Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Jenny asks…

If I live in Charlotte, NC then where is a place that I can recycle old electronics?

I really have a lot of old junk lying in the basement and want to recycle it so that it may help the economy. I need to know where there is a place in charlotte that will recycle old computers, cell phones, printers, game systems, etc. If you can help me at all please let me know. Thanks

The Expert answers:

Go to and look up your local group
There are freecycle groups all over the USA. Mine covers my entire county and has about 2500 members. Members give away all sorts of stuff, some working, some not, to other members.. FREE.. And there is no fee at all.. Great way to keep stuff out of landfills.

Susan asks…

Where can I recycle electronics?

I have an old TV that I want to recycle.

Can I recycle old laptop batteries in Best Buy?
I also have a keyboard.

The Expert answers:

Call your city or county (or whoever collects your recycling) and ask them where to take electronics for recycling. In my area there’s a specially designated “household hazardous waste” site at the local landfill where these things are accepted. They even take car batteries, used motor oil, paint etc, anything that should never end up in the landfill.

Laura asks…

How do I recycle my old electronics?

I’m curious as to how I can be compensated for recycling an old Ipod I have and my old cell phone without going through a pawn shop.

The Expert answers:

There aren’t many possibilities for compensation. Best Buy offers a credit against future Best Buy purchases if you turn in an old TV. Don’t know about smaller devices; you could ask. Whether that would beat what you might get from a pawn shop is hard to say.

If you come up zero–no one will give you any cash for one or more of your gadgets–don’t throw them in the trash; they need to be recycled. Goodwill Industries accepts junk TVs; they might also take small electronics. In my area, the local sanitation company offers free disposal of electronics and hazardous waste (batteries, etc.) a couple times a year. The company in your area might do the same thing one way or another.

Michael asks…

How do you recycle batteries, cdplayers, electronics in Oakland?

I’ve got old batteries, and a cd player that just doesn’t work. I don’t want these things laying around my place. Where do I take them?

The Expert answers:


California is at the forefront of progressive acts such as this. There is definitely a place for you to take these items that will responsibly recycle them and get them out of your closet once and for all. A great website to keep in mind is

Here you can specify the item and your location and they’ll let you know who is closest that will take it for you.

If it takes a little while to find the right place, at least you know you’re doing the right thing.

Good luck!


Thomas asks…

Where can I recycle computers and electronics instead of throwing in trash and polluting?

If they are broken and unusable.
I live in California, San Francisco/ Sacramento areas.

The Expert answers:


Also Sacramento State has a Earth Fair which should be coming up in the next couple of months. You can go there and turn in your computers and other electronics for free.

County Waste will take them as well but there is a fee. Hope this helps.

Chris asks…

When you recycle your old electronics at Best Buy?

Do you get any kind of discount on your purchase of a new electronic? Or a gift card or something?

Thanks ;]

The Expert answers:

You’re lucky you don’t have to pay them to take it. I have to pay 5 USD apiece to take my TV’s, Monitors, and microwaves to the “Dump”.

Lisa asks…

How do we recycle electronics?

The Expert answers:

Depends on where you live and what is available in your area..if its not broke give it away or sale it…

This link might help

Mary asks…

Is it possible to recycle the computers and electronics?

being burned in china into food.

The Expert answers:

Absolutely: Like collard and turnip greens: These delicacies contain iron, which is very good for you. Iron is necessary for blood. When you get the flu you are actually being mined like a collapsed mountain for iron, by microscopic organisms. The body detects these intruders and hides the iron in the liver, which is also and excellent source of iron. When the bloodstream is depleted of the hidden iron the flu takes on. With a bit of siraccha or tobasco ground computer is great fried, and is sure to ward off viruses because of the firewalls.
apple, a few soft micros, and a pioneer disc player i brought to donner lake with me.

David asks…

Can you recycle electronics?

I have two radios (cd/tape/radio) that my puppy decided to chew the power supply cords to. I don’t know how to repair them nor do I need them laying aroung my house while I try to get them repaired…so is there somewhere I could take them where they would be recycled or fixed and given to someone who needs it?

The Expert answers:

Absolutely! Check with your city. They may have a recycling center that accepts electronic devices. Look in the telephone book under recycling. I found a place within a mile of where I live in the telephone book. I didn’t use the city facility because it is about 15 miles away.

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