Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

I dont get this question can someone help me?

I looked up things and cant find anything im not sure what needs special waste management or anything can someone help?

6. Describe two products that you use or see in your daily life that need special waste management when they are finished being used and can’t be placed in regular garbage, recycling, or composting bins where you live. Explain what type of waste disposal is required for each product. (2-4 sentences. 3.0 points)

The Expert answers:

One would me MOTOR OIL. You can’t pour it down the sink or put it in the trash; people actually used to dig a hole and bury it, but that’s no good. You have to take it to a place that’ll recycle or dispose of it, like a mechanic’s autoshop.

Another would be BATTERIES. Technically you could just throw them away, but the chemicals inside can leech out in the landfill and pollute the area. So, it’s strongly advised to take them to a place that recycles them (I think electronic shops will take them).

Sharon asks…

What do I write next for my reflective essay?

Ryan Hawk

Mr. Edward
English 3
4 January 2009
Reflection on Recycling Activity
Recycle. What a vigorous word that never quite pronounced itself in my daily activities, at least not until a month ago. As I sipped the remaining drop of diet coke and mechanically threw the empty container into our overcrowded garbage disposal, the word recycle bombarded my mind. Quite a while back, my family had planned, what seemed like an organized and easy arrangement, to recycle and earn a little cash for recreational activities, but it seems that they, including myself, have become very lazy and unmotivated to go through with the task. Well, I realized that I needed to do something about that.
I began to remember various commercials, which have become increasingly popular, about becoming active in the ‘green’ community by recycling and saving energy. So, I consciously plowed through our pantry and retrieved a separate garbage bag, proudly hung it on the knob outside our pantry and threw the vacant can into it. With no further delay, I motivated my family into a recycling plan, which involved recycling empty soda cans and paying monthly visits to my father’s company called Bighorn Bolt & Anchor. My father unselfishly let me recycle some usable pieces of steel he had been using for boat projects. Within a month or so, I had obtained over three hundred and sixty four cans of diet coke, amazingly, and about fifty pounds of steel. With my truck loaded and ready to go, I drove down to the nearest recycling center near west park plaza, and deposited my treasures. I proudly went home with fifty seven dollars in hand.

I’ve never done a reflective essay, so what do I write next. Please Help!!
Paper due tomorrow!!

The Expert answers:

Every assignment I’ve done in the last three years has had a ‘reflection’ component… So based on that –

Sounds great so far – now you need to say how you will use what you have learned in the future. What more will you do? How will you teach/involve others? Aside from the money, how did this experience change your perception/thoughts? Your lifestyle?

Good luck

Richard asks…

URGENT Sim City 4 questions!!!?!?!?

Im having problems in SIM CITY 4, here are my questions:?
1. i have zoned high-density residentials in a place, but low wealth buildings are there. How do i get medium or large houses??
2. Are landfills more effective on garbage disposal then the recycling center??
3. How do i get high, tall, towering residential buildings??
4. How do i get medium or tall commercial buildings??
5. My “ENVIRONMENT” meter is going down. Wat to do??
6. In industrial zones, i got only very few “high-tech ind.” buildings, how to i get more??
7. Not much people r building in the commercial zones, how to get more??
8. Sometimes, i cant make a connection to another city, but i already reconciled both sides, wat to do??
9. Are highways enough to minimize traffic jams??
10. Some of my people are losing jobs, wat do i do??
..Or email me directly on . TYVM

The Expert answers:

Is this really “URGENT”?

I don’t play SimCity4, but I know it’s predecessors inside-out, so i’ll see if I can help. You need around an equal number of residential zones, commercial and industrial zones. More people will also come to the city if there are lower taxes, so more people will build and the population will grow. If you’re getting lots of highway jams, you should build a train system.


John asks…

I Need help in Sim City 4!!! plz?

Im having problems in SIM CITY 4, here are my questions:?
1. i have zoned high-density residentials in a place, but low wealth buildings are there. How do i get medium or large houses??
2. Are landfills more effective on garbage disposal then the recycling center??
3. How do i get high, tall, towering residential buildings??
4. How do i get medium or tall commercial buildings??
5. My “ENVIRONMENT” meter is going down. Wat to do??
6. In industrial zones, i got only very few “high-tech ind.” buildings, how to i get more??
7. Not much people r building in the commercial zones, how to get more??
8. Sometimes, i cant make a connection to another city, but i already reconciled both sides, wat to do??
9. Are highways enough to minimize traffic jams??
10. Some of my people are losing jobs, wat do i do??
..Or email me directly on . TYVM

The Expert answers:


this is a good guide. That’s kind of a lot of questions to answer when they’re all there. You can just do a search within the file if you’d like.

Daniel asks…

What are the things that local governments do not regulate?

Is it
garbage disposal
Environmental Impact Statements
sewage treatment

The Expert answers:

Pretty much nothing these days. Alas.

Steven asks…

My landlord left an itemized list of damages. Are any of the charges unacceptable?

Ouch. I thought we were pretty good tenants.

