Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

research paper on garbage and recycling; i need an idea on how to start the introduction?


The Expert answers:

Don’t know what your thesis is but you could use a line such as
“Many people believe we are throwing our future away”
as an introduction to the need to recycle or risk running out of resources in the future.

Michael asks…

Are garbage people now taking garbage to recycling places instead since dumps are overflowing?

if so in what places?

The Expert answers:

Hahaha. So you think the people at the recycling facility would be throwing bags of garbage into bins of plastic and paper? And just let the garbage trucks keep unloading there?

You can’t just recycle garbage. Thats why its called garbage. However in many places where they have little landfill space (Hawaii, Athens, Singapore) they are either making people recycle more, or using incinerators to burn the garbage, and make energy with the heat. In Hawaii, they are now exporting the garbage to mainland US.

Ruth asks…

Can i put my empty beer glass bottles in the blue garbage can for recycling ?

or the blue can is only for cartons and milk plastic gallons?

The Expert answers:

Yo should go to urlocal pathmark or walmart to the recycling center for that

Linda asks…

Garbage-disposable methods, modern scientific, recycling for using, for a city, about one million, population?

Garbage-disposable methods, modern scientific, recycling for using, for a city, about one million, population? Western countries, USA, Europe; Eastern countries Australia, Japan, Mosco, China; including India, Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Madras, Bangalore and Pune, also. Please, describe the practical and would be taken-up in future also, about different cities and towns. I would be obliged and thankful; giving write-ups, their difficulties / solutions and the slides. I am writing-down some the points for Technical Paper, for my students.

The Expert answers:

Today they try to put the separation of trash in the hands of millions of individuals. Many could care less about separating trash and often people aren’t sure what is recyclable and what isn’t.

If we really want to recycle and it is worth it, it must take place at the central location where all the trash is accumulated. Not at each persons house.

Machines can be used to separate allot of it (like metals from other materials) California uses these.

To really get the most out of recycling the state needs to get serious about it and redesign the dumps to accommodate and facilitate recycling.

Sandy asks…

new technology or recycling garbage really helps to keep the original ratios of the eco system?

The Expert answers:

Depends on what the new technology is.
So far, nuclear power has been a bust, and an ecological disaster.
Recycling cuts down on the trash that needs to be handled,
and reduces the amount of new resources that need to be produced.

Nancy asks…

Is it possible to eliminate garbage pick up through recycling and composting (and some burning)?

What will I do with used Kitty Litter and light bulbs, for example?

The Expert answers:

Not entirely. Probably, 5% of garbage will have to be picked by the truck. As we know, we can recycle papers, plastics, metals, glass, wood. And we can compost food leftovers, greens and other vegetation. But what can we do with obsolete computers, broken down appliances and outmoded materials not already mentioned above? These have to be given to the garbage guys who will then take them to the recycling centers and the rest to the dump. Take note that burning of garbage is not allowed. You can get fined for this.

Robert asks…

what are the proper ways and storing and recycling garbage?

The Expert answers:

Well, i have a big tub in my kitchen and I put all of my recylables in there. I will put a link below so you can see for yourself.

George asks…

what are some problems you see when it comes to recycling garbage?

i want to hear about real existent problems please

The Expert answers:

Widespread availability of curbside pick up of recyclables.
The fact that we ship most of it out to third world countries and don’t really know what happens to it after that.
People would rather throw stuff out then take the time to sort and clean out recyclables.
Most schools, corporations, companies, stores don’t do it and home recycling is only going to accomplish so much.
A huge amount of compostable food waste is thrown into a plastic bag in a landfill because people don’t view it as recyclable.
Recycling isn’t the answer to all our problems because recycling uses more toxic chemicals and produces more carbon to produce an inferior product.
Lack of knowledge about what is and isn’t recyclable and where to take things like electronics, paints, prescription drugs etc.



Betty asks…

Why does Texas produce more garbage and does less recycling than any other state in the country?

I was wondering why Texas has so many Christians, but cares so little for the planet.

The Expert answers:

It has the smartest people living there. Recycling is a GIANT WASTE of time and energy.

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