Sunday, March 16, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

What can not be recycled in the nutrient cycles?

The Expert answers:


At each level 90% of the energy is lost. Plants absorb the energy from the sun.

Lisa asks…

Biogeochemical cycles describe the cycling and recycling of elements in ecosystems. In your own words, describ?

Biogeochemical cycles describe the cycling and recycling of elements in ecosystems. In your own words, describe the cycling of carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen through both the living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components of ecosystems. And, describe how humans have impacted each of these three cycles.

The Expert answers:

Humans make each cycle fun!

Ruth asks…

Recognising the new and recycled exide motor cycle battery?

I have purchased a new exide battery for my motor cycle , how to recognise whether it is original or a recycled one, he has given a battery no, and bill with the tin no. He is carrying the exide authorised dealer certificate.

The Expert answers:

..Only the positive plates are recycled, everything else is new, you can not tell the difference. I does not matter anyway

Nancy asks…

Over a long amount of time is urine recycled through the water cycle?

I’m pretty sure I remember learning in a science class that over a long amount of time urine is recycled through the water cycle and eventually people end up drinking urine…. VERY filtered urine but urine nonetheless. is this true? Also, since sweat evaporates… how involved is it with the water cycle and would it be possible that we drink sweat over a very extended amount of time?

The Expert answers:


James asks…

how is matter recycled throughout the biosphere?

in the carbon and nitrogen and water cycle how is matter recycled through the biosphere of these cycles?

The Expert answers:

See below.

Chris asks…

Can’t everything be designed and the product life cycle managed so that items can be recycled?

Can’t everything be designed and the product life cycle managed so that items can be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Probably.. The problem comes where it may cost too much or cause other problems that may make not feasible to make the item completely recyclable.

David asks…

how is glass recycled? does anybody the cycle?

im doing a project.. and i was just wondering if anybody knew the recycling cycle of GLASS! thanks!


The Expert answers:


The unwanted glass needs to be sorted by their colors. This is because different chemicals need to be added to different colored waste glass to produce recycled glass of the desired color.

Processing: Producing glass cullet

After the sorting stage, the next stage in the glass recycle process involves crushing and grinding the waste glass into tiny pieces. This finely crushed glass pieces are referred to as cullet.
Processing: Making recycled glass products

In the last stage of the glass recycling process, the recycled glass, colored or clear, is then molded into the various products and sold in the markets.

Other facts about recycling glass

An interesting point about the glass recycling process is that glass can be recycled as many times as required, without any deterioration in quality.

What makes glass recycling even more important is that glass never decomposes. If disposed of in the landfills and incinerators, they will contribute substantially to pollution. Hence, it is particularly to send your unwanted glass ware for recycling.

Go to the source web site for all the facts!! 🙂

Paul asks…

Which of the following is NOT recycled in a biochemical cycle in the biosphere?

A) energy
B) nitrogen
C) carbon
D) water

There can be more than one answer

The Expert answers:

Energy flows and is not recycled.

John asks…

The hydrologic cycle is different from other nutrient cycles in that?

water is not recycled, but flows one way through ecosystems.

the ocean is involved.

the soil is not involved.

the atmosphere is involved.

most water is chemically unchanged throughout the cycle.

The Expert answers:

Assuming we’re talking about a terrestrial environment, then one of these two. Better check your text.
The ocean is involved.
Most water is chemically unchanged throughout the cycle.

If I had to pick one, I’d pick
the ocean is involved.
This isn’t a really great answer since the ocean is also involved in the phosphorus cycle.

If we’re not talking about strictly terrestrial environments, then this one:
most water is chemically unchanged throughout the cycle.
After all, marine environments occupy most of the biosphere. LOL.

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