Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

When I throw my aluminium cans into the recycling bins, do they have to be rinsed out?

Like, so they’re clean and have no more drink inside. Or does the recycling plant help to wash the cans?

The Expert answers:

Yes, you should try to always rinse out cans and bottles before recycling. A little leftover soda here and there is not going to hurt too much, but too much too often could cause problems with the machinery.

One important thing to know about recycling cans:

ALL (or as much as possible) of the paper on a can should be taken off before recycling. If the label is left on a can, the extreme heat of the smelting process mixed with the paper (fuel) can cause a flare-up and injure workers.

Charles asks…

Where can I find a recycling plant in the Seattle area that will except Aluminum cans for money?

I want to know Where I can find a recycling plant in the Seattle area that will except Aluminum cans for money. I’ve searched on the web for a long time and can’t find anything.I mean I want to make a few bucks of the soda cans that I drink because If i can get money for something useless to me then I want in on it!

The Expert answers:

The last I knew, Alcoa was paying for them some time ago. With much of the area recycling through their garbage hauling systems, there is not as much opportunity for individuals. The curb side and other recycling systems are turning those cans in, for money, to help off-set their recycling set-up and operational costs. This has affected the market for individuals in a number of different ways.

Also, check with the metal recyclers or metal scrappers. As of 5 (maybe plus) years ago, some were still paying for aluminum cans; and more so for those in South King, North Pierce. One of the issues in the area is that once municipalities started recycling metals and other materials, many of the individual scrappers began to get squeezed out of the market.

Steven asks…

How much of a reembersment do you get when recycling cans in Missouri? Is it by the pound or by the can?

We’ve started saving up our cans to recycle and since my daughter is the “Designated Crusher” we’re letting her keep the money. How much can we expect or does anyone know of a good web-site to get info on recycling in Missouri?

The Expert answers:

You don’t say what part of the state you are in. Here are some recycling exchanges that can put you in touch with scrap metal dealers in your area. There are lots in missouri. Throwing away a single aluminum can is like pouring out six ounces of gasoline.

Sharon asks…

If I use a Kleenex to blow my nose, can I place it in a recycling bin which is for paper / tin cans only?

I have a green bin which is for paper/allumininum cans. An unused kleenex could ethically be placed in this bin, However if I dispose of a soggy tissue containing multiple body fluids in the green bin, am I in breach of recycling rules?

The Expert answers:

Do you REALLY have a life?

Lisa asks…

What are the disadvantages of not rinsing out aluminum cans before recycling them?

While working with aluminum cans today, I became very sticky because the cans were not rinsed out. I just want to know, besides the fact that it is icky & sticky, what are the down-sides to the environment when it comes to throwing food/drink covered cans into the recycling?

The Expert answers:

It is a health concern, For the handler and the handlee. Bacteria, odor, and microroganisms.

Robert asks…

Where can I find a recycling center around me that pays me for pop cans?

My boyfriend and I drink tons of pop and we just throw the cans away. Do recycling centers still pay for pop cans? If so, where can I find one that does? I live in Columbus OH if you need something specific.

The Expert answers:

If you put in your zip code/city at the search at, it will give you a list. 🙂

Or I can just search it for you:

William asks…

How do you go about recycling soda cans and bottles if there is no cash deposit value on the can/bottle?

To elaborate:

In the state of Massachusetts, a certain brand drink may not have any deposit return. And therefore, these bottles/cans will not be accepted by the bottle return machines in any supermarket (the most common of places to have these machines).

I do NOT want the money I receive from the bottle deposit. I’m just curious how I can go about recycling bottles/cans that won’t be accepted by these machines.

It seems like other bottle recycling recepticles are few and far apart. Is there some simple way to resolve my dilemma? Do I need to drive miles and miles to throw away bottles/cans that the supermarket won’t take?

This feels like a basic recycling question. Please be thorough…links are appreciated

The Expert answers:

Put them in a box and ship them to Al Gore: High Priest of the Church of Global Warming; Nashville TN.

Chris asks…

Does anyone have info about Ohio recycling of cans and bottles?

I live in Ohio. We do not pay a deposit on cans like Michigan, California, etc. I just want to know where some aluminum can recycling places are that are near Cleveland. How much do they give per crushed can (or pound)? Are there any plastic bottle recycling places nearby? If so, how much do they pay? THANK YOU!

The Expert answers:

Centers in your area, with map and driving directions.


Linda asks…

Is there any recycling company that does not take tin cans?

Every time I try to save tin cans for recycling, my mother throws them in the trash. She swears that only aluminum cans are recyclable. Our recycling company takes the standard #1 and #2 plastic bottles, glass food jars, and newspapers. Is there such a thing as a recycling company that takes those things and not tin cans?

The Expert answers:

I would about guess that the recycling centers DO take them still. Our local recycling center where I live does still take them. However, the only difference is that we do not get paid for them as we do with the aluminum cans. All you would have to do is simply call them and ask. Good luck and happy recycling!!

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