Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

What does it mean if a used car is listed as a recycler?

How can I find out if a car is a recycler? Is there a free website I can use the VIN number to find out?

The Expert answers:

Without going into long detail, the short answer is STAY AWAY.

Think about it this way
If you went shopping for a chair that cost $100. And right next to it the identical chair $40. But the sticker said all 4 legs were broken at one point but now glued together and declared safe… THAT’S SALVAGE…how safe would you feel sitting on it, never mind going down the hwy at 70 mph

Sandy asks…

How do you properly replace the rear windshield on a 92 Chrysler van? Got a good used one from a recycler?Thx?

There is still old urethane? on the replacement glass and the old urethane is still in the pinch weld on the van. Do I need to clean the old urethane off one or both? Any tricks for taking the wiper arm off?

The Expert answers:

It would be best to get an experienced person to do it. Yes ALL the old urethane needs to be removed.

Jenny asks…

My pin drive was infected with a recycler Trojan and now my files don’t show up. How do I retrieve them?

I have gone into the properties of my pin drive and checked the used space and it says it has 150 mb of used space. But they don’t show up my pindrive acts as if its empty. Please Help!

The Expert answers:

Try removing the virus from your pen drive using some updated antivirus. This may slove your problem.
If this does not work then, go to the follwing Blog and download a application and follow its guide.It will help you to remove virus!


Good luck!

P.S.- Its called a pen drive or flash drive and not a pin drive. $:-)

David asks…

How do you FIND the Recycler Virus/Worm on your computer?

Ok, so I’ve seen what seems like a million websites about how to “delete” the Recycler. Okay, that’s all very nice but how do I FIND the Recycler?! I’m going to get a new computer soon, so I wanted to mess with this computer so that I can maybe find a new way to actually delete the Recycler. Since I won’t have any risks to WHATEVER happens to this computer. Please help =)

The Expert answers:

The process involves risks of hampering system files. So before execution, make sure that you know what you are doing. First explore your “Folder options”. In “View” tab, make sure to enable “Show hidden files and folders” & disable “Hide extension for known file types” & “Hide protected operating system files”. Now in every drive, you will see a folder named “RECYCLER”. Right-click on it to open & then delete everything inside.

Linda asks…

how do i remove recycler virus from my windows 7 pc ?

i have been trying every cmd code to remove the virus but it won`t go away. No antivirus can`t remove it. i can`t work on my laptop cuz its busy every time even if there are no programs running. i was going to format my pc and reinstall but i heard that it wont stop the virus. plz plz plz somebody help me.

The Expert answers:

Apparently it’s a virus that is tranmitted from computer to computer using Flash Drives.

Here’s a couple of solutions.


Laura asks…

How do I remove the RECYCLER virus in my usb?

I don’t know anyone with a mac.
I don’t want to put the virus in my computer because I heard it auto runs..
How do I remove it from my USB?

The Expert answers:

Have a usb disk security for removing it from usb..
Even if you delete it it would rbe regenerated its because of rootkit….you can delete rootkit by installing bit defender or symantec antivirus….thats the only way

Charles asks…

how can i totally remove system volume information that infected with recycler?

my os is windows server2003 and i had already removed the folder of system volume information but when i reboot my pc, the folder is turning back again and again.

The Expert answers:

‘Volume’ is the hard disk. ‘System Volume Information’ is the information relating to NTFS filesystem. It is the information that makes the filesystem work! Like a reference table telling your hard disk reader where to go to find files.

Deleting this is like deleting the index of a book – how could your computer ever find any files if it didn’t keep a library?

Sandra asks…

Does the “RECYCLER” folder have a virus, or is it a virus?

I transferred some movies from my computer to my iPod (for storage) and when I opened it via My Computer to check on the files (using a Mac this time) I found a folder that said “RECYCLER“?

Is this a virus? How do I remove it?

The Expert answers:

Is this a virus? – Yes, its a worm.

How do I remove it? – run:

Sharon asks…

why is there a recycler folder and System Volume Information folder on my drive D?

recycler is a recycle bin, right? idk.. i believe that recycler folder should be found on drive c…i think it is a virus.. if i delete the recycler folder, will my pc crash?

for the System Volume Information folder, when i open it, it says, access denied…. hmmm,, but when i scan it on avg, there is nothing wrong with it… pls help.. tnx

The Expert answers:

You are getting confused—these are the hidden folders of the Windows operating system not a virus
please go to My Computer>Tools>Folder Options>View> and put a check mark in front of “Hide Protected Operating System Files(Recommended)” and click OK
now you wont see these hidden folders.

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