Thursday, March 13, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

Any cool recycled jewelery crafts?

i just made one of those soda tab bracelets and i love it! does anyone know of any other cool jewelery made from recycled stuff?

The Expert answers:

If you have any old jewelry, you can use the beads to make something new. You can also find inexpensive jewelry at Goodwill or the Salvation Army stores, and redesign it. Sometimes all you need to buy new are the clasps and the string or stretchy cord.

Good luck!

Richard asks…

For those who like the recycled and upcycled crafts, would this be a good gift for my friend?

Or would something else be better?

The Expert answers:

That is super cute! I vote YES. 🙂

Sandra asks…

Recycled magazine crafts?

Do you know any websites that tell you how to do the recycled magazine crafts? If you have no idea what I’m talking about here’s a link of one example:

The Expert answers:

Get a bunch of them and fasten them together. But before you do this take the top right corner of the page and fold it down and into the crevasse and continue doing this until it’s all done. Do this to all of the books and then when you have fastened them together you can have it in a half circle and use it as a door stop, sell them or give them away..

George asks…

If there is anyone who creates quality arts and crafts products using recycled items could you let me know?

The Expert answers:

Well, you probably have heard about this. You take KoolAid pouches or Capri Sun and suck all of the juice out. Wash them up, and sew them together to make something. People make belts, purses, etc.

Ken asks…

Can anyone give me ideas on how to make recycling crafts?

is there any crafts using show boxes,jars,cans,and cereal boxes?? PLEASE answer!

The Expert answers:

Try searching the net for recycled crafts. There are a lot of ideas out there it is just a matter of finding something that suits you
Otherwise try using your imagination:

Decorate jars with paint, bits of lace and braid to make vases
large cans covered in old wallpaper offcuts make lovely wastepaper baskets
small cans covered in same for pencil holders
cardboard boxes for doll houses
all sorts of small containers for furniture in doll houses
cereal boxes and plastic wrap tubes for castles.

It is just a matter of looking at your jars cans and boxes differently – what can they become not just what they are.

Charles asks…

Have any ideas on begginer recycling crafts?

I’m looking for easy crafts wit old items.
Like Christmas lights, newspapers, clothes?

The Expert answers:

Christmas lights mmmm sounds fun. I say you could take a whole roll of them and tie/roll them up in a ball. The ball its self very cool even more cool when you turn them on. Just dont leave it pluged to the wall when you are not in the room never know what will happen

Michael asks…

what are some crafts that you can make from recycled materials?


The Expert answers:

Considering that anything you rescue from the landfill is recycled the only limiting factor here is your own imagination. In cub scouts we use wax paper and empty toilet paper rolls to make a little hum instrument. Spools are always handy for wheel toys or doll heads, arms & legs. Most stuff we made in den meetings were from recycled stuff when I was the leader.

The genius kits were really fun as you put a bunch of odd things in a sack, gave it to a boy to see what he could make of it. I know a .lady that makes jewelry out of nuts, bolts and nails. I had a grandma who made all kinds of cute little critters out of pinecones and twigs and misc. Cloth strips. Usually I’ll look at something and ask myself what I could make out of it that would be useful. That’s how I recycle most stuff.

Susan asks…

Ideas for Recycled Craft Business Name?

My friend and I are starting a craft selling business, where everything is made out of recycled materials. Yet we are having trouble coming up with a catchy, cool name that is memorable but that has to do with the products we are selling. (Crafts for the house, garden, easter, desk stuff, organization, games, cards, toys, etc.) Thank you very much.

The Expert answers:

Second Round Crafts

Daniel asks…

Needing to come up with a name for my small arts and crafts business.?

I want to start a small business. I can’t come up with a name for it. I will be making recycled crafts. how can I come up with a good name.

The Expert answers:

This is a great article about – How to Select a Company or Product Name –

The article has some good advice on how to research names, and what to becareful of.

Here are some tips on selecting a domain name

Should get you started!
Best of luck

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