Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…


To start this off, I just want to say im not by any means a tree hugger, but we do need to help the environment! OK, I live in a small Texas Town where NOBODY recycles, and I was think, it should be a law that all schools HAVE TO have recycling bins. Just think how much paper and plastic would be recycled if every school in the U.S. recycled, I am in Junior High and I know we get tons of paper-work every day. If all of that paper was recycled we could save BILLIONS of trees, also since plastic doesn’t deteriorate in landfills, it would give us more room for landfills. You may not realize it but we use lots of plastic, for milk, water, ect. Also all the supplies the school get comes in…you guessed it cardboard boxes, if we recycled those it would do wonders for the environment!! What do you think should it be a law for all schools to recycle?

The Expert answers:

Yea my school recycles and a lot of people recycle so yea it should be a law and it would be a good law

Nancy asks…

Recycling? even if you don’t answer pleaser read!!!?

Okay well this is truly appalling! Even if your sick of “green” or you don’t have the answer please read this!
When I was in Elementary, our lunch trays were heavy plastic and we would wash them. Simple enough, right?
Well in about 3rd grade they all the schools switched to STYROFOAM TRAYS! We all know how long styrofoam takes to biodegrade. Even if you don’t know exactly how long you know it takes a LONG TIME, right?

Well here’s some numbers:
•Banana Peel: 3-4 weeks
•Paper Bag: 1 month
•Cardboard: 2 months
•Wool Sock : 1 year
•Tinned Steel Can: 50 years
•Aluminum Can: 200-500 years (But if recycled, it can be reused within 6 weeks!)
•Disposable Diapers: 550 years
•Plastic Bags : 20-1000 years
•Plastic Jug: 1 million years
•Glass : 1-2 million years
•Styrofoam: 1+ million years

See Styrofoam? Well every SINGLE school day, approximately **500** of these trays are thrown away at just 1 middle school. In one day! I asked my teacher why they did this and she said Swine Flu. But the swine flu is new so..Why?
And also..The same teacher told us to bring our own paper because if we didn’t, she’d have to pay $200 a month in paper. That’s a lot of paper and there’s not one recycling bin at our school. I asked her why this was and she said that recycling paper costs more and is worse for the enviroment then just throwing it away and making more..Is this true?

Anyways, think about this and consider recycling.
To the person that answered first: So what your saying is, that since we can’t stop pollution completely in every single way, we shouldn’t try to cut down at all?
YOUR a joke..

The Expert answers:

I think we need to think of other innovative ideas to contribute our part in saving our planet. I have thought of a few interesting ways of doing so. Please do read them:

We can wear T-Shirts which has an eco- friendly message on it e.g.”Save mother earth”, “Recycling is the best policy” or any other good message you can think of. Many people read whats written in our T-Shirt as we roam around. This way we can convey our message without saying anything.

i) (This is specially for girls) Try to experiment with your old clothes & accessories. Cut your jeans, stitch or stick some designs on it e.g. Smileys, initials, patterns or anything you like. We can use lots of creativity on our shirts & t-shirts as well. Make some designs on them, write some messages, tear two shirts & join them into one. Join two broken bracelets into one. Be innovative. This way we can save our money, get a new wardrobe & accessories & reduce the waste created by throwing away old clothes & accessories.

Ii) Use steel utensils instead of styrofoam. In India, people from middle class families & small restaurants use steel utensils which are stronger, cheaper than earthenware & glass crockery & can be used as many number of times & can be recycled also.

Iii) Use unused paper to bind a book. Many a times, not all the pages of our notebooks or registers are completely filled & we just throw them after use. Instead we can tear all the unused pages from the old notebooks & registers & bind them in a book. This way we can get a new book & reduce paper.

Many people around us are keen to help our environment. We can join hands with them & spread the message of ‘saving our planet’. This way we can convey our message to a larger number of people & soon other people would join our campaign & we can enlarge our community.

These are some few methods which i practise in my daily life & i really like them because these methods are very convenient for anyone to follow & these are quite effective ways of saving. Hope all those who read it like them as well & try these methods.

Sandra asks…

Can you get money for pounds of paper and bottles?

I held a recycling thing for the school to raise money for the school library. Yesterday we loaded up 9 recycling bins filled with news papers and magazines. Now we can’t get a hold of the recycling manager. I asked if we could get money from pounds of paper. He said it’ll add up after 4 bins full. We can’t let 2 weeks of recycling just be given away without some money back to contribute. Were we misinformed about pounds of paper and bottles being worth anything?

The Expert answers:

Well, sounds like you got caught with someone thats only interested in the $$$ side of the recycling market. There is actually not all that much money in the recycling. So unless you are a consistent contributor to the local recycler he is just not really that interested. This goes for plastic and cans as well. Recycling is not really a great idea for a fundraiser, maybe a community clean up effort but not FUNDraiser.
Sorry, but it also really depends on the company you are dealing with. See if there are any others you can contact.

