Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

“Is it a waste of time”?

“Is it a waste of time?” newspapers are asking…
Recycling – separating rubbish…
now stockpiled in UK because it has no value / the recession…

How convenient for authorities to now argue that is the case – exactly when we are being told to consume more
(to keep our unsustainable car-based economy economy going!)

Don’t be fooled or lulled into submission!

Please don’t accept councils have got it right!

If we keep on consuming, there will be nothing left.

PLEASE DON’T burn the paper and card mountains!

There are a million good uses –
for example: every council could create meaningful / worthwhile employment by encouraging the opening community-based
co-operatives – for example: making interesting new products from recycled paper & card they have pulped…

I’d enlist tomorrow if such an opportunity existed.

It’s not always a case of the top priority must be making money – it’s more important to do things with love – cos that way, you”ll get nicer things as a result – things that satisfy because they are wholesome…

Might lead to a better system whereby people are less greedy, and lazy, with far fewer things being thrown away / disposable items being manufactured – helping people to be healthier and happier…

The ideal kind of sustainable future politicians don’t want us to have?

(More info.
FREE downloads: Project it & Chapter 9: Waste)

The Expert answers:

Everyone seems to be stuck on RECYCLE, it is the 3rd part of the process, REDUCE and REUSE come before. There is a reason the recyclables have no value, we aren’t completing the cycle, you have to buy recycled. Where do people think the stuff goes? If not enough people are buying recycled paper products, there is no reason to recycle it. The price has come down and many recycled products cost no more than non recycled products.

There is a huge movement that I participate in that uses our wallets to vote for change. We can’t wait for governments to make laws requiring manufacturers to make the change. They will change when it’s the only way to sell products. I support companies going in the right direction and avoid as much as possible those who are stuck in their toxic ways.

David asks…

How Serious Are The UK Government About Cutting Our CO2 Emissions…?

…when they want to build a new runway at Stansted? And this on top of the new third runway at Heathrow? Are we all just wasting our time recycling and trying to cut our personal emissions when the Government is constantly moving the goalposts?

The Expert answers:

Cutting emissions is a slow long-term process. We all need to go to work tomorrow (for most people that involves driving) and our worlds economy is dependent on an extensive transportation system. If global warming were the only concern in the world, then maybe shutting down airports (or stopping their growth) would make sense. But governments have to balance a lot of factors and a lot of needs.

Individuals cutting down their carbon footprint, is still helpful. But the real solutions will require new clean energy sources and that won’t happen overnight. In the mean time, little steps are better than none.

Robert asks…

How can I convince my partner to start recycling more?

He reckons its a waste of time and I am at my wits end because it’s really important to me.

The Expert answers:

Tell him it’s for the benefit of your children and your children’s children.
Tell him a real man would recycle!
Remind him that his way of life could be drastically worsened if he doesn’t make a small effort.
Get some clearly labelled bins that make it easier for him.

Sandra asks…

How to get my wife to stop?

My wife is crazy obsessed with saving the environment, and all that stuff. I, actually, want no part of it. I’m not wasting my timerecycling” what belongs in the fucking trash can.

Has anyone had a problem with this in the past? How did they get the other person to stop harassing them about it?

The Expert answers:

It’s recycling, just do it. She is not asking you to join greenpeace or go protest at the gas station, just to separate your plastics. The fact that it is important to her should be all the reason you need to do it. Where’s the harm?

Sharon asks…

What type of metal are bullet shells made of?

I was wondering if anyone knew what kind of metal bullet shells are made of. I’m assuming they are made of brass or copper, but i’m not totally sure.

the reason i ask is i live near several spots where people will go shooting quite a bit, one spot in particular, a gravil pit, literally has a floor of shell casings. I was considering going to gather a few buckets full and recycle them for a few bucks. But obviously i’d like to know that they’re worth recycling before i waste my time doing it 😀

Thanks in advance for any answers!

The Expert answers:

Im about the biggest penny pincher there is. No really! I may buy a $1300 rifle and save the packing material lol! Truthfully it’s a lot of work for a few bucks. What you have to do is separate the brass from everything else.
Casing can be made from polymer plastic, aluminum, steel coated with one thing or another, brass and even brass coated with nickel, and nickel.
Granted some on that list are rare. But you have to separate the brass. Even with a pickup truck pile of brass there usually isn’t enough aluminum or nickel brass to be worth messing with those two. Anything plastic pitch unless its reloadable shotgun shells that have a opened crimp.

Then to get the highest value of that brass you need to punch out all those primers. You can do that with a flat punch or even a 16 penny nail with the end flattened. You set the casing over a nut so the primer is over the center so it can come out. Or you can use a vice and open it just enough to let the primer go through.
That primer has steel in it so its got to go.

If you know your ammo and can discern if its reloadable you can make considerable cash selling them to reloaders. Mush more than for scrap.
If you put them in a brass tumbler and clean them and then bag them by caliber you will find buyers.

If you find some rare caliber brass or some higher end brass the price goes way up.
Some calibers such as the sharps .40-90 , .44-77, .45-90, .45-100, .45-110, .45-120, .50-70, .50-90 can be worth over $1 each, this is true for some others. Some up to $4 each. If its collector stuff that’s *extremely* rare, well those can fetch anywhere from $20 bucks on up.

Its just a lot of work for what you get. I wouldn’t even mess with it unless I saw lots of rifle brass or large bore handgun brass.
You will find a magnet your friend separating out the steel. The rest you will have to hand sort. As far as how I know to do it.
Good luck.

