Thursday, March 13, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…

Where do i send electronics for recycling in India?

Hey guys is there a place , or a website for sending Electronics for recycling in India. Plz reply…

The Expert answers:

I think it is illegal to recycle or dumping electronics waste in either China or India. You probably can recall the recent show prepared by the 60 Minutes that has shocked many viewers all over this world because it is more harmful than the nuclear generating station accident recorded in history. It is likely through the Hong Kong agent (most Hong Kong people willing to do anything for the fucking money) to ship to the town of CuiYu in China. It is immoral to dump or recycle the electronic waste in the developing countries and indirectly killed many local citizens because of poisoning wastes. However, there is a website shows you the recycling of electronics waste in India. You should talk to your local Environmental Control Department or agency of environment protection in the US, or even try Obama.

Steven asks…

Is there a computer and electronics recycling center in Chicago?

I am looking for a company that collects precious metals from computer motherboards.

The Expert answers:


intercon recycling in chicago

Betty asks…

Are there any computers/electronics recycling facilities in Mississauga?

Are there any places in Mississauga to take old computer parts and electronics to be recycled and/or properly disposed of? I have stuff like old power supplies, mother boards and other little electronics I just want to get rid of.


The Expert answers:

Check out where you can search for facilities in your area.

Chris asks…

Has anyone used Gazelle for recycling electronics?

I recently looked into Gazelle as I have started a recycling program at my school through the technology club. Have you dealt with them and would you recommend them? If no who would you recommend I am in north west Georgia if that helps.
This is for a school wide project so there will be multiple items.

The Expert answers:

I havent, but I heard that they are not good, I would recommend georgia.

Carol asks…

where can i take old electronics for recycling?

I have a bunch of old electronics that i want to get rid of but i dont want throw them in the trash. I have old computer speakers, an old computer, old television, etc. where can i take them?

The Expert answers:

Check for recycling centers close to you. In the US

David asks…

Can you put electronics out in single-sort recycling pick up?

My husband insists that we should dump our no-longer-working paper shredder out with the recycling tonight. It’s single sort, but they take plastic. I think with the electronics and sharp blades it’s ridiculous, and poses a hazard to the crew that picks it up.
Can someone help settle this one for us?

The Expert answers:

Absolutely NOT!! There are toxic elements in electronics so you cannot put them in your regular recycling.

Donna asks…

Is there a place I can donate electronics for recycling?

My printer is toasted, I don’t have the warranty information, and I don’t really care about a refund. I already have a spare. I bought it at the beginning of this year, and most of the parts are good (it just spits out multiple sheets of paper and only prints 1 out of 9 times I try.) I would rather not send a relatively new machine to the dump. Is there somewhere I can donate the parts?

The Expert answers:

Offer it on your local Freecycle site. Be honest about it’s beahvior, someone is likely to be interested in it. Suggest to whomever picks it up to download the newest drivers for their operating system from the factory website.

If it is an HP, and the person can troubleshoot it, they can get most of the parts through HP.

Susan asks…

What the heck is the recycling fee for on electronics in CA?

I went to buy a laptop from stupid Best Buy today and at check out there was a $16 recycling fee..what is this, why is it there? I want to buy a lap top not recycle the lap top! Is this in all states or just because Soo Cal is so cool?

The Expert answers:

Because of the heavy metals that need to be recycled when the product’s lifespan ends.
Lead, cadmium, copper, and lots more.

Lisa asks…

Recycling Electronics and Reusing Them Appreciationment?

Would returning a Mac computer whose parts can be reused in manufacturing get you a discount on a Mac laptop?

The Expert answers:

Just sell your Mac at and take the money and buy a new one.

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