA style to format your list of citations, you should arrange the list in alphabetical order according to ___________.

A. the date of publication
B. the title of the book, paper, or article
C. the author’s last name
D. the number of times it appears in your paper

You are writing a speech to deliver to a group of architects and your purpose is to convince them to design environmentally sustainable structures. Which of the following items would you use to persuade your audience of your argument?

A. more consumers are recycling every week
B. sustainable building materials are sometimes more expensive, but worth their expense
C. sustainable buildings last longer than other buildings
D. more consumers are seeking architects with a background in sustainable design

Directions– For this question, consider the effective speaking techniques that you have learned in this section.

In a discussion, you should acknowledge the ideas of other participants, even if you disagree with them.

A. true
B. false

Directions– For this question, consider the effective speaking techniques that you have learned in this section.

When sharing your opinion in a discussion, it is most effective to do so cautiously.

A. true
B. false

What is the implicit message of the following passage?

Jacob took an after school job walking the dogs in his neighborhood for $7 per hour. He has another job on the weekends, working at a car wash down the street. Sometimes, he works for his father, cleaning the house or organizing paperwork. Jacob’s father allows him to keep his jobs only if he maintains a high grade point average. Fortunately, Jacob makes good grades. Jacob is saving up to buy a bicycle. Currently, he gets up early to walk to school. It’s a long walk, but he consistently arrives before the first bell.

A. Jacob wants a bicycle.
B. Jacob is greedy.
C. Jacob is responsible.
D. Jacob is striving to be rich.

Which fact would be an effective contribution to a discussion among consumers about conserving water?

A. The Earth has limited resources; don’t abuse them.
B. It’s foolish to run water while you’re brushing your teeth.
C. If your faucet is dripping at the rate of one drop per second, you can expect to waste 2,700 gallons per year, greatly increasing the cost of utilities.
D. Start a compost pile to dispose of food waste instead of using your kitchen sink garbage disposal, which can add 50% to the volume of solids in a septic tank.

What is being inferred in the following passage?

Jeremiah awoke early every morning to make his bed, put away clean laundry, and organize his desk. After making a meal, he cleaned the kitchen counter and washed the dishes. He liked cats, but preferred not to own any pets, as they shed on the floor and climbed on the furniture. Jeremiah also liked to organize his books in alphabetical order by author. He organized his music according the album’s release date, which most music lovers found unconventional.

A. remiah is very orderly
B. Jeremiah is obsessive-compulsive
C. Jeremiah prefers not to own pets
D. Jeremiah is afraid of germs

The following sentence is an example of understatement: “Yeah, I had a pretty good day, considering I won the lottery.”

A. true
B. false

Complete the following sentence with the best word:
At the beginning of Barack Obama’s presidency, America was experiencing a serious _____.

A. collaboration
B. recession
C. introspective
D. case study

An egocentric view relates a narrow, or self-centered perspective.

A. true
B. false

The Expert answers:

1. B
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. A

Joseph asks…

UK question?…?

who thinks the stupid recycling scheme will get called off?…Today Ive seen bags of rubbish all over the place,mainly foxes and cats sorting thru it…and the three coloured type of wheelie bins blown over in the wind…and several heaps of fly tipped stuff…would It have been better to install every household with a mechanical garbage disposal unit?…and let the council sort it out into metal, plastic,paper etc…by machine?…

The Expert answers:

It will get called off if and when the councillors think, and the local members think, that it will cost them an election.

Agitate through local groups and raise awareness of it in your area. Street marches don’t work, but the pollies thinking that everyone is sick of it and will vote them out if they don’t fix it.

It is a mix of saving money and trying to get people to recycle. The latter is great and the scehme has worked in that respect, but going from weekly collections to every two weeks AND shrinking bin size is too much.


Maria asks…

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)?

So the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has a chart about countries and their trash/recycling system. Most of the countries are from Europe and North America. The chart is divided into three sections. Garbage disposal per person, garbage disposal at homes, and garbage disposal in work areas and school. They are measured in Kilograms per person. I was wondering, why isn’t there any Eastern Asia countries or Africa Countries on the chart. Please describe!!!

URL to the CHART:

The Expert answers:

Countries have to be invited to join and meet their criteria. Here are their current members.
However 2007 the OECD countries agreed to invite Chile, Estonia, Israel, Russia and Slovenia to open discussions for membership of the Organisation and offered enhanced engagement, with a view to possible membership, to Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa.

Nancy asks…

Aerosol cans: disposal issue?

My local recycling center advertises that they do accept aerosol/spray cans, but only if a hole is punched into them.

I worry that there are safety risks involved in puncturing these cans…as a result, I avoid aerosol cans most of the time, but a friend gave me some household fragrance via aerosol can, so now I’ve got one in my house unexpectedly.

I’ve tossed the occasional spray can in the garbage once or twice before, but I recycle RELIGIOUSLY, and it hurt me to see these materials end up in a landfill.

My question is, would it be a bad idea to stab up my aerosol cans? Does an empty one explode or pop open or otherwise injure the person who punctures it? Is there some sort of risk involving left over particles of whatever the can held before?

What is the safest way to go about this? Is there hope? I want hope.

The Expert answers:

We used to use lots of spray cans at work and had to do this on down time. Here is what we did since we threw them over the side of the ship.

1. Make sure every bit of pressure is out of the can by holding down on the spray nozzle until nothing comes out.
2. Hold it securely in a vice (or clamp or something heavy on it so it won’t move.
3. Stab it with something sharp to let out any possible remaining pressure
4. Cut it into two pieces with a hack saw near the top.
5. IMPORTANT! Keep the glass marble from inside the can in the marble box for the bosses kids.
6. Pull the plastic pieces out with pliers and dispose of in trash.
7. Wipe residue paint out of can with old rag.
8. Toss clean metal can parts over side.

Or, my favorite method when at home- start a fire in a barrel and toss spray can in. Run before it blows up.

Sharon asks…

Is Plastic Durable or does it have to be replaced?

What are the disposal methods for plastic? is it directly thrown out in the garbage after use or can it be reused or recycled? Plz help thx.

The Expert answers:

I wouldn’t recommend reusing water bottles because they store germs and if the water was left for a long time it leaves a bad taste due to the plastic. You should buy the ones that can be reused and washed. As for plastic bowls and such it’s ok if they’re meant to store and contain food. Put all your plastics in the recycle not the trash. The trash is only meant for food, tissue, and other things. Also, you should separate youre bottles and cans you can get some money. :]

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