Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

4.What are some interesting ways of recycling containers?

The Expert answers:

What kind of containers? 2-liter pop bottles can be made into bird feeders…

Chris asks…

Can I Legally Distribute My Own Recycling Collection Containers to Home Owners in California?

I want to Start a Recycling Program where 15% of all CRV Containers Collected from Home Owners Would be Donated to Such Organizations like: Breast Cancer Society, Elton John Aids Foundation, Ryan White Foundation, American Cancer Society & Local Organizations that are Helping People Make a Significant Change in their Lives.

The Expert answers:

Yes you can. But if you do so, telling people you will contribute a certain amount to causes you have mentioned you had better do so. And have good accounting records.

Mary asks…

Is it a crime or illegal to take stuff from other people’s garbage or recycling containers?

such as bottles and cans to recycle?
in California or anywhere else?

The Expert answers:

Actually the court case California vs. Greenwood in 1988 resulted in the court deciding that it is legal to take one’s trash after it is placed to the curb or street with the intent to dispose of it. Thus, rendering trash abandoned.

The case was based on police searching through the trash for evidence without a warrant.

Recyclables separated from the main trash are another story.

Robert asks…

How to store milk containers until trip to recycling center?

We have lots of milk and juice containers and have to store them until we drive to the recyling center. We use plastic bags or bins but they take up a lot of room. Any ideas on how to store them until we go to the recycling center?
Plastic does not crush well – tends to retain it shape! My husband drinks tow gallons each week and that is way too many to make into recycled projects such as bird feeders, scoops, ice jugs, etc. etc. etc

The Expert answers:

Crush them to save space

Steven asks…

What to do with empty Bare Escentuals containers in terms of recycling? If possible.?

I don’t want to add to land fills and such, so is it possible to recycle the containers with the normal recycle?
Or even turn them into the company? Any options, please help.

The Expert answers:

Check with your local public school system. I know it sounds nuts but we have a “restore” here used by teachers. Orange juice cans, toilet paper tubes, oatmeal boxes, teachers love these types of things art classes and science classes. If your local schools do not have such a store you might check with individual schools or teachers you might know. I think those little pots would be treasured by an art teacher.

Mark asks…

Why do certain community recycling programs only allow you to recycle plastic containers with 1s or 2s?

Wouldn’t it be better for the environment (not to mention save Michigan landfill space for the “all-important” Canadian garbage, but that’s a different topic) if they let me put all my plastic containers in the recyclables bin? What is so different about those plastics other than the number in the middle of the recycle symbol?

The Expert answers:

Containers with 1 or 2 in the symbol are both made from polyethylene. There are difficulties with automatically sorting the different plastics prior to recycling and so they probably decide to recycle the most common plastics.

Take a look here…..
There is some information about the different plastics and recycling them.

Helen asks…

Why is there a sign on the plastic bottle recycling containers not to throw in the lids?

The Expert answers:

Because the lids are made from a different material than the jug/bottle is and when the recyclable material is melted down it would contaminate the finished processed material.

Michael asks…

Can shipping containers be used for recycling?

I have heard about recycling,but I want to know that shipping containers can also be used for recycling?

The Expert answers:

If you’re speaking of metal cargo containers, then ditto on the earlier answers. Old metal cargo containers and truck boxes (the boxes with attached wheels that trucks drive around) are sold/found for reuse as stationary storage, for making root cellars in damp areas, and other purposes too.

But, if you’re speaking of other types of shipping containers and boxes….Sure, their use is as varied as the materials they are made of, the materials that can be scrapped off of them, and ones imagination. I once had some very nice, wood, planter boxes about 15′ long, 16″+ deep, and 18″-20″ wide that had been shipping containers. When I had completely used them up/they rotted apart, these same boxes went in for wood recycling.

Thomas asks…

Why did bottling companies get rid of their bottle recycling system in favor of disposable containers?

Bottlers such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi had what is probably the most efficient recycling system through the 60s and 70s, and was phased out in the 80s. Why on EARTH would these and milk companies get rid of this system in favor of disposable containers, especially in these times of ecological awareness?

The Expert answers:

Because plastic bottles are cheaper to make and weigh less so they are cheaper to ship. Businesses exist to make money, so the cheaper the better.

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