Thursday, March 13, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

Why human waste products are not used for producing methane which can be used to run our cars?

In india biogas plant is already used to treat waste products and to produce methane which is quite successfull then why the human waste are not recycled and used seriously to produce fuel for our cars as crude oil prices are increasing day by day so as gasoline

The Expert answers:

Methane has a lower boiling point than petrol and exists as a gas at room temperature, thus it is not easily stored as a fuel for cars. I’m sure you do not want to be pumping gas into your cars…

Sharon asks…

Where or how do you recycle plastic motor oil containers?

I can recycle everything else but seems like such a waste to throw these in the landfill.

The Expert answers:


Thomas asks…

new nuclear power plants what about the nuclear waste?

The British government want to build several new nuclear power plants to make Britain less reliant on imported oil and gas which seems like a very reasonable and common sense proposal but what I wonder about is what they plan to do with all the nuclear waste that those plants will make, do they have any recycling plants for the waste or do they just plan to dump it underground bunkers in Scotland and forget about it like they have done in the past

The Expert answers:

They store the old waste in deep underground salt mines, the salt suprisingly enough will act as a good barrier and will eventually grow around the waste giving it time (over thousands and thousands of years of course) to detoxify.

Also, “all the nuclear waste”, sounds like a lot right? It isn’t.

Mary asks…

Oil usages and how to conserve it..?

Can you add to me lists???

Individually Reduce the needs of Oil
Public transportation
Hybrid vehicals
The less cars being bought means, less brake fluid, car battery cases, gasoline, tires, as well as boats, car bodies, paint, anti freeze ect, all made with oil in some way
Weed killer (dig your weeds up)
Fertilizer ( composte your soil will be amazing)
Garden hoses (buckets of water work tooo)
Soaplesss degerents often contain oil (use soap filled soaps)
Most ink pens are made of petrochemicals
Wax is a petroleum product, such as milk jugs, candles, polishes(recycle milk jugs)
All plastic chemicals are made of petrochemicals, and plastic is made from the same petrochemical as fiber of polyeester; so all those clothes sitting in your closet you don’t need, you are wasting oil products(recycle plastic, pass on clothing you don’t need, or donate it)

Utilize wind, and other natural never ending ways to create energy, water mills, wind mills, solar pannels, ect.

Utilize wind, and other natural never ending ways to create energy, water mills, wind mills, solar pannels, ect.

The Expert answers:

Turn off your computer to save electricity that is made from oil.
Go for a walk instead.

Sandy asks…

How can you get diesel for 70 Cents a gallon? you ask!?

Diesel For 70 Cents?????
Home BioDiesel Make biodiesel for less than 70 cents per gallon Recycle waste cooking oil Create environmentally friendly biodiesel fuel We offer a quality product for the conversion of vegetable oils (We’re talking about waste cooking or fryer oil.) into diesel fuel that’s cleaner, cheaper, and better for your diesel vehicle (or other diesel engines) than the regular diesel fuel you’d buy at the local gas station. However, what really separates Home BioDiesel from anyone else offering such a processor is our outstanding customer service. We not only walk you through the initial setup process, but we’ll help you find local sources for the raw materials you’ll need, and keep in touch with you over time. Contact us today to find out if biodiesel fuel is right for you. Call 1-888-4-BIODIESEL (1-888-424-6343) and start your path to complete independence from retail diesel prices and foreign oil. Don’t just complain about the problem, be part of the solution.
ok, yes this is an add, but it’s ok, cause I dont believe that my dad can sell it!!! haha

The Expert answers:

How about a website?

Ruth asks…

What small Gulf Coast company dominates the fluid waste recycle business?

Company has 2 patents on oil services technology. Standard and Poor’s did a report on the company on June 24th, 2006. Developed a water-based fluid process for oil rigs that is environmentally friendly.

The Expert answers:


Paul asks…

I need ideas on the topic of recycling for my GCSE Art final exam?

This is the question I have chosen:
Produce a piece of work based on ONE of the following on the theme of RECYCLING.
a) Make a picture or 3D piece using scrap and waste materials.
b)A poster which makes a comment on the benefits of recycling.
I’ve decided to use oil pastels for the exam, but I don’t know what piece to do or how to do it. I just don’t know what to do.
I would be grateful if any of you have any ideas ASAP. Thanks.

