Sunday, March 16, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

In Irvine are there recycling bins in public places and schools?

1. Why is this a problem.

I need to know the answer to these 2 questions for my own personal use to support recycling.

The Expert answers:

They won a nation wide recycling competition for the 2nd year in a row.

Michael asks…

Who do i, contact in Collinsville, OK about putting recycling bins in place in Collinsville’s public schools?

i am a student of the school’s in question and have seen the cafeteria and classroom trash bins in our public high school, i feel we could help the enviroment and save some money for our not-so-rich school system by recycling paper, bottles, etc… i just don’t know who exactly i’m supposed to write to about doing anything about it… any help would be much appreciated, thank you

The Expert answers:

Having lots of material may make it easier.

Aluminum should be easiest, any scrap metal dealer should be happy to take it if he does not have to pay.

Plastic might go to a refinery or chemical company.

Pure newspaper might go to a paper company or a composting operation.

Organic material (bannana peels, etc.) can also compost.

Other burnable material *might* be burned for power by your local power company, or used for biogas.

Laura asks…

Draw attention to recycling bins at school?!?

I am in a club at my school called Greener Impact, and it is basically all about being environmentally friendly, etc. I am in charge of our recycling committee and I really wanted to get people in my school more involved in recycling. I made a bunch of cute recycling posters that have facts and encourage you to recycle and I was going to put them above the recycling bins at school, but our recycling bins are literally cardboard boxes in the corner that no one sees. Do any of you have ideas as to how to glam up these cardboard boxes or cheap alternatives for them?!?! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

I struggled with this at my university.
The best thing you can do is make sure there is a clearly marked recycling receptacle next to EVERY garbage can. Maybe not in the bathroom, but garbage and recycling cans should be considered a single unit.
If people have to walk any further to recycle something, they simply wont do it. Or, they will put all their trash into the recycling.
You may want to contact your local waste/recycling company to see if they would sponsor your school. They usually have access to a lot of garbage cans, stickers, and lables that can be used to help promote recycling.
Otherwise, it is likely that your school has a lot of extra garbage cans around that could be painted or clearly marked in a way that they would look differently. It is always important to have a simple label of some kind which graphically shows what is acceptable recycling material, since most students still do not know. I.e. Glass bottle, Plastic bottle or cup, papers, cardboard.

Paul asks…

Raising money for recycling bins at school?

What is a good, fast, and easy way to raise up money for recycling bins at school. I was thinking about asking the principle if we could do some sort of relay for life kinda’ thingie except it would be funding for recycling bins. i’m pretty sure kids would do it because it would look good on their application for college(community service). Help!?!?! By the way, I’m in high school if you haven’t already guessed. =] thanks in advanced!!

The Expert answers:

You could make a kind of yard sale !!!
Ask kids to bring old stuff that they don’t want anymore, and make like this huuuge garage sale !
If there’s a business class in your school, you can ask them to make some advertising ! Ask your cooking class to bake some pastries and make refreshments that you can sell at the same time !

That way, you can get rig of your old junk and make money too! If your school is really dedicated, you can even throw in some car washes ! LOL

You can also give a ticket with a number to anybody that buys anything, and you can have like a raffle for an item of the yard sale !

Or, if this is too much and you don’t have a lot of time, just stick with a regular yard sale 😉

Steven asks…

What do I do to get recycling bins for a school?

We have money, we just don’t know where to order them from.
Links please!

The Expert answers:

A lot of states have recycling programs that will donate bins for free to schools. Might want to look into that also.

Here’s some sites that sell recycling bins that i’ve pulled off yahoo search:

Donna asks…

How to help the Earth without using a recycling bin?

This is weird to say, but someone stole our recycling bin-the one i had at my house. I’m not one of the CRAZY earth lovers, but I do believe in cleaning the Earth. We have recycling bins at school. So I use them, but not a lot. I also use plastic bags because I need them for picking up my dog’s poop…..
So um yeah, how can I help the Earth?

The Expert answers:

You can get plastic bags which bio-degrade which will help, you could also collect your recycled waste in another bin and take it to your local recycling station.

Other options include purchasing a compost bin or maybe even another recycling bin.

Richard asks…

how to earn money by school recycling water bottles?

My school currently recycles water bottles. However, they do not get the 5 cent refund per bottle that is recycled. Does anybody know a way to recycle the water bottles (in NY) other than putting them through the recycle bin where the school can collect the monies from the bottles? It s a great way fo the school to get money for items needed. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Plastic water bottles have no material value that is worth recycling, the only reason they are is because government subsidizes the cost to do so. If something has a raw material value you will see private companies paying money for it, such as scrap metal.

Sharon asks…

Recycling in New york schools?

I’m in this club encouraging the school to recycle. I heard that most schools don’t recycle since students seem to contaminate recycling bins with non-recyclables. However, if we do accomplish our goal for a recycling school, will the school have to pay for the recycling truck to come to the school to recycle it? Or does the recycling company pay the school for the recyclables?

The Expert answers:

It depends on where you are. Many towns do subsidize recycling, especially now that recycled materials are becoming more and more of a commodity, and if your town doesn’t cover the costs, there are some companies and non-profits who might take compost off your hands.

Lizzie asks…

How can I get FREE recycling bins for my private school in Charlotte, NC?

I’m pretty sure that the county only supplies the bins to public school…

The Expert answers:

I go to a public school and we didnt have recycling bins at my school.
But there are ways simple and easy !

What you should do is gather card board boxes and just decorate them and make sure people can see that they are for recycling.
Be sure to locate most of them in regularly used hallways so that people will find it less difficult to get to one.
And when the time comes for the recyling man to come by at your school to make it less difficult for he/she to gather all the bins have vollunteers gather all the recycling bins at one place to make it simple for the recycling person to gather up .
Well hope it worls out for you : ]
– estefani.

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