Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Where can I buy shredder to grind waste wood, plastic and metal bottles.?

My friend is working in a recycling company, and i want to help to ask where can she buy a shredder especially to grind waste wood, plastic and metal bottles into pellets, it’s good if it is electrical powered, thanks!

The Expert answers:

If your friend want to buy an industrial shredder, you can find many scrap shredder manufacturers or dealers in the USA or in Europe.
If he/she has a very limited budget, he/she can try a Chinese made machine. Here is good supplier of this kind of machinery that can grind all these materials including waste wood, plastic and metal bottles into pellets.

Mark asks…

scrap plastic,cardboard,glass,paper recycling centres glasgow area?

Does anyone know of any places that pay cash for plastics,glass and bricks im on about recycling centres like the kind that take metals ? I have heard skip companies get money for recycling the various waste and often see heaps of rubbish that could earn me cash hopefully lol i live in the glasgow area
yes glasgow,scotland

The Expert answers:

If that is the Glasgow area in Scotland or wherever, you have to specify as choosing US on yahoo gives all Enlgish questions.

Kevspr: I hope you get some info, I am in the US and we do not get anything for recycling, however there are places that will buy architectural salvage, bricks etc. Perhaps you could google architectural salvage. Good luck

Hail Caledonia

Thomas asks…

Where is the Recycling Factory in Singapore?

I have lots of old books and do not want to waste them. As an environmentally-conscious person, I want to sell my books to companies that recycle them to create new products. Does anyone know who should I contact or where should I go please?

The Expert answers:

Colex Holdings. Check em out!

Chris asks…

Do you think that most companies use recycled glass or new glass in their products?

I’ve read on the Internet that glass is one of the worst waste products, in terms of environmental damage, because it takes millions of years to degrade. Other sources say that it never degrades.

Do you think that most companies, such as candle companies, use recycled glass in their products, or do you think that they use newly-created glass? I’ve also read that using recycled glass is more economical for the companies themselves, because recycled glass melts at a lower temperature, saving energy, etc. Just a thought.

The Expert answers:

Most candle companies buy their jars from a glass supplier, so whether or not the glass is recycled or new would depend on which supplier they buy their jars from. One of the suppliers of glass jars is Libby Glass. Their website indicates that they use 30% recycled glass in their products.

Lisa asks…

London recycling Perspex acrylics?

hi everyone! can anyone suggest a London recycling company to collect and recycle perspex waste?
thank you

The Expert answers:

Although I live in the States, I don’t think recycling agencies generally accept this kind of material. But, what you can do is ask the manufacturer to accept it’s product back to be reused. This concept is called Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR. Lots of companies are doing it, like Hewlett-Packard, for one. I was looking at the website for Lucite International, which seems to be a major producer of Perspex items, and they said: “Products made from acrylic can be efficiently recycled and chemically de-polymerized back to the original raw material.” Hoorah! So what I think you should do is call or write to the manufacturer of your perspex, encouraging them to take back their old product. You can bring up the fact that it would be beneficial to them, saves money to reuse material, and many other major companies are already on board with EPR. It’s worth a shot, eh? 🙂 Hope this helps. Good luck!

Betty asks…

this is my speech for recycling.?

Recycling is such an important environmental issue, and yet it seems as though there isn’t much done about it as a community. If you ask a random person on the street what they think about recycling, nine times out of ten they’ll smirk and tell you it’s good for the environment. But, really, they don’t understand the significance of recycling. Recycling is plainly returning an item back to its original condition so that it can be reused. Recycling is so important to the welfare of our community that California passed a law that required all of its counties and cities to cut the amount of waste going to their landfills in half. Although, few know that recycling waste products conserves water, energy, trees, and helps reduce pollution in our drinking water and air.
Possibly a more important reason to recycle is because it will reduce pollution risks in our society. Perhaps the most obvious way it will be able to do this is by keeping waste out of landfills, which can introduce contaminants and other toxins into groundwater systems. Recycling also keeps materials out of incinerators, which can pollute the air and create severe ash residue. Furthermore, recycling lowers environmental damage caused by logging, mining, as well as other methods that facilitate the procreation of raw materials. Most importantly, recycling prevents the emissions of many greenhouse gasses and water pollutants. Perhaps the most appealing reason to recycle is because of its ability to create a myriad of jobs. Recycling creates eight times the amount of jobs incinerator and landfill companies generate. Reuse, recycling, and waste reduction offer direct development opportunities for communities.
sorry cheryl g i didnt know how to send it to you.

The Expert answers:

Good speech. I would suggest have a list of resources you can cite to support your argument.
Think about adding composting into the mix. It is at the very core of recycle.
I added a link to the CWIMB site on recycling and assembly ands senate bills in CA. Use as reference or to support your discussion.

Sandy asks…

Still looking for wheel to go on my recycling bin?

With a bad back I looking to buy (on-line or otherwise) wheels to go for my recycling bin. I am in Houston, TX. I called my Waste Management company, the guy acted as if I am crazy to ask him this kind of question. Help…help….help.

The Expert answers:

What kind of recycle bin is it? Is it one of those plastic box things or does it look like a garbage can? In CA our recycle bins look like garbage cans and they already have wheels on them.
You can try Home depot I’m sure they have wheeles of various sizes you will have to assemble them on your self though.

Try this site…These might help you, I hope. Good luck!

Richard asks…

How cost efficient is recycling fully tempered glass?

I am working in a project where I want to use fully tempered glass because it is safe. But the project is ecofriendly. I have found out that the fully tempered glass cannot be readily recycled but I want to know much will it cost? I dont want the company to waste a lot of money behind it. Any answers are welcome. Thank You.

The Expert answers:

I have like 15+ years working with windows and glass. Whoever is telling you that tempered glass can not be recycled is out right lying to you. Laminated glass is another option. That is what the windshield of all vehicles have. In between is a plastic material to keep the glass from shattering all over the place. Tempered glass is what is used on your car’s door windows. Also local building departments use a 24inch heighth for tempered glass. Anything 24″ or less from the floor has to be tempered. It varies state to state.

Michael asks…

Should I start a company that deals with natural energy and the disposal of hazardous waste to the environment?

Natural energy such as selling and installing solar panels, selling eco friendly materials, and setting and picking up recycling bins. For waste collecting collect things such as batteries or anything else bad for the environment. ALSO, I live on a U.S. territory in the Pacific Ocean the is about 30 miles long.

The Expert answers:

That is a great idea for a company. Its up to u though if u want to do it

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