Carol asks…

Ideas for my club?

I’m starting a new environmental club and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for projects. I was thinking of planting some trees, a school and park/beach clean up, and putting recycling bins around the school but other than that I’m short of ideas.

The Expert answers:

Organizing a park/beach cleanup is a good enough idea to justify your club. Run with that and you will accomplish more good for the environment than all the global warming activists put together.

Good luck with your effort!!

Jenny asks…

Solution for stolen bottles and cans on a school campus?

Ok, so I am developing a recycle program at school but people in our community apparently comes into our school and looks through our bins and trash cans for bottles and cans. They leave a big mess and our bottles/cans get stolen. What should we do?

The Expert answers:

This is very common, locks, gates and security cameras are the only real solution. The city I moved from had a curbside recycling program and when people would put out the bins others would come by and take the cans, so the city would go around a spray with a black light paint. When a person came into a recycle center they would shine a black light over the cans, if the paint showed up, the people would be fined or arrested and they wouldn’t get the money. You could only do that if you could get your local recycle center to cooperate.

Helen asks…

Can someone edit my essay please?

Hi there, i need someone who knows about writing to edit my essay. like a english teacher, or a english major, or someone who is really good writer. Oh and this is a essay for National junior honor society (NJHS). i am trying to get accepted into NJHS.

Here is my essay.

National Junior Honor Society Essay

Arriving to every class on time, completing all assignments, and putting one hundred and ten percent of my effort into everything I do. Those are just a few of my keys to academic success. My strength as a student would be in math, because I received straight A’s in Algebra Honors, and I am currently taking the studious course of Geometry Honors. A subject I would like to improve in would be in Civics. I want to be intrigued with all the information they give us about government and economics. Who knows, I might be the first woman president in the future.
When I am nominated to be the group leader for school projects, I usually will accept, and I will make sure the group project is A material. When I nominate another student with the skills or who wants or needs to lead the group, and I see this student struggling to govern the group correctly, I will help the student and the group. In seventh grade, I was chosen to be the group leader for history project, even though not all of the students in my assigned group participated, I made sure that they all participated and, we all earned an A. Every year I participate Solo and Ensemble Competition, and so far I have only received I, which is the highest score you can receive. That is an example of my participating in activities, and to enter the competition, you must have a piano accompanist. I lead the accompanist while I played my violin by leading her to when we started, when we stopped, and how slow or fast we played.
When I make a commitment, I usually follow through with it. I will never go halfway with a commit or promise, and I will not make a promise that I cannot keep. I make a commitment to go to school every day that I am not terribly ill. If I get accepted into National Junior Honor Society, I will commit to come to every meeting, if possible. Respecting, being fair, and showing kindness to everyone I meet is very important to my character and to what I stand for. I show kindness, fairness, and respect to my classmates and my superiors whether there are onlookers or not.
I loved my experience giving back to the community. I am very eager to volunteer my time again. Although I have not done much community service for different organizations, but I have volunteered four and a half hours of my time to clean an elderly who was not able to do so herself. I also volunteered at a thrift store that donates all profits to a local hospital. I am actually planning on joining the recycling club; a club that helps the school go green by emptying all the recycling bins in the school, when it starts. I hope I can get another experience volunteering at a different organization.
Being a National Junior Honor Society member, for me, has always been an “if.” Well, I do not want it to be an “if” anymore. I want it to be an “I am.” I am a National Junior Honor Society member, and I am a step closer to becoming a Harvard University student, is what I want to say. I believe I have the initiative to be among this prestigious group of students. Thank you for your time.

The Expert answers:

