Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

Is anything with a recycling symbol on it cash redemable?

Say for instance I was taking in my plastic bottles to get some cash. They have the recycling logo on the bottom, yet so does my lotion bottles and things like that. Can i take my plastic lotion bottles in and get money for them as well? What exactly can I recycle for some extra cash? Cardboard like that off a cereal box or even glass?

The Expert answers:

For what I know only some containers are redeemable at grocery store machines. They have a specific bar code which the machine identifies as redeemable for cash.
It is encouraged recycling as much as you can even if it is not redeemable for cash in order to promote a greener environment and diminish the waste of renewable materials.
Certain liquor stores accept other glass containers that the grocery stores don’t.
Some schools or community organizations retrieve paperboard to help their budgeting needs.
It is strongly encouraged recycling as much as you can even if it is not redeemable for cash in order to promote a greener environment by diminishing the waste of renewable materials and controlling the exhaustion of our natural resources.

Helen asks…

List 15 things you can recycle that have the recycling symbol on it please =D?

I need 15 things you can recycle that also have the recycling symbol on it you know that triangle with 3 arrows that form to make that triangle =D. Much obliged my friends =D

The Expert answers:

1 paper food bags from McDonald’s
#2 milk jugs
#3 soup cans
#4 soda cans
#5 plastic condiment containers (ketchup,mayo,etc.)
#6 food boxes(aka paperboard) (cereal boxes)
#7 plastic grocery bags
#8 beer bottles
#9 shampoo bottles
#10 magazines
#11 water/soda bottles
#12 cleaning product container (dish soap,bleach,etc.)
#13 newspapers
#14 egg cartons
#15 plastic lids to just about any container

This is a list of some of the stuff I recycle. Just about everything is recyclable!

Laura asks…

What is the symbol for plastic? not recycling?

I’ve googled it but all that comes up is the recycling symbol with a number inside to show the type of plastic

The Expert answers:

A plastic sign symbol composed of an open channel-defining carrier and an outer translucent cover member sized to cover the channel, the said members being formed by molding thermoplastic material in sheet form and said symbol including means to interconnect the members. Electrical means may be supported within the carrier, which is opaque and of non-conductive, flame resistant thermoplastic material, to illuminate the symbol.

Nancy asks…

Where can I find a cookie cutter shaped like a recycling symbol?

I would like to make cookies for a go green activity we have at work next week.

The Expert answers:

Try this online store: Cookie cutter sets
Fridgedoor Recycle Symbol Car Magnet

John asks…

On cups and water bottles, what is the number surrounded by a recycling symbol?

My friend told me it was the chemical amount, but he lies a lot.

The Expert answers:

Basically, the numbers in the triangle indicate the grade of plastic – the resin ID code. It’s now a system that’s used in many different countries.

Here’s what to look for and what it all means:

1 – PETE – Polyethylene Terephthalate

The easiest of plastics to recycle. Often used for soda bottles, water bottles and many common food packages. Is recycled into bottles and polyester fibers

2 – HDPE – High density Polyethylene

Also readily recyclable – Mostly used for packaging detergents, bleach, milk containers, hair care products and motor oil. Is recycled into more bottles or bags.

3 – PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride

This stuff is everywhere – pipes, toys, furniture, packaging – you name it. Difficult to recycle and PVC is a major environmental and health threat.

4 – LDPE Low-density Polyethylene

Used for many different kinds of wrapping, grocery bags and sandwich bags and can be recycled into more of the same.

5 – PP – Polypropylene

Clothing, bottles, tubs. Can be recycled into fibers.

6 – PS – Polystyrene

Cups, foam food trays, packing peanuts. Polysterene is a real problem as it’s bulky yet very lightweight and isn’t really worth recycling.

7 – Other

Could be a mixture of any and all of the above. Or plastics not readily recyclable such as polyurethane. Avoid it if you can – recyclers generally speaking don’t want it.

Sandy asks…

Can you recycle all plastics with a recycling symbol where you live?

and if so, do you?
My township just recently started taking 1-7, which has been great. So many people aren’t catching on though…My goal is to have 1-2 small kitchen trash bags of garbage a week

The Expert answers:

No – I don’t think this is possible anywhere in Britain at the moment. The only plastics that are collected for recycling here are bottles. Supermarkets also collect plastic carrier bags for recycling but the few of these that we still have are used as bin liners.

We do have kerbside collections for other packaging materials: paper, glass and metals.

I clean, sort and keep all solid plastic packaging for the day when they can be recycled. This is taking up an increasing amount of space in my garage: I need to find somewhere safe to store all this plastic where the fire risk is reduced.

We put out two small bags of general waste each week: one contains mainly flexible plastic packaging (films and vegetable bags) and the other is cat litter and the dust and dirt from our vacuum cleaner.

Mark asks…

“The universally recognized recycling symbol with three chasing arrows is a Möbius strip or unending loop?

This is also the symbol in general of many things referring to ecology and global warming. I’m seeing mind numbed robots who would rather die then question ANYTHING that sports that symbol…anything displaying that logo is “good”…any alternative to that which bears that logo is “bad”…and this mind control starts at the lowest grades in our public schools….

Is this the modern day swastika??

The Expert answers:

Next they’ll want to tattoo the insignia on our foreheads and make people recyclable.
Yes, this is a small part of the control system. By starting preschoolers off in recognition of of this and several other symbols they are starting the mind control training.
Everyone, throw that can out the window and rebel!

Sharon asks…

What does the red recycling symbol with the number “1” in the middle on bottles indicate? Are these dangerous?

The Expert answers:

These are not dangerous. That tells you the type of plastic that the container is made of. When plastics are recycled, they must be sorted based on the plastic type. Since it is not always evident which plastic is which, the type is labeled with a sorting number.

David asks…

Who made the recycling symbol or when was it earliest known?

Just wondering…

The Expert answers:

In April 1970, when the very first Earth Day was held
Gary Dean Anderson designed it.

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