The Expert answers:

You can use bottles, cans, cardboard boxes,pieces of scrap metal, bottle caps, rags, and just about any common thrown away item. I’ve seen some great yard art made from car parts and old garden tools and carpenter tools. You could put some of the flat waste items on your poster to high light certain points you make, while using the oil pastels for your basic poster. The 3D piece could be done with any or a combination of the aforementioned items, and other similar waste. How about light bulbs! They are in the news of late.

Richard asks…

Science project ideas that are environmental-friendly, low-cost, benefits other, easy to carry out?

I need some ideas for my science project. My senior have done

1Organic dishwashing powder using rice husk ashTo make an organic dishwashing powder which causes no harm to marine life and is gentle to the hands
2Bagging the environmentTo develop a good quality biodegradable shopping bag material made of fruit and vegetable waste to replace the non-biodegradable plastic bag
3Recycling cooking oil as soapTo recycle waste cooking oil in the canteen to make soap by removing odors from it
4Air pollutionTo develop a product which can filter the air and make it cleaner and at the same time, also neutralise acidic water that could be caused by acid
5Natural paintTo make natural paint using flour and colourings from fruits and vegetables and comparing it with conventional paint
6Investigating on herbal preservative on meatTo discover an organic preservative that is both effective in preserving food and has minimal effect on human health compared to a preservative currently available in the market
7Natural UV soapTo produce a soap that uses natural products and minimal chemicals by using green apple skin that can provide UV protection and produce a pleasant green apple fragrance
8The most effective recycled material that can be used to absorb pet’s urine and odourTo find an alternative material obtainable from household waste, which can absorb the urine effectively and eliminate its odour at the same time
9Environmentally friendly packagingTo investigate how packaging affects the environment. To find better ways to redesign packaging to be more environmentally friendly
Innovative Projects

1Removal of onion smell with fruit juicesTo investigate which fruit juice (watermelon, pineapple, lemon, green apple) is best in removing onion smells
2Homemade fire extinguishersTo design a home-made environmental friendly fire extinguisher that can be introduced to homes
3Portable calorie calculatorTo create a product which helps people to be aware of their calories intake; To raise awareness of a healthy diet
4No more smelly feet!To investigate which herb is able to kill the bacteria causing athlete’s foot and produce a spray to cure athlete’s foot
5CO2 growth boosterTo investigate the effect of CO2 gas that is forcibly introduced into the environment on the boost of plant growth
6Investigating potato electrochemical cellsTo investigate the effectiveness of potatoes as electrochemical cells and the optimum condition to have the longest running potato electrochemical cells
7Alternative fabric softenersTo study if vinegar and baking soda make our clothes and towels feel softer
8Effect of coffee powder and spices on antsTo determine the effect of coffee powder and spices as an ant repellent
9Investigations on physical chemotherapeutic changesTo investigate the effects of 7 colours on humans’ pulse rate so as to advice hospitals or house owners which are the best colours to use for their infrastructure
10Natural dyeThis project aims to make fabric dye from colour extracts from fruits and vegetables
11The strongest bridge designTo investigate which type of commonly used bridge designs is able to carry the most load. To compare the ratio of maximum load to the mass of the bridge
12Step and ThrowTo develop a floor mat that can be easily removed when no longer usable (disposable)
13Window wipersTo investigate whether home products such as vinegar, baking soda or lemons can help keep the windows squeaky clean
14What is the best condition of light to study?To investigate which is the best light condition to study and to prevent myopia
15Disposable hair trapperTo make a netting to trap debris such as hair from clogging the drainage pipe

I really need some creative ideas that are environmental-friendly, improve lives or lifestyles, benefit others, simple and easy to carry out, low cost. Please help!

The Expert answers:

You’ve got some really good ideas here. I remember when I was in grade school,
my science project was about HOMEMADE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY
PRODUCTS, so we created cleansers and even hairsprays that were non-toxic
and safe for the environment.

James asks…

Fear of ingesting recycled cooking oil in china?

I’m going to china in a little bit and I read that a lot of oil in china was recycled. What frightened me even more was that news sources claim the oil to contain carcinogens which, links to my phobia of cancer which, along with other health risks is made even worse by my being more worried about my health(I actually have very good health and health habits) than most other people. Please give me some tips on how to not be overly paranoid when I go there and not waste time and effort to avoid it.

The Expert answers:

Now,Hogwash oil is reported by TV.This is very serious thing.So I don’t often have a meal outside now.I afraid too

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