Arriving to each class promptly, topped off with the vital element of completing all assignments preeminently and posthaste adds up to a very valuable point as to why I should be considered. Another valuable point to consider is I contribute my utmost effort in every challenge I encounter. Those are just a few of my keys to academic success. My aptitude as a student would be in mathematics as I aquired straight A’s in Algebra Honors and am currently taking the studious course of Geometry Honours. A subject I would be eager to improve in is civics as I want to become intrigued with all the information we are given about government and economics. Who knows what the future holds, I may be the first woman president.
When I am nominated to be the group leader for a school project, I will habitually will accept and I have confidence in myself to extract the finest concepts from the group and amalgamate them to generate a project of A+ standard. When I nominate another student with the capability or who desires or requires to lead the group, and I see this student struggling to govern the group accurately or correctly, I will strive to aid both the student and the group. In seventh grade I was chosen to be the leader of the group for a history project,even though some students in my assigned group were reluctant to attempt to participate at first I pressed them to and we eventually all earned an A. Every year regardless I participate Solo and Ensemble Competition, so far I have received I which is the highest score attainable. This is an example of my participation in extra curricular activities, to enter the competition you need a pianist to accompany you. I lead the accompanist whilst I played my violin by signalling when we started and stopped and how downtempo or uptempo we played.
When I make a commitment, I will traditionally follow through with it. I will on no account partially complete a commitment, and I will certainly not make promises I cannot keep. I assure you I will make the commitment to go to school everyday, if I am not terribly ill. If I am accepted into The National Junior Honor Society, I will commit to come to every single conference, if possible. Reverence, being fair and showing kindness and generosity to everybody I meet is vital to what I stand for and a component of my character. I will show consideration and magnanimity to my superiors regardless of the situation.
I loved my experience of giving back to the community. I am very eager
to volunteer my time again. Although I have not done a copious amount of community service for different organizations, but I have volunteered four and a half hours of my time to clean an elderly person who was unable to do so herself. In addition I volunteered at a thrift store that donates all profits to the local hospitalI am also planning on joining the recycling club, a club that helps the school go green by emptying all the recycling bins in the school, however it has not started yet but it will in the near future. I hope I can get another experience volunteering at a different organization.
Being a National Junior Honor Society member for me has always been an “if”. I don’t want it to be an if any longer. I want it to be an “I am”. I am a National Junior Honor Student, that is what I crave to be, I desire to be a step closer to becoming a Harvard university student, is what I yearn to say. I believe I have the desire, potential and initiative to be amongst this prestigious group of students. Thank you for your time and consideration.

William asks…

Blue bin and Grey bin?

for recycling in school does it matter which bin you put your recyclables into? because dont they just get mixed together when they get picked up? and what can and cant go into the recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

I don’t how it works in your school, but from what i know in my area, Blue bin is for paper and Grey bin is for plastic and glasses.

Chris asks…

I am writing a letter to my principal about creating a recycling program, is this letter good?

any suggestions!? please this is counted as a test grade of 200 points.

Dear Mr. @#$%,
The environment is greatly affected when we do not recycle; much of the world natural resources are being used because of this. Our school should begin a recycling program to help influence the students to recycle. There are many reasons why we should do this, recycling saves energy and money, we can stop the depletion of our natural resources and recycling protects our environment and our health.
When you recycle, you’re saving a lot of energy and money. This is because if you recycle something like glass, you can reuse it, which saves money on buying material. Also, the process of processing recycled glass into new glass produces virtually no waste or unwanted byproducts. In addition, recycling also helps to stop the depletion of our natural resources. If you recycle one ton of paper, you can save seventeen trees from being cut down, which saves animals natural habitats and it leaves more trees to clean the air and protect us from CO2 ’s in the atmosphere. Finally, recycling also helps protect our environment and our health. Recycling protects our health and environment by removing many hurtful products from the garbage in our communities. Just one quart of oil can contaminate up to one million gallons of water. There are so many reasons to recycle, but the main one is that we have to protect our planet.
Creating a recycling program is an easy thing to do. You can create a school club and invite students and staff to create a recycling plan. They would decide on which items the school needs to recycle more of, if the item is paper, they can set up bins around the school where the students can drop off the used and unwanted paper from semester classes, notes to their friends, or just trash paper from inside their lockers. They would have to set a budget and also set plans to educate the community and the school about their ideas. Lastly, the group would have to find ideas to motivate the school to recycle and help the environment. To motivate the students, you can have a school competition to see which class can collect the most cans and bottles (to be recycled) and give out points for battle of the classes. A recycling program is on easy step to creating a cleaner earth and an environmentally friendly school.
Thank you for taking your time to read this letter, I greatly appreciate it.
Sydnee @#$%&*
9th grader

The Expert answers:

This is great,but in the 3rd last sentence of the 2nd paragraph it should be harmful not hurtful 🙂
but other than tht its good,especially how its for an awesome cause!

Lizzie asks…

How Can I Get My School To Recycle?

I was part of the green team at my school,my choir teacher was in charge of it..And she was kind of,well,crazy.Insane.and harsh.
We put bins out for recycling cans and bottles,and NOBODY would ever put their bottles or cans in because they hated the teacher in charge of it.That doesn’t seem right to me.When I try to say somehting they call me a tree huger.I am not OBSESSED with helping the envirorment,and this type of stuff doesn’t get to me.But I just can’t get it into their heads that it is GOOD and GREAT to recycle.They think it is stupid.What should I do?I really want to help the envirorment!Please and Thank you!

The Expert answers:

Tell them to empty ALL their bottles and stuff and like overflow the recycle bin, they might think it will be funny cause then the teacher will have to pick everything up, maybe it’ll work?

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