EDIT; jack of all trades makes a great point! Lead!
And the simple way to separate lead from sand, gravel and dirt is a sluice box used to gold mining. You can make one from scrap stuff. They have plans online. You just angle it a bit and run lots of water through it the right speed and everything but the lead is washed out.
Great idea Jack of all!

Mandy asks…

why do you people waste your time and energy hating the jonas brothers?

you could be doing volunteer work, or recycling, or liking a band, or…something positive!

seriously, i don’t understand why it’s worth your time to hate something so much. you sure spend a lot of time thinking about something you say you dislike!
i hate stuff too, don’t get me wrong…i think nickelback is just about the worst thing to happen to music, and i’ve posted a question about them before, too. but i don’t call myself ~*~*~*~NUMBER ONE ANTI JONAS SWEETIE 4 LYFE~*~*~*~, post multiple questions about them, answer every question with an answer than involves, them, etc etc. i understand we’ve got freedom of speech, i am just asking for freedom from stupidity. 🙁
oh yeah, and also…i’m a 26 year old chick, i’ve never heard a jonas brothers song before so i have no idea if i like or dislike them. but i am inclined to say i like them because i dislike the folks who hate them, i don’t want to be associated with all that negativity!

The Expert answers:

I hate them for the fact that they take so much space on Y/A!

Beyond that, they do not take any of my time or energy.

Paul asks…

SURVEY: Do you think recycling makes: a positive difference, no difference, or a negative difference?

Pick one:

a positive differences (It helps the environment)
No difference (it’s not good, or bad)
A negative difference (it’s not very good for the environment, waste of time)

The Expert answers:

No Difference because when you recycled something for example someone would waste something.
Sometimes Negative

Donald asks…

What do I do about becoming vegan and handling other people’s opinions/questions?

I have recently decided to become vegan and I feel great about it. I haven’t told anyone about my decision because I live in Iowa and my husband and several of our family members own cattle or pig farms. My husband in particular I feel will be MAD at me because he doesn’t even regard animals as anything more than food. In fact, I’m pretty nervous about letting anyone in my family know. I also feel like a huge hypocrite to be vegan but my husband raises cattle (and also uses chemicals on his crops which I am also against) and he doesn’t get what’s so great about eating organic or no meat or dairy or anything like that. He thinks I waste my time recycling. He is a basic Iowan farmer with a closed mind. He eats steak, pork chops or chicken every night! I feel completely alone. No one around here will understand why I am doing this! I know I don’t need them to but my hubby’s fam already think I’m weird so this will really hit it home!! I guess I just need some encouragement or know if anyone else is in a similar situation.
I should add that he did help his dad on the farm (he did not farm himself until about a year and a half ago.) before we got married but it was MY views that have changed.

The Expert answers:

My family is the same way. When I became a vegetarian in high school, my parents just rolled their eyes. My mom was surprisingly accommodating, but my dad and extended family just thought it was a waste of time.

Take a look at this article to stay motivated to keep up your new, vegan diet:

As others have said, just tell people your honest opinion and feelings about why you decided to become a vegan. Tell them about what you like about the diet. Some people will surprise you and be pretty accepting.

I hope this helps!

Michael asks…

Interesting 1 Liners!!!!!!!!!?

Ø When I was born, I was so surprised I didn’t
talk for a year and a half.

Ø Join the army, see the world, meet interesting
people, and kill them.

Ø Until I was 13, I thought my name was ‘Shut

Ø I’m not afraid to die. I just don’t want to be
there when it happens.

Ø Always and never are two words you should
always remember never to use.

Ø I’ve never been drunk, but often I’ve been
over served.

Ø The road to success is always under

Ø I say no to drugs — they just don’t listen!

Ø Marriage is one of the chief causes of

Ø Work is fine if it doesn’t take up too much of
your time.

Ø When everything’s coming your way, you’re in
the wrong lane.

Ø Born free; Taxed to death.

Ø Everyone has a photographic memory; some
people just don’t have film.

Ø Life is unsure; always eat your dessert first.

Ø Smile — it makes people wonder what you’re up

Ø I love being a writer… what I can’t stand is
the paperwork.

Ø A printer consists of 3 main parts: the case,
the jammed paper tray and the blinking red light.

Ø The hardest part of skating is the ice.

Ø The guy who invented the first wheel was an
idiot; the guy who invented the other three, he was
the genius.

Ø The trouble with being punctual is that
there’s no one there to appreciate it.

Ø If our constitution allows us free speech, why
are there phone bills?

Ø If you tell a man there are 300 billion stars
in the universe, he’ll believe you. But if you tell
him a park bench has just been painted, he has to
touch it to be sure.

Ø Beat the 5 O’clock rush: leave work at noon!

Ø If you can’t convince them, confuse them.

Ø It’s not the fall that kills you; it’s the
sudden stop at the end.

Ø I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your
horn louder.

Ø Hot glass looks same as cold glass. (Cunino’s
Law of Burnt Fingers)

Ø Someday is not a day of the week

Ø Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off
your goal.

Ø The smallest good deed is better than the greatest invention.

Ø Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.

Ø The best vitamin for making friends is B1.

Ø One thing you can’t recycle is wasted time.

Ø One who lacks the courage to start has already finished.

Ø Jumping into conclusion can be a bad exercise.

Ø The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime.

The Expert answers:

– Yes all good stuff –

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