-Large amount of trash left at check out. Used last pick up of month & then I had to haul out a trailer full of furniture and garbage $65.00 disposal fee plus my labor, and transport ($30).
Sleeper/ sofa
End tbl
Misc boards
Broken down bar/ top
2 recliners
1 straight back chair
Desk chair
-Hired help for cleaning 24 hours, $180.
-Cleaned all windows and screens inside and out- they had been left black, no cleaning whatsoever
-Washer and dryer left very dirty, red pen or marker stains left in dryer.
-Oven totally crusted over and took extensive cleaning.
-Bathrooms not cleaned at all, toilet areas were disgusting.
-In, behind and under radiators had not been touched.
-Spider webs, dust throughout the unit.
-Cupboards/ shelves not cleaned.
-Refrigerator filthy
-Had to scrub all the walls, very dirty
-main floor toilet was running all over the bathroom and kitchen floor when I arrived May 18th (REDACTED) was in the house but the mess was not cleaned up. Water was leaking into the basement in a couple of spots. I worked on toilet for 2 hours, purchased a toilet snake, not able to resolve problem. Had to call in a plumber ($110)
-Carpet damage in living room this carpet was 3 months old when you moved in and had been cleaned. There was a large cluster of snags in the middle of the living room. Although I cannot repair the carpet to what was, I did “patch” as best I could and sealed snags ($50).
-Paint & patch walls $80.
-Great deal or nail holes (100 + nail holes),
scrapes on walls in all rooms requiring extensive filling, patching and repainting of large areas.
-Poster left on wall in basement bath and tape pulled wall board off when it came down, requiring wall repair, patch painting,
-Large rip in kitchen floor vinyl can not be repaired. Had to be patched to best of ability. $20.
-Missing light cover in basement bedroom $8.00
-Carpets were to have been cleaned prior to check out. They were not, I did extract them. The floors were extremely dirty and I had to do the public areas twice. $80
-Replace dryer lint filter – broken had to be replaced. $25.19
-Replace all stove top under burner pans- left totally unusable. $12.52
-Replace broiler pan, grill was missing, had to replace. $27.00
-10 light bulbs burned out and needing replaced (3 were specialty) $5.84
-Bent Refrigerator Door shelf bracket, needed replacing $22.48

They had a two-year deal, I left after the first year. My security deposit is essentially a year overdue. I just want to know for future reference.
My contract was a year. The other six tenants signed two (2) one-year contracts and made an agreement with the landlord to pay the damages after the second year.

The Expert answers:

OMG, you are a tenant from hell.

But, some of this can’t b charged for:

Had to call in a plumber ($110)


-10 light bulbs burned out and needing replaced (3 were specialty) $5.84

Ken asks…

How would you promote responsible disposal of CFLs?

In case you were unaware, CFL bulbs contain large amounts of mercury. Because of their mercury content, it is actually a federal offense to toss these bulbs into the trash. Most people don’t know this and do so anyway, which (with the new federal regulations on light bulbs coming into effect) will lead to increased mercury deposits in our soils and water supplies when they’re tossed into our everyday garbage. A few retailers offer recycling programs, such as Lowe’s & Home Depot, but they’re not well advertised.

So, my question is this: If you were King for a day (or Queen, President, Dictator, whatever fits your personality), how would you promote responsible disposal of CFL bulbs?
The point of the question is how would YOU promote responsible disposal, not what the law says is responsible disposal. The law currently says you have to take the bulbs to a disposal site capable of handling toxic chemicals and yet most people don’t even realize if a bulb breaks, they have to handle the broken bulb with care not to let it touch their skin.

On the other hand, @Pedro – me, too 🙂 lol The CFLs give me a headache!

The Expert answers:

Find a politician that voted in favor of CFLs and throw the mercury bulbs at him. Or at least box them up and send them to him.

Probably 99% of people will throw them in the trash. A true environmentalist would never favor CFLs.

Ruth asks…

Why are there so many inadequate, green lifestyle solutions aimed at the consumer lately?

Wouldn’t limiting the vast amount of industrial and/or automotive – related pollution that is generated on a daily basis have a far greater impact than anything that any one person could possibly do? This sounds to me like the concept of recycling – companies still manufacture almost everything out of cardboard and plastic without fail which almost always winds up in the trash rather than in recycling boxes – and even if it is in a recycling box, many refuse/disposal companies appear to handle it in the same way as garbage… It makes more sense to make change at the source rather than trying to make some kind of small impact at the consumer-level… If the various existing environmental groups truly care about their planet, I am quite sure that they could enact laws that would have a far greater impact than these inadequate solutions… I challenge these groups to work more assertively on enacting proper legislature to make the effective changes that are required.

The Expert answers:

Be careful what you ask for. You may just get it.

Michael asks…

What do you think about these articles on recycling?

Here are some articles I read on recycling. You don’t need to read any of them if you don’t like, you could just tell me what you think about recycling. But if you want to read them, or some, then go ahead.

I, personally, found them very interesting.

Glass recycling:

Watch this video on plastic bags in recycling factories:

Reusable Bags:

Learn if recycling actually will save the world:

The world’s biggest garbage patch in the PACIFIC OCEAN:

Garbage Patch video:

People worried about the Pacific Ocean garbage patch:

Learn more in these green websites:

The Expert answers:

I’ve been recycling since they first put in recycling centers in this town about a dozen years or so ago. It’s just second nature to me at this point.

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