Thursday, March 13, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Helen asks…

i left my 2 empty recycle bins stacked outside and the one on-top has been recycled. can i get compensation?

The Expert answers:

Of course! Why not?
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Donald asks…

If your city provided you with recycle bins, would you use them?

The Expert answers:


Paul asks…

Which recycle bin should I throw the CDs? What material is CD made of?

If there are only 3 recycle bins with
1. Glass / plastic
2. Aluminum / steel
3. Papers
Where should I throw an unwanted CD into?

The Expert answers:

Commercial CD’s are plastic and aluminum foil while writeable and rewriteable CD’s have more exotic substrates.

It really depends on the recycler, if it’s one that uses machinery to pulverize and separate a single stream of recyclables then just throw it in like any other plastic, if it’s one that uses low cost labour to bale the recyclables together for sale then it’s a matter of whether or not they can find a buyer for the material in the form of CD’s, chances are that they won’t want the CD’s unless they’ve found a profitable market for them. Either way, you should either ask the recycling service or just throw them in with the plastics.

The three bin concept of recycling where the consumer does the sorting is essentially obsolete now. Most recycling services are single stream because the sorting done by the consumer tends to be inconsistent and it only takes one inconsistency to require that the recycling stream accounts for it. Recyclers were finding that they either had to hire sorters anyways or machinery that would sort. Many facilities have removed the labels from the three bins and if you watch the collectors, they typically throw all three bins into the same collection bin.

Laura asks…

Where can I find recycling bins in CT?

My family doesn’t recycle and it drives me crazzii! I need to take action. I don’t know where to find recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

Your local recycling building or the phone book

Ken asks…

where could you get a recycle bins closest to buffham rd?

The Expert answers:

Contact the local government in Seville, OH. .

David asks…

What are the meanings of the recycle bins in Malaysia?


The Expert answers:


Susan asks…

How to redirect other user’s recycle bin?

I have a network with approx. 200 users all of these have their recycle bins hidden using Windows SteadyState, but i’m fed up with them asking for file recovery. Is there any way that I can redirect their recycle bin to one folder so I can find and restore their files and folders easily
I know it can be done because my old workplace had 5 technicians including me and they were able to achieve this but not sure how

The Expert answers:

Why don’t you ask the guys at your “old workplace” and post the answer here.

Sandy asks…

Ohio recycle bins locations?

I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning and would like to get rid of some trash. I would like to do the ecological thing and recycle what I can. I live in north central Ohio and I’m trying to find a website that will show which recycle bins (paper, plastic, aluminum, etc.) are located where. Also, I have a bunch batteries (dry cell…ie. flashlight and rechargeable batteries) that I’d also like to recycle.

So what I would like to know, is there a website that I can put in my location (in Ohio) and what I’d like to recycle and it would tell me the locations of the recycle bins around that area?


The Expert answers:

Try this one:

Thomas asks…

how do you find hidden recycle bins on your computer?

or hidden documents..please help me out..

The Expert answers:

Before asking a question, you should rather have asked this question:

What actually happens when we delete a file?
When a file is deleted, it actually seems to the recycle bin (you see there is just one recycle bin on the desktop. Actually, there are separate recycle bins on all the drives which in fact is a folder named ‘recycled’. The files are actually moved to the ‘recycled’ folder of their own drives they were deleted from.

For your question, if you have to see a deleted file, then try this.

Let’s try showing all hidden files from the root folder of C: drive.

1. Open Command Prompt (Goto Run, Type cmd)
2. Navigate to C: Drive (type cd)
3. Type ‘attrib *.* -a -h -s -r’

Now you can see all your hidden files as well as the system files.

But Beware, in order to complete, you will need to hide the files again (the system files).

Now Follow the steps 1 and 2 again.
Then type ‘attrib *.* +a +h +s +r’

Now they are hidden.

Hope that was useful.
Good Luck !!!

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