Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

What is a similarity between the citric acid cycle and the calvin cycle?

There are four choices:
A. Both cycles utilize oxygen.
B. Both cycles produce carbon dioxide.
C. Both cycles utilize ATP to break down carbon bonds.
D. Both cycles recycle the molecule needed for the first reaction.

The Expert answers:

Calvin cycle – regeneration of ribulose 1,5- bisphosphate
Citric acid cycle – regeneration of oxaloacetate

Steven asks…

Which is NOT an example of a pair of compounds that are cycled and recycled in the cell’s energy pathways?

a. NAD+ / NADH


c. CO2 / H2O

d. FAD / FADH2

e. ADP / ATP

The Expert answers:

C. CO2 / H2O

All of the other molecules are high energy molecules that are recycled in anabolic or catabolic processes in the cell.

CO2 and H2O are end products of catabolic processes.

David asks…

What are the material cycles of copper, aluminum, and alnico?

In these steps:

1. Extracting Raw materials
2. Creating bulk materials, components, and devices
3. Manufacturing engineered materials
4. Fabricating products and systems
5. Service of products and systems
6. Recycling/disposing of used products and systems

The Expert answers:

Too long. You expect me to write a book?

Go to wikipedia or google and look each one up.

Lisa asks…

What product of the Krebs Cycle cannot be recycled?

The Expert answers:

The question is vague but I would guess the carbon dioxide. The oxaoloacetate, coenzyme A, NADH, FADH2 and GTP can get recycled. Of course, carbon dioxide can be refixed by pyruvate carboxylase and rubisco so it can also be “recycled”

Sandy asks…

What is the important of usefulness and connection to worship, love, purpose of life and eternal life?

What is your experience in life on this? Any Bible text or Quran text to share? Your comment please.

Usefulness is more beneficial than sukses for yourself. Usefulness channel God’s blessing to others through you. Usefulness is love in action and faith in work. It is the function and purpose of all living organism and the basic principle of all nature cycles, recycle of resource, ecology and food chains. It give the Creator reason to make your existence eternal to be at His service. It keep you in harmony with the laws and operation of the whole universe. It give you happiness, make other happy and make God’s happy. So be useful.

The Expert answers:

@ livestium
great answer

Would add that personally cannot relate too much to do with worship, love or cannot claim anything to do with eternal life, (apart from them being important ‘beliefs’ to me).

Just am trying to be useful and real for the right reasons. If they involve divine and higher powers not comprehended am willing and open to comprehension of them and live with the wisdom provided and an ability to be humble and accepting.

…If I am at work of a creator/ higher power, will continue to at least try and be a tool of usefulness to the best of given ability

Paul asks…

Food tin recycling, I heard recently that food tins had to be washed before they can be recycled, why?

Surely the food remains will be burnt off during the process, and/or there would be a wash cycle in the process?

The Expert answers:

Food tins have a fairly fast turn round before being smelted back into new billets for reuse, washing out waste food residues help to reduce any vermin infestation at the transfer stations handling recycled metals.
If there is no food sources available the rats will find somewhere else to colonise.

Ruth asks…

Which of the following is a similarity between the citric acid cycle and the Calvin cycle?

a. Both cycles utilize oxygen
b. both cycles produce carbon dioxide
c. both cycles utilize atp to break down carbon bonds
d. both cycles recycle the molecule needed for the first reaction

The Expert answers:

The correct answer is D.

A and B are not true. The Calvin cycle does not use oxygen but carbon dioxide. The citric acid cycle produces carbon dioxide.
C is not true. The Calvin cycle uses ATP to break down, while the citric acid cycles generates ATP.
D is true, since the Citric Acid Cycle recycles citrate (or oxaloacetate depending on your point of view), and the Calvin cycle recycles ribulose-5-phosphate.

George asks…

Question about Mac and Battery and Charging Cycles?

I own this Mac Book Pro. It is the latest model before they changed styling. I bought it in May. I was wondering somethings about battery and charging cycles. I’ve seen the battery life has descended a little.

When ever I charge my mac what is the best thing to do:

– Should I leave the Magsafe power adaptor on and when it turns green still let it plugged in for all the time I use it. (This could be for 1 hour or for many days depending where and what I am doing)

– Should I unplug the cable everytime the little light goes green so that the battery would recycle again.

– Should I take the battery of everytime the light goes green so that the battery is not working at all.

– Is it any good for the battery that everytime I disconnect the power adaptor I wait for the indicator to tell me that there is very few power and I should plug it back again?
I never let the battery go below 2% charge.

Any other suggestion you could give me I will thankfully appreciate it. I really don’t know much about battery life and care.
When I say, “take the battery of” I meant that I take out the battery when the computer was still on and plugged with the power.

The Expert answers:

If the light is green, the Mac is running off of the power cord and there is no need to remove the battery.

Batteries have a finite amount of charge cycles to them. Whether you charge it completely, or just a few percent, you have used a charge cycle.

Because of this, if you are close enough and it is convenient to do so, you should use the power cord. This will ensure your battery lasts for as long as possible.

Linda asks…

Biochemical cycles?

1. What steps do you think can be taken to reduce the harmful effects of human activities on biochemical cycles?
2. Which businesses would these changes impact the most?

3. Also, Does this sound rightly defined?
Are Biogeochemical Cycles = Going in Circles.
Global cycles recycle nutrients through the earth’s air, land, water, and living organisms and, in the process, connect past, present, and future forms of life.

The Expert answers:

Not a bad explanation of biochemical cycles.

I am not sure where to start on #1/#2. Everything we do is part of some cycle. The biggest thing we can do is reduce CO2 emissions. So factories and coal plants would most effected. And of course, all of us that drive cars or use electricity need to play our part by reducing our energy consumption.

But there is also nitrogen anf phosphorus concerns. Chemical fertilizers used on lawns and gardens are a big problem! It is basically unregulated chemical dumpimg. This can lead to polluted lakes , rivers and coastal area.

We are also impacting the water cycle. We use a lot of water to grow food year round in places that don’t have much water.

I really can’t think of an industry or part of life that wouldn’t be impacted.

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